We increase the chances of pregnancy


For example, the quality and amount of genital cells in the ejaculate of the man directly depends on how often it makes love. Both long-term abstinences and daily bed games are harmful. Ideally, if there is 1-3 days between the sexual acts.

Do not forget that we are what we eat. Therefore, in order to enhance the chances of conception, the pair needs properly balanced nutrition, in which there will be no surplus of sweets, roasted, smoked, oily.

By the way, if a man has overweight, when planning pregnancy he is better to lose weight. It's all about the gomon, which during obesity deviate from normal values.

Those who are accustomed to hours to engage in the gym, it is better to stop taking steroids. Because of them, the number of normal spermatozoa decreases sharply. If a man loves to ride a bike, he can continue to do it and then when the couple tries to have a child. However, you should take care that the seat is not too tough.

It has been proven that smoking makes sperm less mobile, which means it is more difficult for them to achieve the goal. Alcohol intake also negatively affects fertility. True, to afford from time to time the wine glass is still possible, the main thing is not to get involved in strong alcohol drinks and do not absorb in beerries.

Experts also recommend the strong sex to abandon close clothes and trousers, and also to be tested for infections that can interfere with conception.

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