Conflicts on the soil of sex: why it happens


As a rule, quarrels on sexual soil occur in pairs, which together for a long time. In the first weeks and months, a man and a woman are torn to each other, try to like it, so conflicts are smoothed, and usually it does not reach the quarrel. However, as problems accumulate, the "explosion" can happen when one of you cannot stand and begin to make complaints that you have not even suspected. We will try to figure out, with some problems there may be a couple in the intimate sphere and how to solve them correctly.

At the earliest stage, we idealize the partner, we believe that he must read our thoughts and know what we like and what is not. Almost always, our dreams are divided into severe reality, when desires do not coincide with the possibilities, hence the most problems follow. If there is a problem, the main thing is to discuss it so that there is no misunderstanding. If you put the problem on samone, the resentment will accumulate, like a snowball, in such quantities there will be much more difficult to decide.

Free an hour to discuss the problem

Free an hour to discuss the problem


Main reasons

Different temperaments

Not every person is able to participate in the daily sexy marathon. Already at the very beginning of relations, the couple faces problems if one partner requires more sex than he is offered. If the problem is only that one is ready to indulge in the uteuham in the morning, and another evening, everything is solved much easier: just sit down and discuss this question.

Violation of borders

Sometimes the pair face certain things that they, to put it mildly, are not satisfied. Suppose you faint with thought about oral sex, and your partner already begs you to go with him to a closed swinger party. This can also include the use of sex toys and ambiguous directions in sex, for example, bdsm. At the very beginning, you need to discuss with a partner, which is acceptable, and what is not, otherwise the quarrel and misunderstanding.

Before you start suspecting a man, sit down and talk to him

Before you start suspecting a man, sit down and talk to him



Relationships in all aspects cannot be considered complete without mutual respect. If you ask the partner to use contraceptives or complain of pain during the process itself, and the partner does not pay any attention to you or deny all your requests, think about whether you need such a man.

Incorrect role distribution

Yes, you will be surprised, but, from a psychological point of view, not all couples feel so. Between a man and a woman in relations means a love relationship, sex, but quite often two in a couple feel like mom and son, a girl and a strict father, etc. Here we can not go about healthy sexual relationships, because the passion and flirt disappears They come to replace care, guardianship and other manifestations of feelings, few suitable for inciting desire.

We solve the urgent conflict

Any conflict, be it misunderstanding on sexual soil or in any other area, you can solve the dialogue. Given each other's desires, you can achieve incredible results and reduce the level of stress in relationships.

Select the desired time and place.

No need to devote to their problems of foreign people: on a visit, on the street, in a cafe. Besides you two, there should be no longer anyone. And no, lunch or any other meal is also not the right time to discuss problems in bed.

In most cases, you can come to a compromise

In most cases, you can come to a compromise


Do not force

As soon as you start a conversation with reproaches - everything, you can immediately finish. It is important to let the partner understand that he is very expensive to you and is important, and therefore you want to clarify some points that you deliver discomfort. Avoid insults and do not allow such phrases: "You must", "you're guilty", "you are doing wrong."

Listen to the partner

You may seem that your man cool to you or has another woman appeared, although in fact he may have the problems that he did not tell you for various reasons. So, before you blame, listen to the other side - we can find a compromise and avoid conflict on the basis of distrust.

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