Hello, dear diary! Record thoughts correct


Diary records are not only the moments of our biography of the past events, but also a storehouse of knowledge about emotional state at a particular point in time. Lion Tolstoy, Franz Kafka, Catherine Two, Marina Tsvetaeva, Isadora Duncan and many-many others - they all led their records about their lives. Inspired by this practice of knowledge of themselves, we suggest you to maintain the diary of the daily "routine". Believe me, learn a lot about yourself.

Where to begin?

The first thing that is worth starting maintaining the diary is to buy a diary itself and a comfortable handle. This may be a diary, a rated notebook or even a sketchbook - the format is not important. The value has only that you like it. Let the diary reflect you - a drawing on the cover, color of pages or bizarre inscriptions. A comfortable handle will prompt you to writing and will not distract attention in the thoughts. You can additionally purchase stickers, markers, color handles - all you love.

Diary should like you

Diary should like you

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Select where you keep a diary. It should be inaccessible to other place, and you must be sure of that. After all, the goal of the diary is to write in it extremely honest and know yourself in this way. Knowing that someone can read records without your knowledge and think about you wrong, you will be shy and will not become too frank.

Three gratitude

More unknown, who came up with this practice, but in recent months, bloggers still post records from the notebooks, where three items are written, which they are grateful for today. It may be words addressed to a specific person, situations or something abstract - at least the weather. We advise you to start keeping a diary from such little entries: you will get used to record your emotions daily, be frank. Put the date on a clean page and write three of any sense of gratitude. For example, her husband for the back massage after the working day, herself for intensive training and the child for the fact that the toys took. Write items of such a volume that you want - do not stop yourself in the flight of thoughts and do not force to write more than you want.

Morning Pages

The next step will be working with the subconscious. Inspired by the writer and laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature Hemingway, which every morning started with three pages of handwritten text. Or the director and owner of the five Oscar and the "Golden Palm Branch" of Fellini, who took almost all plots for films from the "Morning Pages". Before bedtime, put a diary and a handle next to the bed. On awakening, do not rush to run to cook breakfast and wash, but pay for 15-20 minutes on a useful ritual. On these pages, write all that you want - describe dreams, plans for the day and the current emotional state. The longer you will spend this practice, the more frank you will be in the records. At first, it may seem that all this is nonsense, which only takes time, in fact, "Morning Pages" help look into our subconscious, develop creativity and forget about the habit to recheck your records and not trust yourself.

Morning pages help know yourself

Morning pages help know yourself

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Travel Diary

Practice to which we treat with a special trepidation and advise it to every girl. Just imagine that a few decades sit down for a cup of tea and you will reread the memories of youth. To do this, make a separate diary. Take it with you in every trip and write down everything that is especially remembered to you - a ride in a mountain gorge, a flight with a parachute, a quiet family day on the seafront and a delicious pasta with seafood from a restaurant next door. Prescribing, we better fasten your experiences in our consciousness. Think that you can remember about vacation, which was a few years ago? Surely no more than two or three events. Diary of travel will help remember everything in bright colors. If in addition, you buy a chamber of instant printing and incur photos in the diary, then it will become your treasure.

Relief from negative emotions

Psychologists advise writing letters that you never send. A former guy who made you a friend, an evil chief or a boy from a kindergarten, who then slowed you for pigtails. In these letters, please contact a person who offended you something. Feel free to express emotions and describe situations. Write from the heart and do not think about the rules of spelling and punctuation, otherwise get away from the process and knock the attitude. After all the emotions splashed on paper, burn it or tear it into small pieces and throw in trash. This practice can cause you tears and pain from the old disorders, but it will definitely help you let go of the situation that is deeply buried in your subconscious. Believe me, each of us is, who will send such a letter. Feel free to be weak or angry, we are all ordinary people who experience the same emotions - temporary negative does not make you a bad person.

Do not be afraid to express true emotions

Do not be afraid to express true emotions

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Diaries - an effective and energetically strong method of working with what lies inside us. With fear and former insults, with joyful emotions and hidden desires, with dreams and goals - to all that our second "I" forms, often hidden from prying eyes. Try one of the ways and evaluate the results of the experiment. Think you will surprise you ...

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