Your goldfish


House for Petushka

At the sight of fish in the pet shops, the eyes are running out - I would like to buy many. But before you do this issue, you need to choose aquarium. Of course, one or two fish can live in a three-liter jar, but it is ugly, and besides, a sump does not break into a narrow neck. But tastefully decorated aquarium - excellent decoration of the apartment.

If there are no funds to a large aquarium or there is no place for it, you can purchase a micackarium by 5-10 liters. It turns out one or three guppies in it, one guiths or one cockerel (fish, which are recommended just beginners, but let's talk about it later). By the way, a very small aquarium requires greater attention than a large, in which biological equilibrium is easily established. In the microacharma every two days will have to replace 30 percent of water. In front of this, water defend one or two days in wide open dishes to get rid of chlorine. Distilled water does not fit - the fish feel bad in it.

If the aquarium is constantly overgrown with green and brown algae, once a month will have to disembark fish, pour water and wash it with a sponge.

Another budget option is a 25-30 liter aquarium. You can already settle in more fish, somewhere 5-10, provided that they are small. Either you can buy one large fish, for example, a gold or telescope. It is advisable to equip the "fishing house" by filter and compressor for water aeration. If you do not install the filter and not to clean the aquarium regularly, the water will become muddy and will have to wash the capacity and completely change the water every two months. For such aquarium, only the most persistent and unpretentious inhabitants will suit, because some fish fall into shock if they regularly remove from the aquarium. If you are going to completely wash the aquarium, take some water from it to a large dishes (the saucepan is suitable) and reopt the fish back there.

The optimal option for an amateur is an aquarium by 100-200 liters. The filter is obligatory in it, because it is constantly changing into the water in it - dubious pleasure, and the fish will inevitably be clogged by its livelihoods. In an aquarium, 100-200 liters need to replace water once a week, but not more than one third. Do not forget to buy a special scraper for cleaning from algae (green or brown on the glasses).


Internal filters are suitable for aquariums up to 200 liters. They cost from 800 rubles. For large aquariums from 200 liters and the above requires external devices. They are much more expensive - from 5 thousand rubles. The filter must be constantly included, because without a fracture of fresh water saturated with oxygen, the filter "dies." Instead of useful nitrifying bacteria in it, anaerobic microorganisms are inserted, which begin to highlight hydrogen sulfide and methane. If you run without flushing, the filter, stood for several days, the water will become muddy, and the fish can be poisoned. From time to time, a synthetic trumpet and other materials in the filter are clogged. Then the filter must be disassembled and washed in water, fused from the aquarium. Some elements of the filter, for example, coal sponge, require regular replacement.

When buying a compressor, try to choose the best, because compressors outdated models are very noisy. For the same reason, it is better not to install an aquarium in the bedroom.

If you do not have a heater in the room or you do not like heat, you need to purchase a water heater. With sudden cooling and disconnecting batteries, fish may die.

Plants and feed

If you decide to plant aquarium aquatic plants, be sure to turn on the backlight for 10-13 hours per day. Without special lamps, they will quickly disappear. Here is a list of unpretentious plants: Echinodorus, Eloy, Cryptokorina, Rogol, Gigrofila Compact (lemongrass). If you keep large fish, sprinkling the leaves, it is easier to buy artificial aquatic bushes and flowers.

It is necessary to feed adult fish not more often than two times a day, and give so much food as they can eat in 10 minutes. If you feed the pets at the same time, they will learn to swim in advance to the feeder, and especially active - even try to jump out of the aquarium (so you need a lid).


For a novice aquarist, unpretentious boring fish are suitable - Guppies, Middle Mares, Pecilia. Guppie - small fish, the length of males up to 4 cm, females - up to 7 cm. A lot of multi-colored and weathered forms are derived, there are even guppies that transfusions with all the colors of the rainbow. Female thickened, rounded abdomen, and they are painted modest. Middle Mares - Fish 8-12 cm long with a long swivel rose on the tail in males. Most often on sale there are swords of different shades of orange. Black mallons - velvety fish up to 12 cm long - also good, but more heat-loving and capricious. For the newcomer are recommended both guoirs, Danio-Roerio, pupils, neons, catches. Gourats are easy to learn on breast fins, converted into thin filamentous mustache, body length of the bodies - up to 15 cm. Danio reaches 5 cm lengths, painted in blue and silver stripes or stains, and pink shapes are bred. The length of the garbage is 2.5-10 cm, most often the wedge of the setting is sold - the fish on the tail is a wedge-shaped black spot. Blue neons - Little Fish Long 2-2.5 cm with blue transfusing stripe on a side and a red stripe on the tail. There are neons with a black stripe - black neons. Somomikov It is easy to learn about funny mustache on the head, but be careful when choosing a pet - some species, such as a brocade pterygoplicht, quickly grow up to 45 cm! The optimal option is an ordinary ansister and its gold shape, which does not grow more than 10 cm and not sewing on other fish, plants and soil. Cohmiki-Anzistrus is well cleaned glass from algae. You can also settle in the aquarium of other cubs - snail ampuill. By the way, do not forget to buy special food for catches in the form of tablets.

Somefeds (for example, Danio, praying, neon, cardinals) contain packs from five fish of each species, others (for example, gourah) - it is better to hold in pairs.

When choosing fish it is very important to take into account their compatibility. No matter how much the water inhabitants like to get all the most likely to know everything about their character and habits. For example, the males of notobranchiuses can score each other to death and will drive other fish, and also bite the fins. It is not worth buying at once two males-cocks - they will kill each other, and even the fishes of the cockerels are aggressive.

Very well get along with different fish of the packs of Tetrel (they are of a variety of species and colors), neon, robbery, cardinals, Danio-Roerio and catches-ansister. Viliable fish is also quite peaceful, but they may need special conditions - for example, if Mallyonsia, swords and guppi are boiled, they will have to spill water (1 teaspoon for 10 liters). And still you will have to regularly disend into a separate container of fry and feed them with live food (proofing, artemia, sliced ​​microervi).

Many types of barbuses should be kept separately - they will pester to other fish, and then kill them. Adults are impossible to plant adults with neoons and other small fish - they will simply eat them. Goldfish is also not averse to the bite of some small neighbors, and fishes are bigger than to bite the frustrating goldfish fins and sides. The scalaria is compatible with gourass and butterfly apistograms, and some other fish can dry up long-haired flores.

With good care and feeding, not only dry food, but also alive, scalaries can live to 10 years old, Danio up to 5 years, borious fish for up to 3-5 years, gourahs up to 4-5 years old, cocks up to 2-3 years, neons and Tetras up to 4-6 years, goldfish up to 10 years and more.

In Moscow, many pet stores where marine, and freshwater animals are sold. The bird market is also a good choice, but there they can be sick. Before buying, carefully look at the fish - they should not have a white plaque and dots on the body, blurred fins, they should not lie on the side or twitch.

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