Elena Reshetnikova and Stanislav Vidiyev: "In" X-versions "we like Yin and Yang"


- Elena, Stanislav, you are the faces of the program "X-version. Other news". What is the unusual leading?

Elena: - For three years already, as I work in the most mysterious news program on TV. So be an unusual leading - it is already familiar to me. In our "x-versions" everything is from the content to the images of the leading - non-format. This non-standard and made us unique. The megapopular program - the audience increases with each issue. Now we can safely say that the "X-version" is a phenomenon on television.

Stanislav: - We are completely the same as everyone else, - in something ordinary, in something unusual. We are from flesh and blood, we can even touch us. In general, we are the most typical unusual people. We simply tell the audience about what other channels are silent about what everyone wants to talk about, but they are afraid to admit it.

- Different from most are capable only strong and self-confident people. Can you tell such yourself?

Elena: - At the start of the program, no one believed in its success and popularity. We were in one voice that the project was doomed to failure. Nevertheless, we endured the hardest stage of formation and won in this dispute. Without the confidence, it would hardly have been possible.

Stanislav: - There are no weak people on television. Screen workers are the figures of the level of pilots, miners or even astronauts. Of course, I have both Chekhov reflection, as well as from any creative person. But at the same time, I remember the words of Napoleon: "If I regret the actions committed in the past, I would not have become Napoleon."

- Are you acquired on the program or have already come to the studio?

Elena: - Without confidence in his power, I would not have come to the casting and all the more it would not have passed through all the tests of producers. And they were non-standard. For example, I was offered to imagine yourself in the place where something incredible happened a second ago. I had to not just dream, but comment on the event! But I did not scare it: I started my imaginary stand-up from the Russian depth, where the meteorite was allegedly supposedly fell. It was terribly, and funny at the same time, but I coped. By the way, in a few months, when I was already leading "X-versions", the whole world discussed the fall of the asteroid in the Chelyabinsk region. The editors still joke that I focused. I do not exclude ...

Stanislav: - I was born. Imagine: December on Kamchatka ... (laughs.)

Elena Reshetnikova and Stanislav Vidiyev:

Work in the program "X-version. Other news "opened the world for her leading on the other hand. .

"You face every day that ordinary people simply do not notice." Not scary?

Elena: - Why should it be scary? To the "X-versions", I also did not notice much, and it seemed that the stories about incredible events were just grandma fairy tales. But it is not so! Our planet is full of secrets, and among us there are people endowed with special abilities. I was struck by two cases that I told about in our program. Back in 1964, the nuclear Russian submarine met in the Atlantic with a strange object in the form of a cigar. The information was classified. But the radio station of the Baltic Shipping Company has more than once received messages from seafarers about a meeting with such objects. In 2012, a similar object at high speed flew into the train of the acting volcano Popochetet. There is a video confirming this fact. What was it? Or here is another story. The healer of Zhou lives in China, who heats the items with his own hands. The master uses its unique ability to treat tumors and many other ailments. Among his patients - Dalai Lama and players of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. What conclusion can be made of this? We are surrounded by facts, events and phenomena, which are not amenable to scientific explanations, but they are, and there is more about them - the natural desire of a person.

Stanislav: - working on the program, I realized that people are mostly stigged. Remember: As a child, each of us saw Fays and wizards, monsters who hid under the bed in the dark ... But people grew up - and under the influence of the very social factors, they had to see this world.

- And you yourself learned to notice in the surrounding life something unusual, wonderful, amazing?

Elena: - In childhood, something amazing happened to me. During the school holidays in Abkhazia, I "got" in the temporary portal. It seemed to me that I slept just a couple of minutes, but it turned out - more than four hours! The wires were told that on the road, according to Mom, such failures in time were already fixed.

Stanislav: - And I will have ratings on the eve of their publication. And often the numbers coincide. (Laughs.)

- Someone believes in God, someone - in aliens. Knowing more than the rest, who believe you?

Elena: - Everyone knows exactly as much as he wants to know. I am sure that we are not alone in the universe. And I have many like-minded people.

Stanislav: - I am an ecumenist. I believe that most religions originates from one source. In my opinion, the initial knowledge under the action of the human factor and time was strongly transformed. And the presence of aliens in no way disproves the fact of the existence of God, as the opposite.

- Elena, you are an economist from Volgograd. Stanislav, you are a journalist from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. But your destinies surprisingly crossed before "X-versions". What do you think is a simple coincidence or the very signs and hints that you often tell about?

Stanislav: - In fact, I am a man of the world: my father was a military man, we often moved. Born in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, childhood spent in hot loved by Vladivostok, adolescence - in Latvia, youth - in Sevastopol. He graduated from Zhurfak MSU. Our fate with Lena crossed about ten years ago. Lena led on RBC TV channel Morning Prime, I am an evening. It was so necessary: ​​now we are Yin and Yang in "H-versions" on TV-3.

Elena: - If you look for signs, you will definitely find them. Our professional paths with Stas crossed, which I am very glad. (Smiles.)

"X-version. Other news »TV-3, Mon-Thu 18:00

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