Actors who still do not have "Oscar"


Leonardo di Caprio

Palm Championship rightly belongs to Leonardo di Caprio. On the account of the actor 37 roles, 2 "gold globes" and 5 nominations for Oscar for roles in films: "What is Gilbert Grape?" (1994), Aviator (2005), "Bloody Almaz" (2007). In 2014, the actor for work in the film "Wolf with Wall Street" was nominated immediately into two Oscars: "Best Male Role" and "Best Film" for producing. But luck and this time turned away from the actor, and the awards went into other hands. The numerous fans of Leonardo Di Caprio creativity were burly on this event, and a lot of publications appeared in the press.

Johnny Depp

The next actor, whose game, according to the filmmakers, is worthy of Oscar - this is Johnny Depp. He was thrown at this honorary film and every time in the same nomination: "The best male role." For the first time this happened in 2004. The actor could get an Oscar for the role of Captain Jack Sparrow in the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl", which brought him great popularity. The second time he was awarded the nomination in 2005 for a major role in the film "Magic Country". After 3 years later, the actor was again nominated for Oscar for work in the painting of Tim Berton "Siini Todd, a demon-hairdresser with Flit Street".

Tom Cruise

One of the most wealthy people of Hollywood, many women's favorite, the handsome Tom Cruise highlighted on the Oscar Award. For the first time, this happened in 1990. The film critics celebrated the work of the actor in the film "Born Fourth of July", but then Daniel Day Lewis went around with the film "My Left Noga." In 1997, Cruz was nominated for Oscar for the best male role in the film "Jerry Maguyer", and in 2000 - for the best male role of the second plan in the film "Magnolia", which, in the opinion of many representatives of Kinopresses, is considered the top of the acting Mastery of Tom Cruise.

Robert Downey Jr. Photo:

Robert Downey Jr. Photo:

Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr. is one of the highest paid actors of Hollywood according to Forbes - also still remains without a cherished "Oscar". For the first time, the actor was nominated for this film from 1993 for the "best male role" in the movie "Chaplin". But then the figurine went into the hands of Al Pacino for work in the film "The smell of a woman." After 16 years later, the actor was again nominated for Oscar for the best male role of the second plan in the film "Soldiers of Failure", but the picture turned out to be unworthy film critics.

Will Smith

American actor and hip-hop Artist Will Smith twice was nominated for Oscar. In 2002, he could get a statuette for the best male role in the sports drama "Ali", and in 2007 - as the best actor for work in the picture "In pursuit of happiness".

Gary Oldman

The best British actor of modernity, according to film critics, Gary Oldman was nominated for Oscar only once - for the role in the thriller "Spy, come out!".

Pierce Brosnan. Photo:

Pierce Brosnan. Photo:

Pierce Brosnan

Irish actor Pierce Brosnan, who was filmed four times as James Bond, never been nominated for Oscar. However, there are two nominations for the Golden Globe Prize: in 1985 and 2006. For roles in the mini-series "Nancy Astor" and the film "Matador".

Jim carrey

The most famous comic of Hollywood Jim Carrey has never been nominated for Oscar, but is a record holder in the number of other awards and nominations. The actor's piggy bank has two "golden globes" and 6 nominations for it, 10 MTV Movie Award awards, a nomination for the BAFTA award, as well as a number of other filmmakers. The most famous films with his participation is the "mask", "Show Truman", "the eternal radiance of pure mind", "always say" yes "," stupid and even dumber. "

Actors who still do not have

Antonio Banderas. Frame from the film "Mask Zorro".

Antonio Banderas.

Spanish Macho, which Many Women Women Planet, Antonio Banderas, who played in more than 60 films, was never nominated for Oscar. The most famous films with his participation are the "Mask Zorro", "Thirteenth Warrior", "The skin in which I live."

Steve Buschem

Hollywood Veteran Steve Bushhemi starred in more than 88 pictures. The most famous are blockbusters "Air prison" and "Armageddon", the cult film Quentin Tarantino "Frash Dogs" and the Black Comedy "Fargo". But, despite the enormous popularity of these paintings, Steve Bushemi never was nominated for Oscar.

Shlipoteva Ekaterina

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