Anita Tsoi remained without a home


Anita Tsoi told her fans about joyful, but at the same time and sad news. The fact is that the actress begins a new and sufficiently intense stage in life: she decided to overhaul at home. A snapshot of her beloved dwelling with antennaya disassembled roof published in his microblog. Judging by the signature to the photo, Tsoi sorry to change the old friend, with which he has been experienced so much.

"My old, kind home ... - Anita wrote with sadness (here and then the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved, - approx. Womanhit). - You saw it on TV and in magazines many times, and friends remember him on a cozy, delicious feast. Our son grew up in it, the husband worked on the articles and on the candidate, and I learned how the art of refinery. He was rebuilt after the fire. A lot of songs and scenarios for my show programs were written in it, and 12 families of swallows lived under its roof. Many things experienced our home. Finally, the time of major repairs, yes, and morally our dwelling is outdated. So that now only forward. In a good way, a favorite house! "

Favorite house Anita Tsoi in the process of overhaul. Photo:

Favorite house Anita Tsoi in the process of overhaul. Photo:

After the message of the repair of the repair, the readers began to write a lot of warm and good words, the wishes of the speedy completion of the hard process, patience and strength. The ripped Anita was folded and told the story that pushed her to the thought of the alteration of the dwelling. "A TV channel came to me last year for filming. That day lied rain, like from the bucket, and my proceeded roof arranged a flood in the house. I set the vest. When the film crew saw it, it did not believe her own eyes that the star could have such, "he remembered Tsoi.

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