Teacher's Day!


The second time - in the first class

The first time in the first class Sveta went twice. At first, together with the brother, which is older for a year ... For some reason, the Svetin Sadik was closed at the end of August - probably on quarantine. I approached on September 1, and leaving the light house was not with anyone. And then Mom agreed with the teacher that his daughter will be made in the lessons of the first grader's brother.

... Proud and independent, brother carried a huge bouquet of flowers. Younger sister he entrusted his satisfaction. How did she try to justify confidence! Everyone was already disappeared for the desks, and the Svetka did not agree to hang a wipe on the hook from the desk. The teacher barely persuaded, giving an honest word that nobody's books and notebooks of her beloved brother. In the first three lessons of light spent in the first grade. Liked! And not only to her, but also a teacher. After the lessons, she persuaded the mother to leave the daughter in the first grade along with his brother: "It is nothing that the siest is the rest. I will talk with the director! " But Mom Daughter regretted. And - in vain.

Light lovers.

Light lovers.

When exactly a year later, parents finally led the light in the first class, the school rested: "Do not take! Next year come! " Just in those days, children took their studies only from seven years. Light up to the right age lacked ... one month!

- Yes, she has already read all the textbooks from the elder brother, writes in printed letters! She is bored in kindergarten! - Parents prayed.

"Okay, let's see," director and head of the school agreed. And the Svetochka staged an exam. What they were asked about, the light now does not remember. He knows only that with the fright began to read a long poem by heart than the commission and conquered.

- Where is the right-left show? Raise my right hand, - interrupting young talent, asked the Commission.

From the surprise of light everything confused. Raised instead of the right left hand. Immediately, however, and corrected:

- This is my left, and the right is another hand.

- Well, let him learn! - Commission agreed.

So the lights twice in his life went to the first class. What is still proud of.

Green Tusca

7-year-old Dina had an older sister, the second-grader Daria. All last year, Dina looked at Dashka and envied. "She is lucky," every morning, wiping tears, Dina Mom said. - Dasha goes to school, and not in this stupid kindergarten, where they make sleep during the day. And her portfolio is so beautiful! Can you buy me the same? "

Finally, in August, the girls with her mother and dad went to the store, but the same portfolio was not. And in general, the choice was not great: the 90s, the collapse of the USSR, the deficit. Bought what was: Non-Nasty Green Dance with a ball and a cube drawn on it. Dashka, I must say, shone as a copper five.

From the disorder or because of the cold Dina got sick right three days before September 1. The temperature was very high, the doctor came and did injeces. The future first-graders all the days lay on the couch in the hall and looked at the new, ironed major school uniform. On a white apron, to which the mother thoughtfully sewed a red bow made of satin ribbons. "All first graders will hang on the chest of small bells," explained, sewing, mother. - How beautiful, if you hang him on this bow! " Dina thought: What kind of unhappy she would miss such an important day in his life! ..

In the evening, on the eve of September 1, mom and dad advised and decided yet to take Dina on a solemn ruler. What day was that day (because of a cold or because of the excitement), Dina was not very good: "It seems that there was heavy rain, and I stood with a beautiful white rose in my hands and looked at Galina Vladimirovna with adoration - my very first teacher "

After the cold rainy line, Dean was still a month. And the teacher was very kind and smart. She even came to spend his sick student and gave her a scroll.

Teacher with engine

Then he seemed so adult adults, and he was just a little more than thirty. Teacher's physics teacher № 223 Georgy Mikhailovich black flashed to the entire childish "Voltaritsa" strict look through glasses and constantly "treated" students in the lessons with all sorts of "exclusive" experiments. Sixclasses for a long time I remembered the demonstration of the internal combustion engine to the school audience. As a sample, the teacher dragged the suspension boat engine from the house, which immersed a tank for linen into the water filled with water. The roar of the engine, the nine clubs of smoke over the parties, fan splashes ... Well, full of delight for the defensive! And how fun was when studying the topic "Electricity" on the instructions of "physics" to the whole class to take hands, forming a model of various electrical chains: "Bashkirts - you will resist number one. Kiselev - you resistance number two. Morozov - condenser ... »

In the summer, the teacher drove the groups collected from middle and senior students, in tourist hiking - by boat, on kayaks, on bicycles. And during the training period, not every Sunday somewhat enthusiastic tourism thanks to Georgy Mikhailovich Guys enthusiasts went with him on foot or skiing on the reserved corners of the Moscow region - to see the vintage temples, estates, beautiful waterfalls ... However, such a joint pastime did not give any Preferences in terms of performing regular homework. Once it happened: on the eve I returned from the trip already at dusk, tired, at the time only to bed to get to bed, and the closest in the class of physics Georgy Mikhailovich, as if nothing had happened, calls for the board in a row of the participants of yesterday's "Reid" and In unpreparedness, his calligraphic handwriting glorified by the whole school dismissed in the "Two" journal ... that, with pleasure, corrects for "five" or "four" after a couple of days, when the stratum "tourist" will be successfully answered in the following physics classes on all tricky issues Teacher.

Thanks to school campaigns, organized by black, not one of his wards for a long time "fell ill" with passion for travel, loved the domestic history, carried away by architectural monuments. With many of their oldest "accompaniers", Georgy Mikhailovich supports relations and at this time - the experience of some of these dating "Skeins" already over forty years! He remembers the names and surnames, the years of release, even the birthdays ... Well, and long-term "tested", "the grimal" ex-students, not forgetting their beloved "physics", congratulate him together with each regular name day. And they are called the same as before: by name-patronymic. However, for "internal use," there is another designation: communicating with each other, long ago, former schoolchildren give his teacher.

The capital letter in this word, of course, is implied by the "default".

Secret profession

The fact that Nastya will become a journalist, she told her teacher of Russian language and literature Irina Nikolaevna Shcherbakov. Nastya was indignant. Her idea of ​​journalism was based on Western movie: there the charred person gets out of the smoking fragments, the operator with the camera is immediately run up to him, and a young unceremonious woman pokes the microphone and persistently asking: "What did you feel when your plane caught fire?" But it turned out that in journalism, not everything is so definitely, and unceremoniousness is not mandatory her trait.

Nastya Kuzina.

Nastya Kuzina.

... Probably, the wonderful Irina Nikolaevna understood his 12-year-old students better than they themselves. She was then 25 years 25, she just came to school, and at first it seemed to them very strict - sixth graders she said "you". But as they then envied these opposite "Dishka" (the guys from the parallel class "D"), whose Irina Nikolaevna became a class teacher! And how could not accept new teachers when their Shcherbakov switched to another school in two years! Children "broke off" in teachers, pouring their grief, and those in despair asked: "Why did she do this?!" They thought that Irina Nikolaevna applied some techniques. And she just respected her disciples and loved. Everything was very simple.

Space Knowledge

Sveta was not eager to go to the first class. What an illusion may be when the hardest fate of his brother, which is ten years older than ten years old! And who, almost every day, no light goes into school, suffer from hated German instead of walking with his native sister, and sometimes parents are called to school, and then in the evening the beloved brother scolds it is incomprehensible for what.

Light Pleshakov.

Light Pleshakov.

In general, Sveta went to school without much enthusiasm. It was pleased only unusual reflection in the mirror - in a white apron with wings, with huge bows and a blue wound with a bright mug. Sveta seemed very adult (almost like brother) and irresistible. But when Sveta saw the teacher to whom her parents were led, I forgot about my new quantity, and about the fact that the school is not very good. The teacher somehow liked the teacher at once. She was young ("First year after the institute," said Mom), beautiful and generally similar to them with her grandmother's favorite figure skater Irina Rodin.

- My name is Alla Nikolaevna, I will be your teacher, "she introduced himself in the classroom, and everything around was very cute around. And unfamiliar more faces guys and girls around, and posters on the walls, and the old five-story school itself with heavy wooden parties, which spring with the roar will throw out and burn in the yard.

Alla Nikolaevna so interestingly told about how much new they learn at school, that Svet somehow immediately wanted to learn. In general, she liked so calm, benevolent and fair Alla Nikolaevna, that unexpectedly, Sveta loved to go to school for himself and even became an excellent. Then there were many wonderful teachers, subjects, universities and even two red diplomas. But Alla Nikolaevna Trucchina remained for Sveta the first and unforgettable. Approximately the same as Yuri Gagarin. Only he opened the road to space for all mankind. And Alla Nikolaevna - for one Svetka (so at least she thought). But also into space - in endless and interesting space knowledge.

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