Keratin hair straightening: myths and truth


As you know, women tend to experiment with their own appearance. Rare of us at least once did not dream of changing the natural color of the hair, put straight strands or get rid of the bored curls. Quite often, the passion for changes negatively affects our hairstyles, because any chemical or thermal impact, be it staining, discoloration, timing, long-term curling and straightening, the use of iron and a bad leads to thinning and damage to the hair cortex.

Our hair is 90% consisting of a special protein of keratin. Under the influence of the factors already described, as well as UV rays, sea and chlorinated water, which adversely affect their own keratin, hair becomes thin, brittle, porous, uncontrollable, dim and dry, they are difficult to comb and lay them.

A separate category can be attributed to those whom Nature gave crispy, naughty and fluffy curls. To somehow cope with daily stacking, they have to agree at the notable chemical straightening or spending every morning a lot of time on a diligent hair straightening iron. However, this procedure turns out to be useless if there is an increased humidity or rain on the street, which is why straightened strands immediately begin to indulge.

About seven years ago, to help all those who constantly suffer with styling, a keratin hair straighten came. According to the initially developed technology, the straightening was made by the composition, which included a large percentage of formaldehydes, which in the process of the procedure became a source of caustic smoke with an unpleasant odor. And, as you can guess, formaldehyde's hair is also influenced not in the best way.

Fortunately, quite quickly the formula was improved, natural hydrolyzed keratin, obtained from high-quality sheep wool or vegetable raw materials, began to be used in production. In addition, natural oils, the extracts of herbs, minerals and vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, hydrolyzed silk and other caring components, and other caring components, were included in the hair straightening mixture, and instead of caustic preservatives were used instead of caustic preservatives. To date, keratin straightening is a safe way to restore the hair structure, eliminating porosity and smoothing the cuticle. During the procedure, the hair receives the genus natural keratin, who makes straight smooth, shiny and healthy and provides additional protection both from the inside and outside.

On the one hand, the keratin rectification enriches keratin hair, on the other, it loosens and hurts them due to the effects of high temperatures and chemical agents. Keratin composition can be used on discolored, painted and damaged hair. And although the procedure does not make them perfectly smooth and well-groomed, but traditional chemical straightening will destroy such hair in general.

There are various keratin formulations, directed both directly to straighten and on the restoration of dry, brittle, excessively fluffy, sequential, damaged hair. A specific type of processing can advise the Master based on the state of your hair and individual wishes.

The keratin recovery procedure can be successfully used to improve the condition of the hair after discoloration (blonde), a chemical curling or after a journey to the sea. In general, experts recommend such care to everyone who wants to have smooth and shining hair.

The composition for keratin straightening contains fewer caring components and more smoothing. In addition to the brilliance and thermal protection, it prevents the appearance of curls and tames the naughty "mane" - even with high humidity, the strands will remain straight and smooth. Not to mention the fact that no longer have to pull hair every day with a hairdryer and an iron.

With severely damaged hair, you can first conduct a medical recovery procedure, and then make a keratin straightening.

Procedure course

How does keratin processing occur?

  • First, the master washes the hair with a special professional shampoo with a high content of alkaline compounds, which will continue to make keratin to penetrate the hair structure.
  • Further, depending on the type of procedure selected, the straightening or caring keratine composition is applied to a slightly dried hair. As a result, each strand along the entire length turns out to be covered with a protective layer of keratin, after which the hair is dried with a hairdryer using brush nozzles.
  • The next stage is the key: Well-heated Iron handles hair and thereby "seals" keratin deep inside. Due to the high temperature, the polymerization reaction occurs, as a result of which all existing cracks are filled. Keratin molecules, penetrated into damaged hair fibers, completely fill all empties, restoring destroyed and damaged protein chains. This part of the procedure is the longest, since each strand must be carefully worked out by ironing several times.
  • As a final chord, the hair is covered with professional non-serum for additional care and humidification. The whole procedure takes 1.5-2 hours, depending on the length and lungs of the hair.

Modern keratin rectification allows you to get rid of the curls and curls for up to 4-5 months. It must be said that the owners of small, elastic, strongly climbing curls can hardly count on the perfect straightening, but in any case, their curls are noticeably promoted, and the hair will become more appropriate, soft, silky and shining.

If the hair itself is direct, the procedure will restore their damaged structure and give a dazzling shine. For discolored strands, the means may further include proteins of soy and wheat, which prevent the loss of moisture and cross-section of the ends, prevent confusion and fragility.

By the way, it is noted that the hair begins to test the lack of keratin over the years. The older man, the thinner it becomes the hair rod and the worse the hairstyle looks like. Therefore, professional reducing procedures are very important, and keratin processing is one of the most efficient care.

In cases where it is necessary to carry out not only keratin straightening, but also hair coloring, these two procedures are better spread over time so as not to expose hair overly aggressive effects. As for the order, first the hair is processed by keratin, and in two weeks you can already paint. At the restored keratin, the dye falls more smoothly and keeps longer.

What we have - save!

After the procedure, for 72 hours it is not recommended to wash your hair, use hairpins and rubber bands, remove strands behind your ears and braid braids, as there may be chances. The fact is that over the course of three days, keratin will gradually compact, restoring the hair rod and fixing the form obtained. If these days the chances are still formed, you should straighten the strands of the iron or seek help from a specialist.

In further care, it is necessary to use non-aggressive shampoos without alkaline compounds (sulfates). If you start washing your head with ordinary shampoo, the effect of alignment and smoothness of the hair will quickly disappear. It is best to choose specially designed lines of funds to keep keratin embedded in the hair structure and not to give it quickly. As a rule, such products contain hydrolyzed keratin and a large amount of moisturizing and nutrients.

Masters recommend immediately after the straightening procedure to purchase the necessary shampoo, air conditioning and hair mask.

By the way, it makes sense to acquire and laying with natural keratin. From straight, smooth, obedient hair, you can create a wide variety of hairstyles and not worry that the rain that began will spoil your laying. Sealed keratin will be washed away gradually for several months, and as the same form of hair will begin to recover - curls or "disobedience" will appear again. After 3-5 months, the procedure can be successfully repeated and again enjoy the perfect laying.

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