Top 10 best psychologists


Alena Al-Ace - Famous Russian psychologist, member of the International Association of Psychology and ICPA Coaching.

More than sixteen, Alena is a practitioner. She has a higher medical education and extensive experience in clinical psychology. Main areas of work - neurosis, disturbing syndrome, relationships, family psychology, personal growth, career coaching, overcoming dependencies.

Alena Al-Ace - author of the book "How not to become a frog in boiling water", author's training "Women's Success" and "Women's Magnetism" strategy. In addition to psychological practice, Alena regularly performs in the media as an expert - a psychologist, contributing to the education of reader and auditoriums in the field of psychology.

Alexandra Rules - a practitioner psychologist, author and leading of its own courses and programs for the rehabilitation of women who survived a divorce or gap of marriage / partnerships. The copyright course of Alexandra "Pro relationship" is designed for 12 classes. The psychologist helps women to understand themselves and man, identify the nature of the relationship and their prospects, cope with anxiety, jealousy, uncertainty in themselves, to warn treason to the spouse and insure a marriage and relationship from the appearance of a mistress. Customer reviews say that Alexandra helped a very many women to cope with spiritual discomfort after the divorce, finding the forces to live again, and to someone assumed in the restoration of shaking family relations and in creating a new strong family union.

AND Star psychologist Karina Shamanaeva - A real professional in its industry. Karina received three higher psychological education in the specialties of a medical psychologist; Family psychotherapist; Group psychoanalyst; Children and teenage psychotherapist. It helps in psychotherapeutic work with adolescents to overcome the internal spiritual disagreements and experiences, allow communicative difficulties in society, spends the 3-step vocational guidance for adolescents. Has international certificates. He considers its main task to help the client find teachers in herself, learn how to cope with life difficulties. Recently, it works in the direction of neurocorrection of children of early and preschool / school age. Karina Shamanaeva conducts psychotherapeutic work with family couples for the harmonization of family relations and constructive resolution of crisis situations in the family. Actively acts in the media as an expert. It is constantly improving their knowledge in psychology and related disciplines, which allows you to provide very high-quality professional assistance to customers addressed to it.

Konstantin Dovlatov - Famous practical psychologist, author of the "spiritual integration" system. In the sphere of professional interests of Constantine - assistance in solving problems in business, family and loving relationships. To solve these tasks, Konstantin appeals to the newest scientific developments in the field of psychology and the proven in Eastern practices. Thus, the psychologist uses Kundalini Yoga techniques, various spiritual and meditative technologies, which allows him to help people in building effective strategies to achieve goals. In addition to practices and trainings, Konstantin Dovlatov pays great attention to work with the media, regularly publishes its articles, improves its own theoretical and practical knowledge.

Russian psychologist and business coach Natalia Lukina Helps people to come to awareness through coach sessions and trainings. Works with the projective method of Mac. Many people have gained, thanks to the support and consultations of Natalia Lukina, self-confidence, set themselves ambitious, but achievable goals, and very quickly could change their material, social and marital status. A qualified psychologist, Natalia Lukina is always ready to come to the aid to his customers, and the modern techniques used by it allow you not to words, but to actually change the lives of people.

Inna Glove-Western - Russian psychologist, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Creator and Head of the Master of Joy "Happy Orange". Inna specializes in family psychology, bodily-oriented therapy, art therapy, sexology, osteopathy. It provides assistance in harmonizing family relationships, choosing a partner, improving self-esteem and confidence, to accomplish the effects of divorce, change, loss of relatives and loved ones. The author's program Inna "Glino-therapy" helps children who have suffered oncological diseases. Inna's practices and trainings are dedicated to the disclosure of the female start, restoring the integrity of the body and the ability of life in joy and pleasure.

Psychologist Maxim Safin. Specializes in the field of personal growth and business trainings. He helps people to choose strategies for their own improvement and development, increase their welfare, improve business, learn to effectively conduct business negotiations and achieve their goals. A separate direction of activity of Maxim is the disposal of dependence and assistance to telepathy people. Maxim Safin uses modern NLP technology, is constantly improving its own knowledge in the field of psychology, using the most modern foreign and domestic developments. Grateful feedback from customers and visitors to trainings indicate that Maxim Safina can really be considered one of the best psychologists of modern Russia.

Irina Khvingia - perinatal psychologist, coach of adaptive physical culture. She heads the Necripide Children's Necrocorrection Specialized Center, helping children with various developmental impairment, including Downa Syndrome, autistic disorders. Under the leadership of Irina, children receive in the center of comprehensive assistance of highly qualified specialists. In addition to the main activity, Irina conducts seminars for parents and specialists in the regions, helps to open such centers where they especially need.

Irina is actively interacting with the media, participates in publications and shooting on television as an expert.

Psychologist Vladimir Lobanov - This specialist in its industry, Gestalt therapist, supervisor and leading groups. He is engaged in serious and complex issues - studying the nature of human relations, help in building relationships both in the family and in the team. Vladimir regularly conducts educational-therapeutic groups in which participants at least change their dramatic life situations and scenarios, and how maximum are undergoing preparations for certification as a gestalt therapists. High-quality education, attentiveness and sensitivity to people, the highest professionalism make Vladimir Lobanov one of the most sought-after Russian psychologists. It is enough to read reviews about his work to understand that he is worthy of being in the top of the best specialists of the country.

Petersburg psychologist Alina Malenic Practicing for more than 7 years. Higher education and advanced training in Israel, USA and Europe. It is a regular participant in psychological summits and congresses. Alina is treated with the issues of self-development and realization of the person, love and relationships, families and children. It helps people overcome depressive states and uncertainty in themselves, resolve the most complex life situations. People begin to believe in themselves, implement and establish their relationships. Numerous customer feedback allow us to strengthen the opinion that Alina Malenik is worthy of entering the top of the best specialists in its industry.

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