The execution season of the desire


Also in the ancient peoples to catch a rare, "Star", the moment was considered to be a great luck, the signal of heaven that they were ready to listen to a person. Which of us did not torture happiness in this way? "We must have time to make a desire while the" asterisk "is still in flight, only then it will come true," the grandmother told me when I was small. However, the fact that the incident "stars" is not at all the stars, but only small meteora pebbles, tearing into our atmosphere and burning from contact with its dense layers, I learned much later. And also the fact that every such rain has its own name, depending on the constellation, from which the path begins to us. So, in October-November we will have to get to know two meteor flows - Orionides and Leonidami.

First, we have to admire the origin. Despite the fact that they began on October 2, astronomers advise purposefully to catch happy "stars" in the dark on October 21 and 22, when there will be their maximum. Where do Meteoras come from? It turns out that the constellations, according to which it is customary to determine the radiant, that is, the direction of flow, here is completely nothing to do with it. Meteor threads are observed when the earth crosses the stone-ice particles cable formed when the comet is destroyed. In the case of Orioned, the culprit is considered to be a galeus comet. When she approaches the Sun, it is heated by its rays and loses the substance. Here is her elongated tail now and crosses our planet, allowing us to admire the bright celestial show. Falling stars on Friday Saturday will appear in the sky for 15-20 pieces per hour. We were very lucky - by the end of the week, the Moonlight will not shade the brilliance of the Starley, since our natural companion will be in a newborn condition.

In order to admire meteorous rain, astronomers recommend Muscovites to leave the city. It is better to capture with you binoculars or amateur telescope. The most endless diary leads. For example, they saw the "star" - noted the exact time of the fall and recorded in a special column. By the way, professional astronomers also lead diaries of observation of falling objects. They fix their color, size, flight time, in which constellation appeared, in which went out. This is necessary to clarify the state of streams and identify the most powerful ones. Among the falling meteors can be found by the barges - large meteors that fly to the ground with a long fiery tail, noise that resembles the noise of a falling aircraft. It happens that these manage to fly to the land, leaving large funnels on it. By the way, the Russians Meteoras of Draconides were remembered by the Russians, the maximum of which came on October 6-8. October 6, 300 kilometers from Moscow, they staged a real fiery view, scared by pilots of four flights. At an altitude of 10 thousand meters above the Earth, crew members observed bright outbreaks resembling caring shells. And from the suburbs of Paris on the same days a message was made of damage to the fallen meteorite of the roof. The owners returned from work and found flowing in the house. It turned out that it rain pours through the hole formed in the roof, and the culprit was lying on the floor - a charred piece of a comet. If someone does not have time to watch Orionides, then on November 8, they will still have a chance to enjoy the flight Leonid, one of the largest fluxes of the year.

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