Family bonds: the relationship of relatives does not depend on their relationship


If I wanted to become a director of some movie, I would definitely add to the idea for the plot to dreams that I manage to get to interpretations in this column.

To clarify this dream, I need to draw a prehistory. I lectured on how our family, her sensual heritage affects the descendants. Anselyin Schrzzitsisherger in the book "Syndrome of ancestors" multifacetedly described the most interesting process of family mutual influence on each other, regardless of what kind of family members support each other or do not support at all. Following, loyalty to family traditions and the rules of the family, often blind followed, is called loyalty. Loyalty is our connection with the source, this is a feeling of basic affiliation of your stack.

To communicate with the "packs", with the family, you do not need to be good at all. In the process of following family accessories, it does not matter how our relationship with the family is achieved in the best way. Anselyin Sharzzberger leads to stunning examples of similar events in the life of families: the same dangerous diseases in the same age at the ancestors and descendants who did not even know each other personally. Same events and dramas, birth or nerve children, the number of spouses and divorces. Sometimes it seems that the family simply repeats the previous events under the car. Probably, for our kind, what is repeated, it has a lot of meaning. Perhaps this meaning is not noticeable separately taken by a family member, but in general the family scenario moves this genus in the right direction. And thus achieved the strongest contact with the ancestors.

The process of mutual influence of family members to each other is extremely curious

The process of mutual influence of family members to each other is extremely curious


When a person disassembles family history and finds communications among themselves and its family heritage, he appears a difficult choice. You can weaken the relationship with the family, in exchange for this to get the freedom to choose some of its history, which may not be tested in the family.

Perhaps to become the first rich man when a lot of generations go back, saved and stretched strap, have experienced all poverty.

It is possible to create a long-term relationship when there are no stories of a happy relationship in the family, but there are loss history, losses, betrayal. But then you will have to abandon the attempt to create a greater connection with your native way by maintaining maximum loyalty.

A person who is aware of his association with his family knows that this connection is not free that it is necessary to often separately share a difficult family experience, for example, as a mother, not trusting men; As dad, try to build your business unsuccessfully and live in debt.

And now, as the illustration of this material, the participant of the lecture told a dream. "I lead the zombie squad. They produce blood from the veins and acquire sufficiency. Nothing dangerous for others do not commit, but begin to demonstrate their strength: take off, climb on the walls, run at a huge speed. I can be the same, but I'm afraid of this power. "

A small explanation: from a biological point of view, blood is a connection with the family. Bulgakov wrote: "The question of blood is the most difficult question, queen '.

Probably, difficulty is to recognize its indispensable relationship with the family and, together with this, the right to autonomy for which it is necessary to pay the weakening of this connection.

The dream of dreams that the acquisition of her strength is outside the durable relationship with the family. If she wants to learn to use it, then the connection with the ancestors, with their traditions, their vision of the correctness of life will have to revise and, most likely to weaken.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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