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Everyone knows that there are fruits and berries useful, but not everyone guess what kind of fetus is carrying. Are you aware that the cherry is rich in antioxidants, and watermelon helps to avoid dehydration in the summer?

Seeing in the market or in the store Blueberry - grab! This berry fights perfectly with various inflammations in the body, helps the brains to be in a tone and improves the mood. Overseas avocado, despite its fatness, helps to keep harmony. For women, it is especially important, because our genital system cannot function normally without the right fats.

If with the onset of heat you begin to torment edema, route the basil. It displays the salt from the body, which has a property to delay moisture. And how delicious basil in combination with tomatoes!

Tomatoes can also be called superfood. The substances contained in them are struggling with free radicals, protect against the harmful effects of sun rays and help to preserve youth.

Huge benefits will also bring eggplants, beets and green peas. If you are inclined to complete, beets are better there in the raw form as part of salads, and polka dot choose fresh or frozen.

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