Artificial tan: chocolate skin shade without harm


Under umbrella

The fact that such a tan can lead excessive love for the Sun is said. Nevertheless, from year to year there are rampant individuals who believe that they will definitely not touch them all the terrible consequences. We repeat for those who missed. If the skin begins to bronze, it means that its cells have been subjected to ultraviolet (and sometimes infrared) irradiation. Protective processes are launched in the body, the active mining of melanin begins, which protects us from photoregation, transversions and thermal impact.

Residents of rainy northern countries are familiar with prolonged depressed, low muscle tone, sleep disorder and chronic weakness. So in moderate doses, the sun rays are not only not dangerous, but also necessary for everyone: they stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D (important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus) and have bactericidal properties. That is why people suffering from skin diseases (except for acne disease) have a noticeable relief after vacation in solar countries. However, it is important to remember: those who are familiar with impaired pigmentation, such as vitiligo and chloasm, is strictly prohibited in the sun without special means.

Moderation should be the main rule of a successful tan - and these are not empty words! You need to start with five minutes, and after when you get used to half-hour sessions enough to get a beautiful and smooth bronze touch of the skin. Take sunbathing only in the "right" watch, from early morning to eleven days. Believe me, you just think that the sun at this time is inactive and will not provide you with the kind of chocolate mulatto: ultraviolet pierces even a dense winter cloudiness, and in the summer he "works" one hundred percent. Be sure to purchase special means with a SPF factor, not only for the face and body, but also for lips. Do not forget about the ears and zones between your fingers and legs. By the way, the eyes are also sensitive to ultraviolet, so the dark glasses in the summer season are not tribute to fashion, but a mandatory accessory.

The unpleasant consequence of solar overdose is photoboring - wadering an epidermis caused by a natural flow of time, but by long exposure to ultraviolet. To understand that the process of photoborgen is launched, look at the skin: constant increased dryness, the appearance of pigment specks and capillaries, non-leaving the Reds will become a signal - it's time to tie with the sun! Otherwise, all these signs cannot be removed without special procedures (they include chemical peelings and leather laser grinding), nor skillful makeup. The final stage of photoburation is a grid of small wrinkles, with which it is almost impossible to fight.

Sun kisses

Even the principal opponents of UV rays would like to boast a smooth and beautiful tan on the eve of the summer. What, fortunately, and thanks to the beauty industry, it became possible. We are talking about numerous car vehicles, bronzer and concentrates that create the effect of tanned skin. Conditionally, the entire "sunny" beauty arsenal can be divided into several categories: funds with a gradual accumulative effect, instant acting agents and a cosmetic effect agent at once (such easily washed off in the shower or a napkin for the demaciage). In the first two groups, the principle of operation is the same - the composition stains the horny layer of the epithelium, the color is kept within a few days. The brockets are related to the discharge of decorative cosmetics - for example, blush and tones with sparkling golden particles, veils and gels for the body with flicker.

Means with a cumulative effect are convenient for beginners: you can control the borders of the color and adjust the degree of "tannedness", giving the face and the body you need. It was washed off such products on the third-fourth day (of course, if not to continue to use them). A large bonus of lotions with a cumulative effect is a caring composition: often a bronze tone is only a "side effect" of a truly good moisturizing body cream. By the way, now a completely new format appeared on the market, which, obviously, will conquer our hearts - solar concentrates. These are cocktails in miniature tubes, which are added to several drops to your ordinary mousse or body cream. The more drops, the more intense the color, but no divorce, yellow or orange subtonum, in a word, no minuses of the usual auto markets. What is important, cosmetic firms produce different body and face facilities: it avoids the blockage of pores. The result can be rapidly evaluated through three or four days.

Completely impatient girls with hand-made hands are used by car tints, which are much faster than tinting lotions, paint the skin - the effect occurs within a few hours. Therefore, you will need experience in applying such funds, otherwise divorces may remain on the body and face. Each chooses the format of the soul - now there are weightless sprays, gels and dense creams. These products are washed out longer than their counterparts from the previous group - artificial tan can hold out to two weeks. Before applying car trails, experts advise a mechanical peeling session (for the body) - use scrubs with exfoliating particles. On the face (which to peeling is advised exclusively by non-abrasive compositions, that is, the compositions without injuries of the particle skin) to apply staining textures only on the skin without peeling.

Experiments with a tan are best carried out with decorative products - such will wash away immediately and can be used without risk to become a striped or orange track the desired tone and color saturation. For the face, the makeup artists advise the use of powders and blush-bimmers with fine-dispersed shining particles. If you apply them on sculpturing lines, you can visually raise the cheekbones and adjust the features of the face. If it is uniform, in small quantities, you will be able to achieve a slightly tanned face effect. Do not forget about the neck and neckline. For the body, it is best to use oils with an admixture of "golden" particles. By the way, in the usual body cream you can mix dry crumbly pigment - the homemade "solar" mix will take care of the skin and create the illusion of the body with a shade of chocolate.

The means with a bronzing effect does not always contain a protection factor from UV rays, and this means you have to choose a good protective fluid that will serve as a shield from a dangerous sun.

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