"Tsel" of All Russia


How we do not lose the brand bike

"Tie" is an ancient tile that we lost. Imported word is not just entered into our lives, it has canceled what we could be proud of right. After all, for many centuries, there was a different word in Russia. "Tie": a plate of burned clay covered with a relief pattern or colored glaze. However, our ancestors created real masterpieces using tiles. Not in many countries you can see the construction, so sophisticated, and sometimes luxuriously decorated with language inserts.

Grass Moorova for the "ant" tie

Production of ceramic elements for decorating facades of buildings and churches, stoves (and then fireplaces) was considered one of the most distinctive Russian artistic crafts. It has passed three stages. At first, the potters were adapted to make the so-called red tiles - ceramic plates with embossed patterns. They were made using shapes carved from wood, which tightly stuffed with a clay mass. (Such ceramics in the Middle Ages became a convenient replacement for the builders with a convenient replacement of a much more laborious thread on a stone.) Later, a different type appeared - the irrigated "reversible" testers. A layer of a special "glass" solution was applied to their outer surface, which gave a green glossy coating after firing, thanks to which these tiles and got their name (remember the epic Russian expression "Grav-Muraba"). But the "Epoch of the Green Kingdom" turned out to be relatively short.

Already at the beginning of the XVII century. Russian masters have mastered the production of multicolor (so-called valid) tiles. The technology of their manufacturing has spread from us thanks to the abbot of the Iversky monastery on Valdai Nikonou. He invited to decorate the buildings of Belarusian gonchars who fled on Rus from Lithuanians. The Slav brothers knew how to cook "watering", which after the firing gives the enamel of white, blue, yellow and green-turquoise flowers, from them this ability to adopted Russian students.

From among our soles, the Master Stepan "On Nickname Hambes" deserves special fame. It is believed that it was he who became the creator of a completely original type of valid tiles, which received a special name: "Pavlinje Oko" (Multicolor pattern on these plates resembled the eye, "drawn" at the end of each feather in a peacock tail).

Monastery - Beauty Customer

In Moscow, for the first time, multicolored irrigation ceramics decorated the temple of the Trinity in Nicnics, which was built from 1635. And since the 1670s, the mass production of such decorative elements was mastered from the 1670s in the potary settlement of the city. Tiered masterpieces in the architecture of the capital preserved a lot - the Pokrovsky Cathedral in Izmailov, Church of Grigory Neokesarian on Big Polyanka, the old Mint on Nikolskaya, the refectory church of the Assumption of the Virgin in the potters ... However, the most unique, not having analogues is the so-called knitty teremok.

At the end of the XVII century. On the banks of the Moscow River, near the Novospassky Monastery, the complex of churches and chambers for the Kratytsky bishops were erected. Almost all the buildings are used here as decorative elements, irrigation ties, but one of the buildings still stands out in this row. The architect Osip of the elders built over the front entrance - the holy gates of teremok, which is top-bottom, including numerous decorations - frontones, eaves, ornamental columns, platbands, - covered with a solid carpet of tiles! Nothing like us, nor in other European countries you will not meet.

In addition to the first, many Russian cities can be called interesting buildings, decorated with tiles: Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Totma, Kostroma, Great Ustyug, Vologda, Solvychydovsk ... The richest tile outfits received the Cathedral complex of the Novo-Jerusalem Monastery near Moscow. Plant and geometric ornament, images of six-square seraphimov (the creation of all this rich decoration has already been engaged in the already Stepan Hybes). The abundance of irrigation ceramics in the decoration of the Resurrection Temple, the bell tower, the Skita of Patriarch Nikon demanded from the creators of the monastic ensemble of the organization in these places of special tires, which continued to work and many years later, having glorified to the whole country.


Work on the creation of colored tiles requires knowledge of many professional secrets. Although from the point of view of chemists, the process is quite clear: the composition based on cobalt oxide gives, for example, when heating in blue enamel, copper oxide "leads" into greens ... However, the nuances are important during operation. Each additional minute of firing, each extra degree can significantly change the shade of color on the scene. And the source material is the color pebbles-goals, which ancient artisans were found along the banks of the rivers, and then crushing-peat into powder - and a solid mystery. What stones choose which signs?

The local specificity of minerals is very important - the same clay, from which the tapes are molded. For example, its chemical composition in Central Asian states is very different from that "Glinka", which was used by the masters from the European territory of Russia. As a result, it turned out: if you do not take additional tricks, on the "Asian" clay plates, it is better to keep watering, giving juicy blue and blue color, and our local clay predetermined to work with the green gamut more.

Russian stove, tie

In Russia, for several centuries, there existed a fashion for the use of elegant ceramic plates for finishing the furnaces.

Considering the preserved chimney tiles of the XVII century, you can see a variety of patterns - images of battle scenes, heraldic two-headed eagles, fabulous griffins ... Peter's restless tsar, Peter first, found time and for exploring the "valuine business". Already who have already become traditional in Russia, Multicolored Maitoliki is not inspired by him, and therefore the sovereign commanded: From now on, there is a chimney tires only "according to the sample of European cafes" - with a smooth face covered with a story painting, made in a very stingy color scheme. To establish the release of such products, the emperor even ordered to connect to the case of two Swedes taken captured during a military campaign. However, it turned out to be a bit from these Scandinavians. We had to send several of our capable sneakers for a learning to go to Holland.

The tiles that decorated the mirror of numerous furnaces in the Russian houses of the XVIII - early XIX centuries. Maybe not so elegant, as the previous valuable, but they can be "read". Square and rectangular ceramic plates are most often covered with white icing, and the image of "grasses of different and all sorts of human, animal and bird species" is displayed in blue. What is just not here! Fantastic characters: unicorn, bird sirin, winged horse Pegasus; Animals, really existing: crane, bear, exotic elephant and lion; In addition, you can meet landscape pictures: ships on the sea, buildings, mountains ...

Fashioned was on the "taps" and "Human nature". On the portrait tiles, the artists carefully discharged individuals, figures, details of clothing and weapons. Many plates contain an image of various scenes from life, sometimes with a funny, anecdotal text comment. Here, for example, a signature under a drawing of a person with a fishing rod: "Vaska, Tashchi Soma! "So he doesn't poke me!". There was a great demand for the sets of painted chimples dedicated to the overseas peoples. On each such "ethnographic" clay rectangle, under the image of a person, the master did an explanatory inscription: "Cavalier Gispansky", "APONSIAN MS", "Chinese merchant" ...

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