Daria Moroz: "My mom was sensual, air. I am not like this"


Daria is not what it looks like, but seems to be an adult of his years - by the worldship. She was sixteen when her mother died as a result of an accident. They rode together in a snowmobile. After the accident, both fell into the hospital. The daughter survived, mom is not. "She seemed to make a choice - who of us live," Dasha will say in one of the interviews. Probably, this tragedy has largely influenced her character - made a more rigid, purposeful, stubborn. Without this, it may not have achieved such success in the profession. And there are really matches with my mother's fate, not only on the screen. Daria also married the director, Konstantin Bogomolov, and the daughter of Anya will grow up in the family.

Now, in connection with the anniversary of Victory, there are many films about the war. Including the premiere of the picture "And dawns here is quiet", repeated screening of Boris Vasilyev's story ...

Daria Moroz: "There is a" classic film "Stanislav Rostotsky, why make another version?" For me, it is always a bit strange when they say so. First, what is the taboo? Each director has the right to read the plot. By the way, the new film is even more close to the story of Vasilyeva, rather than the "classic version" of Rostotsky. I do not exclude that a young audience and did not see the old picture, it is not so often shown. For them, it will be interesting to watch a movie shot in a modern, dynamic manner. Maybe they will read the book later. It will be great".

What is your role?

Daria: "I play a rustic resident Maria, who lives a foreman of Vaskov, while she teaches these young girls to military craft. From the village, then they go to the forest campaign, from which none has returned alive. Of course, all this military life is a sign - according to the stories of my loved ones, according to other pictures that I had and to which I looked through the material. "

In your family spoke about the war?

Daria: "In fact, it was not such heroic stories, but I would say, everyday-event-experienced. Praded (Papin Grandfather) spent almost the whole war in captivity. He lived with his family on the Volga, consisted of fishing artel. There was a very working person, had a big house, economy. According to the laws of that time, all the fish "after the shift" had to be passed. And in the country at the time there was a terrible hunger. Mikhail has three children, small small. So he left three fish at the bottom of the boat - his guys. He was caught, sentenced to ten years for the "hill of folk property", but here the war began. Somehow he fell to the front. Apparently, then simply all proged, without parsing. Soon the great-grandfather was in captivity and spent the rest of the war there. From there, he was sent to the Donbass, and he called his family to himself. Lisa Lisa Lisa - pedagogue-speech therapist, well-known. She spent the blockade in Leningrad, worked in an orphanage. On the hands of two little children - the son of Vitya and the niece Kira, who the great-grandmother stole from the orphanage. The father of this girl was shot like the enemy of the people, mother was sent to the camps. The family legend states that when Lisa approached the goal of the orphanage, she saw Kiru sitting in a sandbox. Children sprinkled her bald head with sand ... Lisa grabbed the baby in a cracker and ran, the guard did not shoot in his back ... So the whole story of the war in our family is a household, human-dramatic. "

Daria Moroz:

In the picture "And the dawns here are quiet", Daria Moroz played a rustic resident Maria, who lives a foreman of Vaskov for a while. Frame from the film.

You were interested in family legends: how did Grandfather live with a grandmother, how did Dad and Mom meet? .. (Father - director Yuri Moroz. - Prim.Avt.).

Daria: "I can not say that I am so curious to ask relatives in detail, like what was, but the main family" legends "I know. Pope and Mom met in Germany, on the filming of the film "Youth Peter" from Sergey Apollinarevich Gerasimov. Mom then studied at the third year, was his student. Together with the fellow men, they played princed. And the dad came to Sergey Apollinarevich to the directorial. And he then joked that he became the culprit of this union. "

Mom told how the dad struck her?

Daria: "Three handsome-wellmen were occupied in this film: Mitya Zolotukhin, Kohl Eremenko and Dad. And when the girls arrived at the shooting, guys, of course, immediately "tails were waved." Kohl famously rolled up to his mother and ... got the turn from the gate. Mom was a girl acute to the tongue, sewered so that the poor Kohl then recalled this episode for several years. Dad acted in a wiser and styling. Since they were on the set for a long time and managed to get acquainted with the city, offered girls a tour - show sets ofst flights, good shops. Conquered trust, in general. But after his mother he had to care for a long time, they got married only in three years. "

How did their relationship look like?

Daria: "They seemed to me the perfect pair, people who love each other very much. I generally think that he has grown in a very good, friendly family, where peace reigned and consent. If there was a quarrel, I did not see them. We lived fun, the guests were constantly in the house. Mom knew how many interesting personalities around himself. Dima Kharatyan often came in, Mitya Zolotukhin, was Kolya Rastorguev. There are funny photos. Apparently, then some kind of film festival took place in Moscow, and a novice young actor was dragged to the house ... Tom Cruise.

You stayed Tom Cruise!

Daria: "Yes, there were many filmmakers, musicians, now famous. Parents loved communication. We live in the bones differently. We also communicate a lot, but we try to do it outside the house. And now it has become more opportunities for exits in the world, rather than our parents. "

Did you have a favorite guest?

Daria: "The frequent guest was Dima Kharatyan, they were friends with her mother. And I really loved to stay with his wife Manya Maiko - she somehow knew how to find a common language with children. I liked the aunt Katya Vasilyeva, the mother's motherboard, with which we lived almost in neighboring houses. With her daughter Maryshka Spivak (which is now a beautiful actress of the Sachirikon theater) we were very friendly, a lot of time spent together. "

This conflict has happened to her because of toys? I read in your interview ...

Daria: "Yes, it was she, Maryshka. I no longer remember what was the essence of the conflict, but I remember the punishment well. Mom made me sit in her room, while everyone had fun in the next. Maybe someone will say that she did brutally, but it seems to me that the child must absorb some things since childhood. We do not know how to communicate with people - sit alone. Mom always knew how to come up with some kind of caustic formulation, very injured in memory and offended in essence. I remember, then she brought me a lunch into a room with words: "On, eat loneliness."

Have you been a difficult teenager?

Daria: "I think yes. I was as if in some cocoon, absolutely closed such beech. And mom has always been a benchmark for me. There were so many people around her who adored her! I do not know how to be the center of attention. That is, I can do it on the set, if I have the main role. Then I will create an atmosphere all to merge. Because I understand that I have right. And mom absolutely naturally became a soul of the company. In adolescence, I wanted to be like her, but I understood that I was different. And, probably, he was angry. "

The girl is difficult in this regard - if Mom is beautiful, successful ...

Daria: "Yes, although I don't remember someone to tell me that I am not so. Here my Anki has another position. She has a natural feeling that she is cool, cool. She likes her herself. Not that she sits on the mirror for hours. Although she has a vision of "own image". She loves dresses very much, and our morning begins with what she chooses, what dress to wear her. But fanatism about the "improvement of appearance" I do not notice in it. She does not need any devices - she is so home, queen. I have never had such a feeling. I thought all the time that I was somewhere on the second roles. From this, probably, an ambitious desire to prove that I can ... "

Anya is not going to school yet?

Daria: "She will go to school next year, but she is a very smart girl. Father's daughter. What are you laughing? Dad is really very smart. I dream to give it to a kindergarten at the German embassy, ​​so that she continued his studies in a German school. Along the year and a half more English connect. It seems to me that knowledge of foreign languages ​​allows a person to see the world more widely. In general, Anya is engaged in what she likes: tennis, music. "

Daria Frost with her husband Konstantin Bogomolov.

Daria Frost with her husband Konstantin Bogomolov.

Natalia Governorovova

Watch it more interest in the theater, scene, what does this happen from ordinary children?

Daria: "She ironically refers to the fact that her mother has an actress, and Pope director. It does not break into the frame, and we are not sharpened to make your daughter actress. No normal person in this profession wants the child to go to his footsteps. It is hard work, quite dependent, not always successful and grateful. "

You were sixteen, when mom died. This age when the girl is very needed by the advice of a loved one ...

Daria: "Yes, at this age you are already moving from the status of a child to the status of an adhent man. You start looking at things with other eyes, and many new questions arise. In this sense, Mom really lacked. My dad, of course, is beautiful, but he is a man, and not all questions he can ask. We both closed people with him and do not love to turn the soul inside out. If some personal moments arise, they quickly pronounce, because each of us is a little embarrassing. "

Who if did not replace mom, then at that moment turned out to be close to you? Who did you go with your problems?

Daria: "To anyone. It is absolutely clear for me that such things can not be discussed with someone. You can talk about them calmly a few years, but not when everything is so fresh. This is your personal tragedy, your pain. If someone from my friends loses a loved one, the only thing I can say is: Please accept my condolences. All other pathos phrases will sound useless and meaningless. This is all tinsel. Pope and I understood that each of us should establish a new life, public and personal. He began the second "Kamenskaya", I had an institute, shooting in the film "Dicking". It is clear that we supported each other and after some time they got to this situation. "

In one of the interviews, you said that I would continue my mother's cinematic fate.

Daria: "In fact, of course, no. She had his own fate, I have my own. I fantasize this very little that everything that my mother did not play, I will play two for us. (Smiles.) To his thirty years I did so much that it is enough for three careers. Mom was completely different nature, emotionality, temperament than me. It is much more gentle, warm, sensual, air. Incredibly charming. I'm different, and I have completely different roles, role. And the intersections in our creative fate were such that she played their first role from Dinar asanova, and I, too. And the first partner she, like me, was Alexey Petrenko. But it seems to me that I have a happier career than her. Probably, if it were not for failing nineties, she would have played a lot of roles. "

About the repetition of fate - you also married a director ...

Daria: "Well, dad at the time of dating with my mother was still an actor. (Laughs.) It's later he began to shoot his paintings. "

Is there anything common between Constantine and your dad?

Daria: "Nothing. They are absolutely different. Totally. But in both there is something fundamentally important for me, without which I would not live with a person. This is a decency. Pope I consider one of the most decent people in our film business, such little. Even in both there is some kind of internal intelligence and upbringing, responsibility towards the family and high professionalism. That's what unites them. Everything else is character, temperament, attitude to peace, look at the profession - very, very different. Although they say that the girl is looking for a husband, similar to dad, - in my case it did not work. (Smiles.) It seems to me that I am not very similar to Kostin Mama, maybe only if with its energy. "

The owner in the parent family was dad?

Daria: "Theoretically, yes. But almost all killed mom. We were under her wing. She said: "Joral has very important work, do not touch him." Approximately the same happens in our family. If Kostya works, everyone goes on tiptoe, do not distract. If he has no time to help me, I will do it myself. For a man's career - it is important. If it is not in demand and not implemented professionally, this is a nightmare and catastrophe. No family will be happy with such dad. "

Who are you comfortable to work with your father or bones?

Daria: "With dad, of course, it's easier, because it has character softer. He and older bones, does not pay attention to much. At home, sometimes it is even tougher than on the site. If it is experiencing that something, in his opinion, is not so in my life, it can very emotionally express his point of view. We are very hot apart. (Smiles.) But with the bones, the opposite. Houses with him much more comfortable and calmer than at work. "

Daria Moroz:

"I find it difficult to apologize to go for reconciliation. I am a very dubbed character. "

Gennady Avramenko

Is it really coming home, you are discussing working moments from the bones?

Daria: "No, of course. If these are joint rehearsals, there is nothing to discuss. Everything happens there. If we have some parallel projects, we share news with each other, emotions. As Mom told, they went to bed with dad and discussed all theatrical gossip. (Laughs.) We are without a bath, but the principle is the same. "

"Jubilee Jeweler" easily walked?

Daria: "At first it was not easy, because it is a pretty ascetic performance, with the lack of Misaneszen. And while it did not become clear to me, Kostya, what is called, "Beggu" with me. Now we have already laughed towards each other, I learned not to argue with the director of the Bogomol, do not justify. "King Lira" still remember how a terrible dream. First, everything happened in St. Petersburg, who in itself is a depressive city. We had a little Anka, who just began to walk. Troupe - very new artists. Plus Kostya is not quite, it seems to me, I understood how this performance wants to see. Much was born here and now, on the site. Apparently, he himself was difficult, and we were with him. He except only chairs in us rushed. (Laughs.) Kostya is generally an expressive guy, everyone knows. So the tears was shed a lot, but the result of "Lira" was worth them. "

Colleagues ask you somehow affect the expressive director?

Daria: "It happens. And sometimes they say it: "I would like to work with your husband. Maybe you hint at him? "I explain that all questions to the director. Touch him, I have nothing to do with it. It seems to me that this is a moveton, when the artist's wife is trying to influence the director's husband. We have a taboo on such things in our family. "

Theoretically, can you refuse to make your favorite directed by Claus and the Bogomol?

Daria: "I can. It was with bones. So the circumstances were evolved - I was busy in other projects. And just so stupid to say "no" wonderful directors - I mean and costa, and dad. "

Do you have a way to establish peace peace?

Daria: "Oh, this is not a question for me. Of us two more wise in this regard just Kostya. It is difficult for me to apologize, go for reconciliation. I am a very dubbed character. After tapping, I try to calm down as quickly as possible and reduce the situation to normal. Like, I still know that I am right, well, okay. "

I saw two excellent series with your participation: "House with lilies" and "Long Way home." You did not scare the appearance of age roles?

Daria: "So it happened. I did not plan to play two old ages at once in one year. But in fact, this is an interesting acting task when you are offered to play a heroine from seventeen to seventy years. Some said: "Why do you need it? Better, while the appearance allows, playing someone's feeling. " And in my opinion, this is a good shot for the future. I am not interested in forever sit at seventeen years. In general, I am not the woman and actress that is afraid of age. I treat him with interest and curiosity and believe that the best of my roles in front. "

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