Why does men grow belly?


The reasons for the emergence of such a "male corn" may be somewhat: this is an excessive passion for alcohol or food, the wrong lifestyle, and professional difficulties or serious diseases. Consider five typical reasons for this attack and find out from specialists: how to deal with them?

Beer belly

As the narcologist of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, Vyacheslav Larionov, told Vyacomla Larionov, alcohol is a very high-calorie product. These calories are "empty", they do not have time to be processed by the body (if a person consumes regularly and in considerable quantities) and, it means we settle in the form of fat. Of course, there is a lot of genetics and more from what a person loves to consume alcohol. If it is German sausages, American hamburgers, nuts chips and other "trash" food, then the stomach will grow as on yeast.

By the way, a little more about yeast. Beer lovers together with this foam fluid consume them in countless quantities, from which the cells of the adipose tissue become loose, increase in size. So there are once steel cubes of the press in a flabby and peeling bag.

Recipe: If you are not able to abandon alcohol in general, then at least gradually, but significantly reduce its consumption. For example, no more than two mugs (maximum of 0.5 l) beer per day. Yes, and eat more useful low-calorie vegetable salads. You should not drink a lot for the night - after all, from this morning it will not only hurt the head, but also swells will appear.

And most importantly - find a pleasant alcoholic pastime for you. It may be, for example, a walk with a beloved park or a game of football with friends of childhood.

"Well, you caught, now you can sleep ..."

A modern man not only moves little, but he eats a lot. For some, this is the only consolation in life: a slightly chief of Kosos looked or the wife reproached - a man of unpleasant emotions immediately begins to "eat". A particularly heavy option when pulls to the refrigerator at night: the body with such a "gift" is much more difficult to cope, because the gastrointestinal tract also wants to relax.

In addition, men and women are completely different. If the ladies are postponed more or less evenly, then the cavaliers have excess fat for a long time wake up only in the abdomen. What is extremely harmful, because from this suffer from a huge mass of saline internal organs, the spine is deformed.

Recipe: It is useful to revise your usual life schedule. Find in it time for sports or at least active hiking, refuse late dinners and especially night snacks. It is necessary to streamline your food: Ideally, strike out your smoked menu, fatty sweets, quick lunches, etc. (or at least it is as possible and in small quantities). Remember: with the currently sedentary lifestyle, a man needs only 2600-2800 kokilorius.

It would be good for you to get advice from a nutritionist and a psychotherapist who would help to deal with what psychological problems you protect excessive appetite and how these problems can be solved without harm to health.

"Labor Corn"

If you fought reliably with the car and even go to the car to the nearest bun, then you will most likely be detected by impressive hanging in fat rollers on the sides of the abdomen. Natalia Evgeniev's doctor says that the man in the chair is sitting behind the wheel in such a way that the tone of the abdominal muscles is relaxed primarily. Muscles do not work, but in fat cells - the detriment, especially if you still prefer food satisfying and heavy.

Recipe: Try to walk 3-5 km on foot every day. If possible, use the iron horse or at least put it away from home. After two hours spent behind the wheel, stop, slightly move away or just five minutes walk quickly.

Unpleasant transformations

According to the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology of the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology, Nikolai Patrushev, men are also experiencing climax. Although it is not so noticeable as female, but it is even more difficult. At this time, hormones can arrange men a fun life. So, if you do not only grow the belly, but in general the figure becomes more familiar - the shoulders, thighs, increases the chest or the "Bizonium Gorb" (massive fat roller) is growing, then you need to urgently contact the endocrinologist.

By the way, obesity in the female type can arise from not enough active sexual life. From a long abstinence in the body, a failure may also occur. The endocrine system will produce hormones not in those proportions that need for happiness to the real macho.

Recipe: Complete an endocrinologist. And here it will help "big and bright" love: she and youth prolongs, and the hormonal sphere normalizes.

Sweet hero

If you eat and drink quite moderately, but unexpectedly began to flip sharply, some problems (irritations, dryness, acne) constantly arise with skin, constantly want to drink in the toilet - there is a danger that you have diabetes. Especially if there are many stresses in your life, and in the family already patients with diabetes. According to the director of the Institute of Diabetes FSU "Endocrinological Center", Professor Marina Shestakova, now our country has covered the real epidemic of diabetes: over the past 10 years, the number of such patients has doubled. Moreover, many patients do not suspect their illness until heavier complications are manifested. The main risk group is people with high body weight. On another forecasting method, if the Waist circle of a man is more than 94 centimeters - this is a colossal risk factor in the future of the diabetes of the second type. And if a sedimentary lifestyle is joined to obesity if hypertension developed or in the blood of a man's high level of cholesterol, this means that the breaking process of all metabolic processes in the body is already running.

Recipe: It is desirable to pass up the dispensarization once a year or at least donate blood on sugar. At the initial stage of the diabetes of the second type, treatment can consist only of a diet and a specially thought-out mode of physical exertion. When the disease is running, regular (several times a day) insulin injection is needed. If diabetes not treated, a big belly will seem like the smallest nuisance. After all, the vision is sharply deteriorated from constant high blood sugar, the kidneys, heart, brain, small vessels of the legs suffer.

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