Work with home delivery


Thousand and one way of taking money

- Work options at home, "says Irina Grebenkina, living in not so close to the Moscow region, but working exclusively to the capital companies and at the same time very rarely leaving the limits of his home. - Here and the creation of sites, and writing articles for different publications and publishers, and editing, and blogging, and search for customers.

But the experienced Ocknomnik Irina strongly advises beginners not to trust employers and carefully check them.

- First work only on an advance payment, having received an advance, agree on the payment of each executed step. At the next stage, proceed only after you receive a fee for the work done. If the employer agrees to pay only by the fulfillment of the task, send him a part of the made one. Finished work can be sent only after you completely calculate.

Alas, Pavel Krasilnikov Iru did not know and her tips did not hear. However, a young man did not claim for a qualified and high-paying work. I just wanted to overcome in a free time from the main work.

- My wife and I took a loan, the family budget immediately shut down. And I wanted to not argue yourself, "he explains.

What he just did. Handles collected, felt-tumbers, glued labels on the boxes and these boxes themselves even took a packaging. And no ruble earned. The last attempt is to make decorative candles - also failed with a crash.

"At first I took the packaging of gifts," recalls a young man. - What attracted me - gifts and packaging promised to deliver to the house. But for the delivery I had to pay and even make a small deposit. He was promised to return when I fulfill the task. The company was insured against unscrupulous workers. It seemed to me quite logical. I paid. Almost a month waited when gifts and packaging will be delivered. It was time for gifts to take - no one came for them.

And when Paul hovering into the office, the door turned out to be tightly locked. Looking for now, the fistula of the employer. Moreover, there was no intelligent treaty in the hands of Paul. According to the documents - he paid for information services provided to him. And he understood it, only when he went to the lawyer and attentive to him carefully read something earlier signed up. With candles, too, not enough. For instructions and training had to pay.

"I received the instruction, and as for studying ..." Paul only waved his hand. - a month was dull on the presentation in different DCs and clubs. It ended in that, casting candles on the instructions, almost a fire did not suit the house.

As you understand, it turned out that to present cast candles to no one.

Tip: Do not contact employers who offer to pay training, consumables or instructions for making something. An honest employer must pay out products to herself. If the implementation of the finished product is not guaranteed - this is fraud.

From personal experience

I, too, at one time tried to earn money without leaving home. Set and decoding texts, editing, etc. It turned out that these are the most common offers on the Internet. At the request "Spenting Work" in the search engine found almost half a thousand. Alas. For a disc with records you need to pay. And instead of the normal coordinates and the exact name of the company, a very foggy phrase "Publishing House" is mentioned.

Another tempting announcement on the Internet: "We take into account how much time it takes writing notes. If you needed 3.5 hours, we pay ... "- further went on the amount of about a thousand rubles. Coordinates - email address. And how does the employer find out how much time I spent on completing the task? Alerted the absence of full coordinates. Specify the email address instead of the postal address and the phone is very convenient. Message can be ignored and left unanswered.

People, be vigilant

Nevertheless, attempts to find an honest employer are not hopeless. Check - contract. At least civil legal (contract or services). It needs to specify the amount of payment, the payment terms, to provide for the return of defective consumables and the refusal to perform the task without penalties.

However, fraudsters can also conclude such a contract. But - Attention! - Services do not give you, but you. So it turned out in the case of Paul. The organization honestly wrote that it undertakes to provide information on the production technology and sales of goods. The instructions were given to him, they told about the goods. Prove that they also promised to give money, it is impossible. About this in the contract nor Palslov.

Conclusion: an honest employer will answer all questions, will indicate all its coordinates (not just an email address, but also the phones and the postal address, and actual), including the full name of the organization, will show a certificate of registration of the company.

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