Zoological center of the capital


Zlatagnaya has always been proud of his zoo. For a long time, it has undergone significant changes, an increase in the new territory ... And how many different - not always "zoological" - events happened here! However, the pages of the past, it is necessary to remember that the zoo had predecessors.

Here are just some of the most famous episodes from the centuries-old history of Moscow Zhorintsev.

Lion for Ivan the Terrible

The first exotic predators - lion and the lioness - sent a state as a gift to Ivan the Terrible Persian Shah. At first it was completely unclear where to keep these mighty beasts. They were settled temporarily in Rives, which then separated the Kremlin wall from Red Square (part of this deep "tranche" was buried by log walls), and then for the king the beasts and his girlfriend built a special belt - "Lion yard" - on the shores of the nonsense near the Resurrection Gate China-cities. (Subsequently, at this place there was a debt prison, where the malicious defaulters were sazing, "until the debt is corrected," "Yama. Such a term was quite acquitted: the depth of this dungeon reached more than five meters. At the end of the XIX century, this territory was used for construction New building of the city Duma.)

Elephant in lapties

More with one live gift in the address of the Grand Duke Moscow, the incident was released. The Vladyka of Persia presented him with an elephant (the giggle walked his move through Astrakhan in the laptops specially woven for him - so as not to damage the legs). When an elephant appeared at the end of a long path to Ivan Grozny, this suddenly wished to wish that an amazing animal was on his knees. But it was not possible to force the owner of a trunk to fulfill the Tsareva Volodya, and then the angry ruler ordered the stalls to "lie by axes" of the stubborn elephant.

Pavilion in the old zoo.

Pavilion in the old zoo.

Rube from Palace Sloboda

Under Peter, the great Larnets existed in the Palace Semenov Sloboda (the area of ​​the current metro station of the same name). It contained not only a lot of birds of birds - hawks, falcons, drapets, but also very seriously predatory animals, wolves, bears and even three lions. Their formidable roar constantly held all the surrounding inhabitants.

Ten thousands of "Horn and hooves"

The initiator (and the main "sponsor") of the device of the permanent zoological garden was the commission on the acclimatization of plants and animals, consisting in the Moscow Society of Testers of Nature. Among the donors were both rich and ordinary citizens. In addition, "to maintain public initiative", the Russian government decided to highlight the creation of the Zoo and the acquisition of animals × 10,000 rubles for it. In the original version, Zoosad wanted to post in a non-pie garden, but due to the remoteness of this territory they refused it, and it was decided to equip the "kingdom of animals" closer to the city center - on Presnensky ponds.

Warmer for Ostrich

"Zoological Garden is open on January 31, 1864. During the first two years, including purchased, donated, received in exchange and born in the garden of the Beast, here were: 30 monkeys (Macaki, Paviana, Warti), 2 white and 10 brown bears, 2 raccoon, 4 badgers, pharaoh mouse, 15 Large cats (lions, tigers, leopards, jaguar, lynx), 2 hyenas, 2 dickery, 5 foxes, 3 camels, 6 bison, 3 kangaroo ...

... Despite caring care, many of the beasts do not tolerate the Moscow climate. Most of all dies from CHAGS and inflammation of light monkeys, from colds - ostrich. Often falling deer, saiga, sony, badgers. Many animals are extremely whimsical food. So, for example, the bison eat is far from any hay, on the Branches of Mahanin (Konsky Meat) affected how Piva ... "(Magazine" Circuit Guests ", 1876)

To cake penguins

For many years, Zoosad was one of the main sports centers of Belokamena. In winter, a public rink was equipped at the frozen Presnensky ponds, where many people who wanted to go skating. Even official competitions were arranged here, they were told to the title "The Best Skater of Moscow" ... Mass sports holidays were also held. For example, in February 1900, about 3,500 people gathered for the carnival of skating in Zoological Garden.

Indians in Zoo

In 1884, a certain enterprising American drove a group of "Bloodthought Indians from Nebraska" to the public demonstration of their exotic life. When this caravan reached in the fall, the "Indian village" was decided to place on the territory of the Zoological Garden. American aborigines installed Wigwams on the plot allotted under their core. Several times a day, the overseas guests died into their national costumes and played various "household paintings" in front of the audience - with a shooting of onions, throwing tomahaws and knives ... The scene "Attack on the postal diligence" was special success (on his passengers, the red Scary cries and allegedly filmed scalps from them).

Water phenomenon

In the early 1870s, a "water self-propelled" appeared on the territory of the Zoological Garden - a very rare technical novelty for those times. A small vaporody was launched on the water of the Presnensky pond, at which skiing for visitors arranged in the summer. This "attraction" was very popular in children and adults and brought a good profit from Zoosad.

On the threshold of the twentieth century

Zoosad noted in a series of holidays, arranged in a white-eyed on the occasion of the twentieth century. The newspapers reported that the new 1901 was found here "with full electrical lighting and rich illumination." For visitors, "Procession of Frost Grandfall", grand fireworks, kids provided riding from mountains on sledding, and adults - buffet. In the same year, there were large-scale carnival entertainment for citizens. The newspaper reported: "In the Moscow Zoological Garden, large winter walks" Russian Carnival, or Maslenitsa in the XVII century ... Congress of the public - a big ... "

Beasts in the face of the revolution

During the revolution of 1905, when the most fierce races of rebels flared up in the area of ​​the Presni, the zoological garden suffered tangible losses: some of the premises were destroyed, several animals were destroyed. (Judging by the testimony of contemporaries, individual representatives of the wild fauna simply went to the soup for fighting warriors.) After the ability of the unrest "Fathers of the city" agreed to compensate these losses from the Moscow treasury.

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Rejuvenated goat

In the 1920s, many Soviet scientists were fond of the problem of the rejuvenation of the human body. Not one experiment was conducted. There were no unconditionally positive results, but as a result, the collection of the metropolitan zoo was replenished with a new specimen. On the plate near his cell, visitors could read: "Goat is rejuvenable."


On July 29, 1924, the zoo was in the center of the natural cataclysm. For the quarters of the old Moscow, the strongest shower fell (at the same time, neither the rain drops fell on the outskirts of the city). As a result, Presnensky ponds came out of the banks and merged into one huge lake, having fluttered almost half of the zoo territory.

Horses in Kokkov

Repeatedly arose plans to postpone the zoo from the city center to another, more comfortable and comfortable for animals. 30 years ago, for example, it was assumed that this "kingdom of animals" will be located on urban periphery, in the area of ​​Konkovo. (Under this perspective, the metro station built there was called the Zoo, but when the project did not take place, the existing name was given: "Konkovo".) Later seriously, the idea was discussed to turn into a zoological garden almost all the huge territory of the Bitsevsky Park, but this option was discussed. Also remained only on paper.

Now there are new prospects - moving the "kingdom of animals" from the Presnya to the expanses of the Izmailovsky Park.

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