How to prevent and cure pediculosis


It is common that the lice most often appear in people forced to live in unsanitary conditions. However, these unpleasant insects, on the contrary, love clean hair and are not afraid of water. Therefore, the person of any social status can be infected with them. But most often children suffer from pediculosis. It is very important to teach your child with unacceptable preventive rules that will reduce the risk of infection.

- You can not wear other healthy hats, use it not with your comb, towel, a hat for a pool, rubber bands and hairpins.

- It is necessary to clean the body and hair regularly as dirty.

- In places of large cluster people, girls with long hair are best located with braided braids.

Parents need to know that bed linen is better to wash at high temperatures and at least once every two weeks. Fortunately, today there are many funds with which you can quickly get rid of the problem. But when buying a shampoo or gel, it is necessary to pay attention to what age they are intended because the composition of drugs against lice includes various neurotoxic poisons with insecticidal activity. The older the child, the higher the concentration is allowed. The tool is applied to the entire length of the hair, withstand the time according to the instructions (usually from 10 to 45 minutes), after which the head wash and make the GNID with the help of combs with frequent cloves.

- et. Preparations cannot be used with prophylactic purposes. They are needed only in case of detection of lice and GDID.

- if the remedy fell into the eyes, then they need urgently rinse with plenty of water.

Drug from pediculosis is better to apply in gloves , and after processing the hair thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

- during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the means from pediculosis can only be applied After consulting a doctor.

Galina Volkova, Trichologist:

- As soon as the child has symptoms of pediculosis, you need to immediately apply special means. If it worries a strong itching and infection is brought when combing, it is better to turn to a trichologist or a dermatologist. It is important to determine the type of secondary infection and prevent the development of complications. Only after setting the correct diagnosis, the doctor will be able to appoint adequate drug therapy: antiseptics, antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids in the form of lotions. All these drugs need to be used only by appointment of a doctor. Self-medication can lead to the strengthening of itching, bumps, on the site of which the scars can be formed. On the connective tissue, the hair will never grow up. The development of infection on the skin of the head can also contribute to hair loss.

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