Musorim Civilized


Rent a redemption and live happily

A few years ago, Greenpeace studied and inflicted the checkpoints of the redemption to the map of Moscow.

"We called regional councils, prefectures," says the head of the Internet projects of the organization Dmitry Kuznetsov. - But then they understood: this business is very unstable and mobile. Researary collection points (and this, as a rule, vans and trailers) are constantly moving from place to place. And this summer, our internet appeared on the Internet, already an interactive map of recycling points in the capital. Points are divided by types of recycled - paper, glass, plastic, old electronics, clothing. Moreover, each can add their item on the card. But, before applying a new address on the map, our volunteers necessarily call or go to place. So all information is verified. Here you can see the rating of assuming items and reviews about them.

The last innovation "Greenpeace" - addresses on the interactive map, for which you can hand over the old clothes for both the poor Muscovites and the rags.

"Most often, Muscovites are interested in where to hand over the old clothes, in the spring and autumn, when they smash their wardrobe," Dmitry notes.

Well, in their search we enjoyed both an interactive map "Greenpeace" and the Internet. That's what came out of it.

Battery - my friend, battery - my enemy

With one thing only, that spent its car battery will be in an ordinary garbage container, and then on a landfill, ecologists are covered with cold later. In the dump, the battery decomposes, at some point the acid corps the body and, along with lead and lead oxides, it absorbs into the ground. Therefore, on any landfall, the soil is infected almost like in Chernobyl. Once, even in Soviet times, it was impossible to buy a device without passing the old one. But together with the Soviet government, in the fly, the centralized collection of batteries. Therefore, the people take them into adoptive points, but they take them by weight, one kilogram costs from 18 to 28 rubles. And although on the Internet you can always find the nearest reception point to the house, these items are working with 10 and a maximum of 19 hours, and most on weekdays. Low prices, uncomfortable hours of work - and now the people prefer to attribute the battery to the nearest garbage.

Without paper you bug ...

In Europe, the paper has long been recycled. Specialists assure that the waste paper can be recycled up to seven times. And we have seals of waste paper remained in the past. Although a lot of paper taking points in the capital a lot, to find the item where the paper is taken by small "portions", not so simple. Most of the "maculators" work with volumes of at least tons. There is, however, and such that they take from 100 kg of paper. Are you ready to accumulate the centner of leaflets and newspapers so that then pass them literally for a penny? That and it. In addition, the requirements for waste paper are strict: newspapers need to be separated from magazines, to bandage each pack, and from books to tear off nebuable covers. Are you ready for such feats? The price of your efforts is about 1.5 rubles for Kilo.

So I turned out to be absolutely not ready for painstaking sorting. Therefore, the nearest waste paper reception point, which takes unsorted paper in any volume, was at a distance of three metro stations and a few more bus stops. And, as it turned out, it works only 1.5-2 hours a day. In working hours, of course. Naturally, accumulated newspapers and other paper trash I once again drove into a cardboard box, which stands in our entrance near the mailboxes. If you think that then this waste paper turns out to be at least in a container designed for paper, then mistaken. There are no mutual ones. A janitor or a cleaner simply dropped all the paper into a common trash container.

Do not climb into a bottle!

Oh, how to uplooked poor students and winds drunk glazed bottles! To the points of delivery of the glasstar, the folk trail did not bother. I'm afraid, soon in the capital to handle the glass will nowhere. The technical regulations of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan approved on August 16, prohibits reuse glass bottles for bottling alcoholic beverages and baby food. This will lead to the fact that the collection and reuse of almost all types of glass containers in Russia from July 1, 2012 will be outlawed.

Now the points of reception of glass containers, usually preserved from Soviet times, specialize in standard bottles. Prices - from 50 kopecks to 1.5 rubles per piece. Blood is accepted at a price of 10-20 kopecks per bottle. Even the bums do not peck.

In most countries of the European Union, the so-called collateral value of container is established, which is necessarily charged when buying a drink. Money is returned when the bottle is delivered to the reception point, usually right in the store. The bottle under such conditions in terms of our money is already 10-12 rubles. In Russia, the bill, introducing such requirements, "takes place" in the State Duma since 2002 and has not yet been accepted.

However, plastic bottles are now much more relevant glass. Because of our advice, pay attention to the announcements "buy plastic" or "plastic sale", you can find addresses of plastic reception points on the Internet. Personally, I counted them about two dozen. But the bottles must first be twisted and carefully tamper: plastic takes weight. Prices - no comment: 5 rubles for Kilo!

Who will take dangerous trash?

Batteries, degrees, energy-saving light bulbs, which contain mercury, we usually ship into the garbage chute. And must be submitted in des or Rau, or, as in Mitino, in the combined dispatch services where special containers are installed. There they must be taken for free. Obvoning several Moscow desov, made sure: take. Just in case, you can refer to the order of the Government of Moscow "On the organization of work on the collection, transportation and processing of waste luminescent lamps" dated December 20, 1999 No. 1010-RZP. Another convenient place for passing such elements is IKEA shops.

Conclusions: how many "Halva" say - in the mouth will not be sweeter. And how many sequel spells to pass the waste paper and plastic, he does not move with his finger. True, only until it becomes convenient and profitable. Convenient means, the reception points must work not only on weekdays and are located for the most part not in the industries, as now, but in residential neighborhoods. A comprehensive item ideally should be almost in every neighborhood. No one argues that in the sphere of collecting and processing recycling - tremendous opportunities for the development of small business. The only thing that is required from the fathers of the city is to create such conditions so that this business is not hidden, as now, in dark corners, and openly came to our yards.

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