Mountain over lip: What the signs on our body talk about


Sometimes it is difficult to analyze yourself independently - it seems that all the results of psychological tests show not what you are, but what you see yourself. However, there are such non-verbal techniques that talk about us with great accuracy - the natal map, clothing style, gestures and manners, as well as any signs on our body - tattoos, piercing and moles. Roda stains can be analyzed in the same way as everything else. We tell what they mean their location.

When did you start analyzing moles?

Remembering the story, in the 18th century the ladies paid attention to the location of the moles. Before the ball or other way out of the girl, the girl was drawing coal or mystery over the lip, in the eyes and cheekbones. The first two testified about passionism and experience in love affairs - they usually wore married women, the mole on the cheek spoke about the tenderness and sensuality of the young lady. These signs were easily read by the cavaliers and gave impetus to communication. Like different movements of Wair, each sign on the body had a value - they were closely close and picked up according to age and status.

Previously, moles considered secret signs

Previously, moles considered secret signs



Maleosophy science is engaged in learning moles as indicators of character and fate of a person. There is no official confirmation of its loyalty or absurdity - the interpretation of signs is always positive, so no one can upset. Some confirm that the explanation of the location of the moles is true about the nature of the person, others deny the "pseudoscience", in their opinion. Everyone decides, believing him into the interpretation or not. We offer explanations of the moles at different parts of the body:

Forehead: Molenia in the center of the forehead speaks of the authority, the solid rod, the inconsistency of its owner, also about luck on the love front and financial well-being. Molenia on the left side of the forehead speaks of developed logic and intuition - the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the analytics. The right of the right speaks of artistry, desire to show leadership qualities, striving for glory and wealth.

Eye: Experts conclude that Molenia in any age indicates an early and successful marriage, full of love. On the right eye - active life position, success in affairs, observation and developed intuition - you always anticipate events and easily analyze people. On the left eye - doubts about himself, permanent self-analysis and work with the inner "I", dependence on someone else's opinion, especially the opposite sex, emotional and often guide the feelings, but attentive to others.

Cheek: Mountain on the cheek speaks of the sensitivity of the owner, developed aesthetic taste - love for theater and exhibitions, stylish clothes, interesting dishes. Mountain on the right cheek - a sign of a happy star - everything goes easily, rarely there are problems and failures. On the left cheek, on the contrary, says that everything goes through hard work.

The chin: Women with a mole at the bottom of the face - the nature of the sophisticated, incredibly gentle and kind, attentive to the trifles. They are also generous and responsible - always restrain the promises.

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