We answer your head: how to choose the shampoo


Often you can hear such an opinion: all shampoos are the same, and the difference in price is due to the exclusively promotion of a brand. This myth is stiguously supported by mass market manufacturers. We constantly hear about this. However, such allegations are still very far from the truth.

If ordinary shampoos of their task put only the elementary removal of fat and dirt from the hair, then the peculiarity of professional shampoos is more point exposure and intensive care. Any problem with the use of such tools is solved quickly and noticeably. But choose shampoo need more carefully.

Choose me!

Shampoo primarily selected by hair type and by the effect that the consumer wants to achieve. So, if the hair is thin, the skin is fat, then it is better to pay attention to the lines for volume - so that thin hair looks visually more thick.

Accordingly, it is necessary to still pay attention to the quality of the hair. If the hair was subjected to multiple chemical treatments, or multiple heat treatment (for example, irons for hair are constantly used without thermal protection), then it is necessary to buy the most moisturizing and reconstructing shampoo for this type of hair.

Well, what if you need and protect your hair, and give them volume? In such cases, it is necessary to choose priorities and alternate moisturizing and reconstructive shampoos for a styling effect.

Special attention should be paid to shampoos from hair loss. If only because today this problem has become incredibly relevant for modern residents of megacities. Ecology, product quality, improper buildup, frequent coloring - a lot of factors leads to the fact that today people are more likely and at an earlier age began to lose hair. It may be a seasonal problem (in winter our hair suffer more), and other factors (diet, stress, hormone imbalances). And then without medicinal shampoos do not do.

Classification of shampoos:

- Caring - reconstruction or moisturizing;

- shampoos that create the basis, base base - either for volume, or for curly hair, or for straightening;

- Shampoos that are responsible for the skin of the head.

Reading lessons

As professional shampoos point out the problems, then it is necessary to carefully read the composition of the means you decide to trust your head. In the first place is always the ingredient, which is most of all as part of the shampoo. But how to understand that this tool needs you, and what shampoo is not worth buying?

In fact, this question is rather scrupulous, because one or another different companies have different ingredients, if some brands reconstruct the hair with vitamin B5, then others - keratin, and someone else - amino acids and wheat or proteins and rice. The presence of one component in the composition will not mean that you are a miracle tool. As well as the presence of the "bad" ingredient, there is no synonym that something is terrible. If we take general trends, then today the interest of 70 companies moved away from use in their products sodium salts. Now the softer cream foundations are increasingly used, which are foaming agents and cleaners.

In any case, there will be more vitamins and minerals in professional shampoos and, respectively, less water, sulfates and fillers. And as a result of the use of professional shampoos, your hair will look more healthy and well-groomed - and isn't this effect want to achieve each of us?

It's important to know

Professional shampoos act best if the water temperature does not exceed 45 degrees - it makes it possible to maintain all the beneficial properties of natural ingredients. And it is necessary to rinse the hair with cold water to better wash the remaining of organic substances.

By the way ...

In addition to shampoo in Arsenal, any self-respecting women should be the other means of care for their hair. This is what ideally you can find in the bathroom:

- shampoo;

- balm;

- Air conditioning;

- serum;

- mask;

- lotion;

- hair nutrition cream;

- Scrap scrub.

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