What is our life? Fight!


One of the main creators of the Moscow Star Tournament is the 1st Vice-President of the Sports Fight Federation of Russia (FSBR) George Bryusov. Most recently, he was acknowledged by the President of the Russian Federation for an outstanding contribution to the development of sports ... Bryusov - a busy person, but for our newspaper, I happily found time. Honored coach of Russia, the father of three children talked about his way in a big sport, about people who changed his life, about the sports possibilities of Moscow and many other things.

- Georgy, how did you find yourself in the ranks of sports functionaries and, in particular, in the Federation of Combating?

- The legendary Wolnik Wolnik, the two-time Olympic champion Ivan Sergeevich Yarygin, the first President of the FSBR, Alas, now the deceased. In fact, I was professionally engaged in large tennis and achieved certain results. Next to the Burdenko hospital, where my father served, in the ancient Lefortovo Park was located a sports club of the Army of the Moscow Military District. There I played and entered the national team. And with the family of Yarygin, we talked very closely. (We then lived in the prestigious area of ​​Moscow, where they received apartments after the Moscow Olympiad Many stars of sports, as well as diplomats, doctors and military. So the Olympic champions were our neighbors, along with Ivan Sergeevich's daughter, Anya, and with my future wife Natalia we Together we went to school.) Yarygin was often interested in my sporting success.

After school, I went in the footsteps of my parents and entered the Medical Institute. At that time, Father, Professor, Major General Pavel Bryusov, was the main surgeon of the Ministry of Defense. By the way, in the father's line, we are the descendants of the Russian poet Valery Brysov, and in our family everything is perfectly familiar with his work. And my mother worked the deputy head of the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital. So I grew up in a medical environment, and it was completely natural that I should go to medicine. Like my older brother, he is now a well-known resuscitative doctor. When I studied in the fourth year and was preparing to become a children's surgeon, life has changed cool. It was the beginning of the 90s ... I was always hit the circle of communication and dynamics of Ivan Yarygin. At some point, I realized that it was mine. I came to Ivan Sergeevich and began to work with his assistant, while he took the word from me that I would finish a medical institute. So in the end and it turned out.

Ivan Sergeevich united the leaders around himself, created a team of like-minded people who convinced the power to help sports, kept wrestling schools, and most importantly, our victorious traditions continued. New was created in fact on scratch.

What is our life? Fight! 38427_1

- What are the most interesting moments in life for the time you are in this movement?

- One of these moments is the World Championship in Krasnoyarsk in 1997. It is now we easily conduct world championships, we are going to accept the Olympics and World Cup. And then there was nothing but enthusiasm. I was quite young at the time, and I had a huge responsibility for organizing the competition. Yarygin, who himself was from Krasnoyarsk, dreamed of spending the World Cup there. Especially since the city was opened for free entry just a few years before. And it was the first championship in New Russia, according to which the Government Decision was specifically issued. The Palace of Sports was renovated. Yarygin, the hotels, airport, a special road and junction were built ... As a result, the championship was recognized as the International Field of Field (Phil) as the entire history of these competitions. That our experience became a shittometha, it is copied to this day.

An important event in my life was acquainted with the chairman of the Russian government Vladimir Putin. I was entrusted to present our program for the development of the struggle "Burn and defeat!", Calculated until 2020. And in particular, the project for the construction of sports and leisure centers "Olymp" throughout Russia. And then we got the full support of the head of government. I will not hide that Vladimir Vladimirovich was surprisingly surprised by the achievements of the FSBR.

And on June 3 of this year in Switzerland, at Phil's headquarters, in the year of the Russian classical struggle, we opened the Hall of Fame of the Russian Fight. And there was installed there a monument to the Soviet sole of Ali Aliyev - the first monument to our athlete abroad. Exposure will stay there before the London Olympiad. The Russian Tricolor will be waited as much over the castle in Corsier-sur-Veve. Another sign.

Well, the main event in my life is definitely the birth of children. Although it does not apply to a sports biography, but this is most important. Troyashki Ivan, Sergey and Anastasia appeared on the light 12 years ago.

- Children raise in sports traditions?

- Of course. We have a very sporty family. Mom is a former figure skater. I understand with me. And all our children have been doing tennis since six years. Now guys combine tennis with the fight against the struggie in the Olympic village. When in the summer we are leaving for the sea, the whole family arranges swims for 2-3 km. In addition, they run cross with me, and in the winter we go skiing. Unfortunately, I spend a little time to children. Such a paradox: Create conditions for kids throughout the country, and at your own time practically does not remain. But I urge parents to pay attention to your children to the maximum of attention, not to refund them with nanny, school groups, etc. Because if you do not answer your children to exciting questions, it will do someone else.

At the Olympics in Beijing, the fighters brought Russia 6 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.

At the Olympics in Beijing, the fighters brought Russia 6 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.

- The question is like a large father. Many sports in Moscow is now financially simply not under the power of parents. What about the struggle class?

- The struggle is one of the most affordable sports. All sections are free. Moreover, we have particularly needed children for free, we distribute the equipment for free, which we produce, - Triko, wrestling. This is all you need a child. On one carpet, about 60 guys train at the same time. In Moscow, a day in the hall takes up to 200 children. For example, once the Olympic champions of Hassan Baroev and Islam-Back Albiyev arrived in the capital with one backpack behind the shoulders. The coach and the wrestling section became their home in Moscow.

In addition to affordability, the struggle is still mass of advantages: this sport forms male psychology, develops a figure. In addition, we have no random people among coaches. This is clearly followed by a wrestling organization, and the Moscow government. Our mentors are very worthy people, and, as a rule, they are more for children more than just coaches. And the very concept of "struggle according to the rules" is very important: the child clearly realizes that it is possible, and what is impossible. In Moscow, everything was delivered at a very serious level: Moskomport, led by Alexei Vorobyev, MGFSO, under the leadership of Viktor Mamiashvili and the organization "Youth of Moscow", thanks to the well-established system, make it possible to travel to competitions, fees.

George and Natalia Bryusov with their triples.

George and Natalia Bryusov with their triples.

- And what is this centers "Olympus", about which they speak so much lately, and will they appear in the capital?

- The fight comes many children from unsecured families. And they choose not even a sport, but a lifestyle. We understand this perfectly. And the child must be attracted to sports on sports as such a good beacon. And through the sport to give him the opportunity to develop in all directions. To do this, we must build such centers that will combine sports opportunities, and leisure, and educational, and access to communications, and even the possibility of opening their microbusiness (for example, shops selling our own products and cafes). With the centers there will be free authors of the Olympic champions ... For the capital, a separate program is being prepared for the capital, taking into account the expansion of the geographical boundaries of Moscow.

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