Cannes Film Festival: The most shuffle dresses of Lena Lenin


"I adore ironic provocation and exquisite sluggage in hairstyles and clothes. But on the most famous in the world, the Red Stairs of the Cannes Film Festival cannot afford to go far beyond the framework of the strict protocol of the Palace of Film Festivals. Even Brad Pitt once turned out there and did not allow the passage of the Cannes staircase due to the fact that he dreamed of putting on sports sneakers to the tuxedo. Women's norms of canno decency require evening dress in the floor, open shoulders and no vulgarity. The latter is often sinning American women, too seeking to be sexy. A face between erotica and pornography is too twisted, so they often fall into the abyss of a beamless. In Cannes, there is another feature that interferes with a light choice of dresses is a red carpet and a black and white color of smokes standing wall photographers "eat" red, black and white dresses, and the latter are lost on their background. Therefore, the golden dress would be perfect, but gold is full. Yes, and cameras visually add kilograms 5-10, and it turns out just horror for a girl with feminine forms. It would be very good to look green, but this color actors are superstitially considered to be failed to the demonstrated film, so it is also not recommended to wear it. In general, the choice of dresses, hairstyles, accessories, jewelry, handbags, shoes and makeup becomes a hell of a task every year. But every year, with every mistake, absolute knowledge is crying about how it is necessary to prepare for the most important for all significant stars of the world cherished two minutes of lifting on the most famous red carpet.

In 2013, at the Cannes Film Festival, the French magazine Gala gave me a palm branch for this "the most incredible hairstyle of the Cannes Film Festival" (Gala, 19 MAI 2013). In this melon formation, a rubber product No. 1 was hidden, which made it possible to make this hairstyle in wearing and cause a wave of discussion in the press. Aquamarine dress of the Russian fashion designer Victoria Cherihina from pure silk, embroidered with rhinestones, sequins, sparkles and embroidery, even lost on the background of hairstyles. I must say that in Cannes I always wear only Russian fashion designers and I consider it the most patriotic contribution to the image of Russia. Several thousand photographers accredited to the cannan staircase from all over the world, they definitely chant my name, and I was worried if they would not be torn.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Traditionally, at the Cannes Film Festival, decorations are provided by sponsors and wear romantic, gentle and inconspicuous. But, despite the framework of the strict protocol of the Cannes Film Festival, just one giant necklace allowed me to cause a wide range of emotions in the entire Western press - from admiration for indignation. This is the fashion designer of Galia Akhmatova.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Fashion designer Tatiana Romanyuk made of natural silk added chic Cape from a black fox. She attracted the Green Party to make me PR in the press. It's nice to receive dividends in other people's hands. Magnificent hairstyle, luxurious grotesque earrings made of natural baroque pearls and intricate dress sleeves added this image of visibility.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Fashion designer Olga Moiseenko made of natural silk and the same shade of atlas added hairstyle with pink-lilac hair strands. Evil languages ​​in the Russian press called this image of the wizard of the Bastinta. I managed to appear in this outfit on the first day of the opening of the Cannes Film Festival, and also my limousine was able to drive up first and instead of the expected Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on the red carpet of the first float "it". But if it were not for this image, no one would notice me in the crowd of several thousand rising along the track to view each movie daily.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Fashion designer Galia Akhmatova with huge crinoline was specifically selected by style to view the film "Princess Monaco" about the life of Grace Kelly. But the hairstyle was especially liked by photographers, which were integrated by several dozen jewelry with diamonds - the real crown turned out. She is so much glistened from the outbreaks of photographers, which is not just impossible to notice me.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

A translucent dress, under which it is impossible to wear underwear, from the lace designer Victoria Cherithin. Little girls stayed to look at me and, unlike men, they considered bizarre lace.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Red Silk Dress Fashion Designer Victoria Cherry looks great almost always, but not on the red carpet. Therefore, even a long flowing red skirt is a bit lost against the background of the same red carpet. Yes, and Majk of the makeup artist Anna Komarova called an excessive criticism in the press for excessive stripping and element of the face and too tough brightness.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

The magnificent dress of the same fashion designer, as if from the fragments of the mirror, actually stitched from the flasks of different fabrics in sequins from black to white through gray colors with slots on the body. One of my most beautiful dresses of the Cannes Film Festival, but lost, or rather, the upper part of it, this time, against the background of black and white tuxedo photographers.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

The dress of the same fashion designer from beige lace was not treated with a real masterpiece of hairdresser art from all kinds of corrugation, curls and Babylonians.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Fashion designer Olga Rusan in the press criticized for a design error - too low the thigh line made legs shorter. But the magnificent embroidery on the top of the dresses on the fine transparent grid liked photographers. The hairstyle was called a remake of A la Cruel from "101 Dolmatinians" thanks to one strand of hair painted in black.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

This dress is rather more precisely in chiffon, absolutely complex design. His author is a fashion designer Tatyana Romanyuk - she taught me to wear it long and unsuccessfully. For half an hour before going to the carpet, I completely forgot how this is done. If it were not for my friend about the hotel with a mathematical warehouse of the mind, which I was in a panic invited me to help, I would never realize how this bizarre construction is. The second feature of this original costume is its complete transparency. Photographers have seen that there are no laundry at all, but at the same time they could not see anything indecent.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Olga Rusan's dress - a blatant example of the fact that you can not wear a red-tomato dress on a red-tomato carpet. The dress was completely lost, but at the same time his light silk did it extremely pleasant to hot cannic days.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Olga Moiseenko's dress was made by order of the owner of the Chopard jewelry company, with which we decided to draw attention to their pendant not in the traditional place to decolt, but in the decollete lower waist. Photographers diligently tried to see the lower border of such a "neckline" and check whether we did not move on the Linen Fall. In the magazines of that year, the major plans of my abdomen often published.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

The most first thing my appearance on the Cannes staircase under a contract with ESCADA ordered me to wear unbearably heavy, fully expanded with glass and rhinestones a dress with the same bolero. It was the only one and the first time when I did not bring a hairdresser with me, in the hope of "glorified" sponsors of the Cannes Film Festival. But it was then that I understood that it was impossible to rely on anyone, and Cannes hairdressers in hard timing with the need to put in order at least 10 stars everyone is unlikely to have time to do at least something decent, not to mention the masterpiece on the head Hairstyle. Since then, I have always promised to always bring my hairdressers with me, whatever it cost me. "

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