For whom voice loss is a crisis in work: reasons and restoration


For specialties such as teachers, (especially practicing regular lectures), guides, speakers, singers - votes loss means loss at this time of work. The voice is their tool that is subjected to high loads, which creates additional psychological pressure - and this is one of the common causes of the violation of the function of the voice apparatus.

Basic votes as a working tool

The pronounced personality characteristics of the voice, as a personal factor, nevertheless fit into the general framework, classifying the voice on the timbre, strength (or volume) and height. These parameters are due to the work of the voice ligaments and the resonators of the upper and lower departments of the voice apparatus.

At the same time, for people of ballot specialties, where an important role is played by the psychological impact on the listener, the requirements for voice parameters are expanding with such features such as diction, intonation and speech rate.

Voting power, its volume is impossible to underestimate, at least because of the feedback - a quietly talking person creates the impression of a weak and born, which is for a teacher, for example, unacceptably

Voting power

A loud voice at the subconscious level indicates strength and power, which remains in us since the time of primitive people. However, not all of us possess a natural loud voice, which determines the need for additional mobilization of factors available and affecting this parameter.

Articulation - provided by the top department of the voice apparatus (oral cavity, throat and larynx) allows you to significantly optimize voice parameters - create an optimal impedance for larynx and voice ligaments. Clear articulation, which is called - "chased" diction allow you to compensate for the lack of volume due to the weak function of breathing and the diaphragm.

Finally, the timbre is a unique characteristic of the voice of each person, depending on the individual characteristics of the structure of the organs of the voice apparatus and even the bones of the skull indirectly involved in resonation. Competent possession of all the resonating parts of the voice apparatus and body, including the chest and stomach, allows you to change the voice of the voice depending on the environment and the acoustic parameters of the room - to adapt to them, saving breathing and load on voice ligaments.

Protect voice ligaments from overload helps a special means - tablets from voice loss and ichingness of homeovox. The low probability of side effects and the minimum number of contraindications makes it possible to take the drug and in preventive purposes - with intensive loads on the larynx and voice ligaments.

Voice height

A significant factor affecting the perception, and so honored by people of ballot professions, the height of the voice is given to us from nature. This parameter depends on the anatomical structure of the larynx, voice ligaments and other organs of the upper resonational department - the oral cavity, nasopharynx and nasal sinuses.


The possibility of modulation by tonalities, the flexibility of voice determines the various intonations - the most important professional reception at the speakers, teachers and other representatives of the respective professions.

There is a set of basic intonations involved in everyday life, or professional - in the same teachers defining demanding or incentive intonations


The real voice professionals build their speech so that it is neither quick - neither slowly, and flows the solid river, fascinating the listener, and together with the competently chosen intonation, correctly supplied by voice in accordance with the timbre, has a maximum effect even with minimal strength.

Professional voice problems

In the context of professional causes of voice problems, attention should be emphasized on the main - systematic overvoltage of the voice apparatus. In aggregate with the incorrect speech and voice formation technique, as well as the significant impact of psycho-emotional factors, this can lead to chronic forms of damage to the voice apparatus.

The main problems with the voice arising from people directly due to their profession can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Flystylene - voice disorders that are not manifested in the anatomical changes in the vocal apparatus organs, but characterized by the loss or change in the main parameters of the voice - timbre, forces, heights.
  2. Functional disorders - hypotonus dystonia, the so-called "Qatar of fatigue", myopathic paresis, and other disorders, the manifestation of which is already due not only to the change in the characteristics of the voice, but also by external signs, for example, redness of the mucous membranes and edges of voice folds.
  3. Organic violations - with a change in the anatomy of voice folds, their swelling and the formation of benign tumors: fibromes, cysts, "singing nodules", hemorrhage.

The most frequent voice disorders of the representatives of the ballot professions are the lantern, that is, the weakening of the closure of voice folds against the background of physical and emotional overwork.

Among specialists, intensively and long-term voice apparatus, "professional" diseases are often developing:

  • Acute laryngitis is characterized by discomfort in the larynx and the rapid fatigue of the voice function. Largeoscopy shows redness of folds, and stroboscopy - incomplete closure.
  • Chronic laryngitis - manifests itself in the muscular hypotonus of the larynx and the hoarseness of the voice.
  • Allergic laryngitis - increased sensitivity to substances of various origin, is expressed in the feeling of "lump in the throat" and voting mastering.
  • Professional tracheitis is expressed in the rapid fatigancy of the voice and the unpleasant sensations in the field of trachea. The tracheal mucosa is either overwhelmed or on the contrary - it highlights the sputum.
  • Myopathic paresis - most often, a consequence of complications for laryngitis or strong voice loads, in the form of pathological changes in muscle tissues of the larynx. Voice timbre changes, hoarseness and voice fatigue appears.
  • The nodules of voice folds - education in voice folds in the form of polyps, referred to as the "singing nodules" due to the forcing of the voice, overvoltage of the ligaments.
  • Fibroms are benign education in the larynx in the form of small nodules. Characterized by hoarseness voices.

Increase the effectiveness of the treatment of laryngitis allows the reception from the first days of the manifestation of the disease of the Gomeoks drug. The anti-inflammatory and softening effect of pills for resorption helps to fight hoarseness and restore the voice.



Recovery therapy for professional violations

Restore normal votes with different types of disorders - to eliminate the causes of dysphony - as a general concept of voice disorders. These are engaged in laryngologists, phones and phonopeds. An important step of therapy is to diagnose, during which:

  • The clinical and functional state of the voice apparatus is studied;
  • Analyzed psycho-emotional patient's condition;
  • There is a degree of psychogenic nature of violations;
  • Differentiated integrated therapy is being developed;
  • The feasibility and effectiveness of the use of physiotherapeutic methods is estimated.

In general terms, rehabilitation therapy with voice violations in people of ballot professions, consists of several directions:

  • symptomatic - with orientation on manifestations of pathologies and their elimination;
  • physiological - direct clinical methods to eliminate a specific disease;
  • prophylactic or hygienic direction therapy, excluding factors leading to violations of the voices;
  • Psychogenic - study of emotional causes and elimination of psychological prerequisites for the consolidation of pathological functions of the balloratory apparatus.

Obviously, "acquire" voice violations to people whose profession obliges to use its voice apparatus intensively, it is extremely easy, and the recovery process is difficult - but it is possible. The main thing is to promptly recognize the availability of a problem and take all measures to ensure that the inevitable recovery process has passed as quickly and efficiently as possible.


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