Vladimir Vishnevsky about Anatoly Trucchina: "In our company, he always walked lucky"


Today it became known that Anatoly Trucchin died due to complications caused by coronavirus. We contacted his friend - the poet Vladimir Vishnevsky, who admitted that the Truchkin in Tusovka was considered a very lucky person, so for all what happened to be a blow.

- Vladimir, we know that it seems to be a week ago you talked with Anatoly ...

- Yes, we talked to him by phone. I, when I learned that he fell ill coronavirus, he called him immediately. I worked for him, especially since the age category is dangerous. But I also knew that friends always participate in his life, among whom Nikas Safronov. For example, a few years ago Nikas helped organize his anniversary. And I understood that Tolya under guardianship. True, when I scored him, he did not come to the phone at first, but then I saw that it was unanswered. I called him back, we talked. Of course, the impressions were sad from his speech. I still noticed that he says somewhat sluggish, slowly. But at the same time I quite optimally thought about how he would return to the scene, as he would return to the previous drive of his speech, his artistry.

- How long have you been familiar?

- With Anatoly Tree, we were thirty years old: both in life, and at work. Participated in the same festivals, shooting, anniversaries. Printed in one "antholiology of satire and humor of Russia of the twentieth century", more than once performed. He knew my wife, communicated with her, and I handed him hello to his wife. His grandson ... He was not at all associated with such a departure, because in our company he always walked in such a striker and weass in everything. Therefore, when I found out that he fell ill, I, like our common friends, proceeded from the idea that Trushkin is an absolute lucky thing, and it is absolutely not typical to get under the common pandemic distribution. I was sure that he would definitely cure that everything will cost, and then it will be remembered as the fact of the biography of the writer. I remember how we flew once on the plane to Kaliningrad and turbulence began. And all the already knowing some of our traditions, joked, they say, look at the Trucin. And he prayed. And all at once: "Well, once the Trucin prayes with us - everything will be fine." And this idea will confirm not one person. After all, there is always some positive aura around him.

Poet Vladimir Vishnevsky

Poet Vladimir Vishnevsky


Everything was fine in life: housing in the city, village, tour ... His career was also beautiful: both writer, and Career Showman. He was a very popular person, one of the few absolutely media Russian writers. Where someone did not miss, the Trucin always, without changing herself, the viewer appeared with her materials. He was a man very harmonious and from the point of view of talent, and life practicality; He was a business, organized man.

I now remember how Misha Evdokimov died in 2005, a talented nugget, an artist, who stepped into another life. I remember how we were interviewed in the lobby of the Yalta Hotel, together with Anatoly. I then remember the phrase of Trucin about Evdokimov, that he is a "wonderful Russian man." And this phrase applies to the very Anatoly Trucchina, to his talent, to his personality. I will think about his care, I will always remember him, it will always be lacking for readers, and colleagues. Bright memory…

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