Aspirin asthma can wake apples


"At first glance, the connection between the cold and asthma is not easy to establish," says the pulmonologist Andrei Permilovsky. - Colds are sharp diseases of the upper respiratory tract. They are caused by adenoviruses, rhinovirus and 200 more varieties of viruses. Bronchial asthma is called chronic inflammation of the lower respiratory tract - bronchi. This is inflammation under the influence of any irritants, allergens. But about 70% in adults and 85% of cases in children there are those or other viruses.

For patients suffering from the so-called endogenous asthma, that is, due to the effects of viruses, exacerbation of attacks during a cold - a familiar phenomenon. Viral infections are dangerous and for people with atopic (allergic) bronchial asthma. Provice it can pollen plants, home dust, animal wool, food products, detergents ... However, cough, runny nose and other manifestations of infection irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and make it more susceptible to the effects of allergens.

The aggravation of bronchial asthma causes some drugs for the treatment of colds. Most often it is aspirin, analgin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Even the so-called aspirinist asthma is distinguished. By the way, it can be called not only the listed medicines, but also some fruits, such as apples, peaches, grapes or oranges. "I had one patient, which asthmatic attacks were tormented by each night," says Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University of Georgy Yurev. - It turned out, she eaten her apple over the night. When we set the connection and the woman stopped eating apples, the attacks stopped. "

The risk factors of bronchial asthma include not only heredity, but also obesity, and the floor. In children under 14 years old, asthma prevalence in boys almost 2 times higher than girls. The problem is often complicated by the fact that the patient can not guess the disease for a long time. The symptoms of the initial stage of bronchial asthma are so similar to the usual consequences of colds! Parents should pay special attention to difficulty or whistling breathing, cough and wheezes in the baby's chest. If these symptoms remain for a long time, you need to immediately go to the specialist - maybe it is the initial manifestations of bronchial asthma. A wrapping should also have a shortness of breath arising during exercise, a walk or, for example, a pet stroking. Dr. Permlovsky says that in most cases bronchial asthma is hidden in chronic bronchitis in most cases. If the child was diagnosed with "obstructive bronchitis", parents will have more attention to paying the prevention of ARVI, carefully take care of home hygiene (regularly carry out wet cleaning, ventilated the room, abandon aggressive detergents) and protect the baby from contact with allergens. Even passive smoking increases many times to increase the risk of bronchial asthma in a child, so parents need to completely eliminate smoking in residential premises.

If we begin treatment in time, with a large share of the probability of asthma will retreat for many years. But even in this case, you should always remember about the precautionary measures - to be ready for an unexpected attack and have a bright-resistant drug of quick action with it. In addition to drugs, the patient's body with bronchial asthma will gratefully respond to proper nutrition, moderate physical exertion to couple with special breathing exercises, as well as regular rest in a suitable climatic zone.

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