Anatoly Lobocky: "I am Serevolism was a gloomy boring"


He was born and spent his youth to Tambov, where he graduated from the directorial faculty of the Institute of Culture. During his studies, I realized that he wants to be an actor. In Gitis, he was taken from the second time. Then he realized that it was a blessing - he entered the course to Andrei Goncharov. So he tied his life with the theater to them. Mayakovsky, which serves more than thirty years. Well, his business card in the cinema - the "envy of the gods" of Vladimir Menshov. January 14, Anatoly Lobotsky turned ... sixty years!

1. About me

I am a fairly discreet man. I can damage the kinetic energy for a long time, and then throw it out on some person. But it happens very rarely.

Maximum frankness, penalty inside out to me in principle is not peculiar to me - I simply resist this organism. I will accept any problems, but I will not download others yourself.

For me, the proximity of people is manifested whether they can, not bored, silence with each other.

Disappointment is a very powerful emotion. Disappointed in a person who know the month is impossible. He just becomes uninteresting. Of course, you can focus a woman. And you can also be disappointed in it. So what? In principle, thinking about a person is better - this is a good feature.

I'm no hypochondrik. Just the slices were a gloomy boring. And everything else is like everyone else.

2. Age

No matter how he senses himself, no matter how I joined, no matter how young a goat is, I still know a little more than a year of my birth, and all your age problems that arise from a person over the years.

Despite the already decent anniversary, I have nothing particularly stuck in the perception of life. I am a conservative person. And my priorities that have developed twenty years ago are already particularly changed.

I laugh when ridiculous. I am glad when joyful. Things that surprised me thirty years ago, continue to amaze so far. Maybe now less reasons to rejoice. And than them are less, the more they need to look.

3. About work

The artist is the main expressive means of the director and its main headache. And the great director, my teacher Andrei Alexandrovich Goncharov, was love-hatred. He could relate to artists as a native father, and how could a real Karabas Barabas.

I have never seen on the set no atmosphere of love. This production.

Work and profession is simply obliged to be interesting - otherwise it's just not necessary to do it. And I had pretty heavy periods in my theater, but if then I scored a bolt on the theater, which I did not want to walk, I did not score at all on my profession.

I am deprived of feelings envy. And I do not want to learn this. I watch the film and see how another person played, and I know how I played. But regret it is not.

4. About money

I never lived in luxury. Rose into a fairly poor environment. The intelligentsia has never been rich in those years. I'm omitant, indifferent to clothes, I care about comfortably comfort, but the lack of money always oppresses me. When nothing to buy cigarettes is straining. I happened to me.

From twelve years I worked, unloaded the wagons. Parents allowed me to earn my own money. On them I went to relax with friends, catch fish. In the second year I already had a small child. That is why I again worked: artist Decorator, artist-designer in DC and janitor. And while studying in Gitis - also a carpenter, plus the theater circle on the masterphotus was led.

For me, the account in the bank and villas in expensive resort places is not an indicator of wealth. Money is needed for independence. And these are not necessarily several mansions worldwide. I do not have such requests. I just got used to them.

5. About love

When we are in love, our eyes closes. Love is usually blind. Although at my age is blind to be ridiculous.

Jealousy - Emotion destructive. And I know what I'm talking about. In my youth passed a lot. But, for example, it is harmful to eat fried, but this does not mean that I do not eat it. So here. Now the instinct of self-preservation is already connected. And it saves from much.

Polygamy is optional physical treason. It's just a relation to the female floor, some desires and domestic needs of men who are completely optional should be realized in nature.

Freedom is that I appreciate most. Only my freedom quite approximately depends on whether I am married or not. Women tried to re-educate me. But, it seems to me, I am not particularly perhaps, even, can be said that cannot be said.

I can change myself: if I know that some kind of my trait is unpleasant, then why annoy it once again if it is not vital? Although, of course, by and large, it is impossible to rebuild your psyche.

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