Actual data on COVID-19 on June 9


According to Oerstab, over the past 24 hours, the number of contaminated coronavirus in Russia increased by 8595 people, in total, 485,53,53 cases of the disease were registered in the country. The virus revealed in 85 regions. Died from the disease 6142 people (+171), recovered - 242 397 (+11 709).

The greatest increase was recorded in Moscow, the number of new people infected over the past day - 1572 people, 5390 people were already discharged from hospitals, 59 - died. In the suburbs over the past day, 739 cases of infection were recorded, 12 people died, he underwent - 641.

Situation in the world

Worldwide, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 was 7.1 million, Coronavirus was registered in 188 countries. Already 3.5 million heard from the disease, more than 406 thousand people died.

Rating of morbidity in countries:

USA - 1 961 185 sick;

Brazil - 707 412 sick;

Russia - 485 253 sick;

United Kingdom - 288 834 sick;

Spain - 241 717 sick;

Italy - 235 278 sick;

France - 191 313 sick;

Germany - 186 233 sick;

Iran - 173 832 sick;

Turkey - 171 121 sick.

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