Indian style lunch


Window (stewed lamb)

For 4 servings: 500 g Maratsy lamb, 1 onions, 3 potatoes, 1 tsp. zira, ½ tsp. Grains mustard, 1 tsp. Turmeric, 3-4 in dried acute peppers, 2 tbsp. Curry powder, 1 tsp. sesame, 10 g of ginger, 1 tsp. Coriander, 1 tbsp. Cable sugar, 1 bundle of kinse, 2 tbsp. Curry, ½ lime, salt.

Time for preparing: 1 hour + time to marine lamb.

Grind into the mortar fried zira, mustard grains, turmeric and dried sharp peppers. Crushed spices to mix in a blender with curry, sesame, ginger, coriander, cane sugar, salt and lime juice. In the resulting mixture, masturbate lamb from 30 minutes before a day. Fry onions, then add finely chopped potatoes to it and the meat flushed in spices. Fry lamb, then pour water and stew on medium heat until readiness. Before feeding adding kinza.

Wright with cucumber. .

Wright with cucumber. .

Wright with cucumber

Ingredients: 200 ml of natural yogurt, 1 cucumber, 1 kinse bundle, ½ h. Spice Mix (Zira, Turmeric, Mustard, Pepper), Salt, Pepper.

Time for preparing : 15 minutes.

Cucumber shake on a large grater and mix with natural yogurt. Add finely chopped cilantro and fried zira, crushed with mustard grains, turmeric and dried sharp pepper. Salt, pepper and mix well. Delicate milk sauce Wright extinguishes a fire from sharp Indian yokes.

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Biscuit "Nan-Hati". .

Biscuit "Nan-Hati"

Ingredients : ½ cup flour, 160 g of butter, 4 tbsp. Olive oil, 4 tbsp. Manna cereals, 80 g of sugar powder, vanilla.

Time for preparing: 40 minutes.

Melt the creamy oil and mix it with olive. Put sugar powder, vanilla and semolina. Stir, add flour and knead the dough. To blind small balls and put them on the baking sheet, lined with parchment. Bake twenty minutes at 170 degrees.

Curry from cauliflower. .

Curry from cauliflower. .

Cabbage Curry

For 4 servings: 1 Kochan cauliflower, 2 potatoes, 6 eggs, 1 onion, 4 cloves of garlic, 10 g of ginger, ½ tsp. Mixtures of spices (zira, turmeric, mustard, pepper), 400 ml of coconut milk, 2 tbsp. Curry powder, 1 parsley bundle.

Time is cooked IA: 30 minutes.

Fry onions together with a spiced mixture of fried zira, mustard, turmeric and pepper. Following the potatoes, sliced ​​by a cube, as well as the inflorescence of cauliflower. Add sharp pepper, ginger and several garlic cloves. Separately mix a couple of teaspoons of curry and coconut milk. This mixture pour vegetables, put a parsley into the pan, close the lid and leave the minutes to 15. When you serve add chopped eggs.

"Young lady and culinary", TVC, Sunday, 09:10

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