Actors who drastically changed the appearance for the role


Jared Leto

Actor and Rock musician Jared Leto simply adores experimenting with his appearance. In 2007, for the role of the killer John Lennon, Mark Champines in the drama "Chapter 27" Actor recovered by 30 kg. To achieve this goal, Jared was fed exclusively with flour and other calorie dishes. Having acted, he, for example, could melt ice cream, and generously putting it with soy sauce and olive oil, to immediately eat. Thanks to such culinary research on his face, cheeks quickly appeared. After filming, to return their normal weight, Jared summer switched to a liquid diet. Now its diet consisted of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and Cayenne pepper. As a result, he dropped more than 32 kg. However, despite the fact that all these transformations occurred under the evil observation of doctors, this affected his health. Jared was diagnosed with "GRAND", and also discovered a strongly increased level of cholesterol in the blood.

Despite such consequences, he continued experiments on his body. In order to fulfill the role of a transsexual, a patient AIDS, in the film "Dallas Club of Buyers", Jared lost more than 10 kilos in 30 days. In addition, he had to lose eyebrows and expose the epilation procedure. But all the torment of the actor were rewarded. For this role in 2014, he was awarded the Oscar award in the category "Best Second Plan Actor".

Currently, summer is removed in the new film "Square Square", which will play the role of Joker. For this role, he painted his hair into bright green, and also recorded the muscles noticeably. I wonder what other victims will he go for the sake of an interesting role?

Actors who drastically changed the appearance for the role 38846_1

Matthew McConaughey. Frame from the film "Dallas Club of Buyers".

Matthew McConahi

But not one jared summer for the sake of role in the film "Dallas Club Buyers" had to tolerate deprivation. The artist of the Main Party - Charismatic Matthew McConajah - lost 20 kilos to play Ron Woodruf infected with HIV infection. Thanks to this role in 2014, he received Oscar as "Best Actor of the Year."

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Christian Bale. Frame from the movie "Machinist".

Christian Bale

For the role in the film "Machinist" (2004), in which Christian Bale played Reznik Trevor, who did not sleep for a whole year, the actor dropped more than 30 kilos. He decided on this step, despite the fact that the director never demanded such victims from him. Initially, Hero Hero was supposed to be depicted using baggy clothes and a special makeup. But in order to better understand his character, Christian Bale insisted on his. Extreme diet was accompanied by a constant lack of sleep, as the actor wanted to get into the role as much as possible.

Almost immediately after the "driver", the actor began to be filmed in the film Christopher Nolan "Batman: the beginning." The break between the filming was only 6 weeks. During this time, Christian Bale recovered at 45 kg.

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Ann Hataway. Frame from the film "Rejected".

Ann Hataway

In 2012, for the sake of Fatina's role in the film "Miscarded" Ann Hathaway had to go to a strict diet - although the actress, let's say straight, never suffered overweight. In addition, she had to trim his luxurious hair. The role of starving and extended mother difficulties was appreciated by film critics. Ann Hathaway received three awards for the "best female role of the second plan", among which Oscar was "Oscar" (2013).

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Adrian Brody. Frame from the film "Pianist".

Adrian Bruday

In order to play the Polish pianist Vladislav Spielman in the historic film of Roman Polanski "Pianist", Adrien Brody had to lose weight at 13 kilos and learn about the piano about ten works of Frederick Chopin. Pianist brought a 29-year actor deserved glory. The tape was awarded the Golden Palm Branch at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival, as well as the Oscar Prizes, including for the best male role.

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Michael Fassbender. Frame from the film "Hunger".

Michael Fassbender

The star of the provocative film "Shame" Michael Fassbender for the sake of a role in the film "Hunger" lost 19 kg. Actor Ten weeks did not eat anything except Sardin, berries and nuts. The basis of the film "Hunger", if someone suddenly does not know, the real story of the famous hunger strike is 1981. Arrested activist Ira Bobby Sands, whom Fassbander plays, continues to fight with his own body. The film received good films and premiums of the Venetian and Cannes Film Festivals.

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Rooney Mara. Frame from the film "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo."

Rooney Mara.

For the sake of role in the cult film "Girl with a dragon tattoo" Rooney Mara dramatically changed her image. The actress that looks like a typical "Pai-girl" turned into a real rebar. In order to play Lizabeth Salander, she made a real piercing eyebrows, nose and lips, painted her hair into black and discouraged eyebrows. As a result - the nomination for Oscar in 2012 in the "Best Women's Role" section.

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Charlize Theron. Frame from the film "Monster".

Charlize Theron

In the film "Monster" Charlize Theron plays Eiling Wornos - the first woman in the US woman-serial killer. For the performance of this role, actress had to gain more than 13 kg, wearing curves of dentures and ulusing makeup. By his game, Charlize Theron conquered film critics and received Oscar in the nomination "Best Women's Role."

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Kate Blanchett. Frame from the movie "There is no me there."

Kate Blanchett

In the biographical drama "I'm there is no" Kate Blanchett had to transform in the popular singer Bob Dilan.

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Naomi Grossman. Frame from the series "American Horror History".

Naomi Grossman

In the series "American Horror History" Actress Naomi Grossman plays a woman named Pepper, suffering from microcephalia. In this diagnosis, people occur a significant decrease in the sizes of the skull. In order to change the appearance of the actress, the grimers had to work for hours. Patch ears, nose, forehead, plug-in teeth - this is what had to endure actress for the sake of filming in the series.

Shlipoteva Ekaterina

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