Digital aging: as gadgets "steal" beauty


Wherever we go, we surround screens everywhere, most often - the screen of your own smartphone. Without social networks and messengers it is difficult to imagine the life of a large city.

In addition, we daily receive a portion of irradiation with blue light, studied by LED lamps or ribbons used in the city for illumination. No longer talking about powerful sunshine, especially now - in summer. All this can not do not affect our body.

What is blue light?

As you know, the components of sunlight are visible light, ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The most dangerous of them is visible blue-purple light, which is peculiar to a rather high level of radiation. You can meet its HEV - High-Energy Visible Light. However, in our latitudes it is called simply "blue light". According to scientists research, blue light is dangerous as well as the UVA and UVB rays.

What is so dangerous?

The thing is that the high dose obtained by our organism leads to the formation of free radicals, which extremely negatively affect the structure of the cells. Blue light can penetrate enough deep under the skin, just in those layers of leather that store elastin and collagen, contributing to their destruction. As you understand, in order to "get to get" to such a depth of the skin, the blue light destroys the protective barrier, which is why the skin becomes vulnerable to all kinds of stimuli, which leads to aging.

every minute at the screen

Each minute of the screen "steals" youth


And what about digital aging?

Considering the fact that some concentration of blue light enters our body from the Sun, all the same, we will get a huge dose of blue irradiation during the use of gadgets. Companies to create electronics products try to compensate for the impossibility of our eye to perceive blue, and therefore the backlight in our phones is so bright.

Is there no protection?

In fact, exists. First, it is necessary to adjust the brightness in your smartphone - twisting the backlight to the maximum, you accelerate the aging process, and also increase your eye load. By the way, there are special applications for various types of mobile platforms, using a similar application you can set a relatively safe backlight level. However, with radiation coming from urban illumination, as well as from the active Sun, it is difficult to deal with a little more difficult.

To solve this problem, you will have to resort to the use of special cosmetics, the benefit of the manufacturers began to think more and more often about the effect of negative radiation. There are whole cosmetic lines aimed at protecting against HEV rays. The main ingredients in such protective cosmetics are cocoa extract, which has a powerful antioxidant effect and fights with free radicals, we also talk about cocoa peptides, which help to restore the destroyed protein, peptides replacing those areas that were deprived of collagen and elastin, so studying more Composition and pay special attention to the content of cocoa ingredients - fighters for your youth.

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