Weight take


The director of the film Alexey Batalov loved this fairy tale in childhood. Therefore, when during study at the Studio School, he spoke about his interest in the "three fat men" to comrades, it is not surprising that soon the conversation of smoothly flows towards the stage. After a couple of years, it was possible. In those days, Alexey served in Mkat's troupe, and young actors caught fire by the Batalov idea. They even managed to interest the author of the fairy tale, Yuri Karlovich Oleshu. But so far preparatory work went, the battles from the theater left and left his dream to finish the other. Known by the time the actor (the "Rumyantsev" and "cranes") came to the screens and "flying") from the capital to work for Leningrad film studio. There, he was able to return to his beloved fairy tale. He appealed to the former wife of Olga Olga Gustavovna Suok (according to the name of the beloved woman's writer and called the main character of the fairy tales. - Ed.). She helped the director to collect all the necessary materials, drafts, notes, drawings, and after a long painstaking work script for the film was ready. For myself, Batalov chose the role of the rope of Tibul.

Actors playing three fathers - Boris Christforova, Sergey Kulagin and Evgenia Morgunov - had to sit on a strict diet to gain extra pounds.

Actors playing three fathers - Boris Christforova, Sergey Kulagin and Evgenia Morgunov - had to sit on a strict diet to gain extra pounds.

To remove the episode, how circus is going on a wire, Alexey Vladimirovich a year and a half studied walking along a rope. No less I had to work hard and the performer of the role of Suok, the schoolgirl from Vilnius Lina straighten, which Batalov saw in her first picture - "girl and echo." The fact is that the bracking had to play both a doll in most scenes. The girl was superimposed by complex makes. A heavy red wig with a bow caused young actress hellish flour, because there was a heat and on the street, and in the pavilion. But the worst thing was to remove the artificial chapel after filming. She was glued to the real hair, and often the grimers had to resort to the help of a razor to release Linu from captivity. All these difficulties were accompanied by permanent training. Batalov was engaged with a routine, and straight - with the wife of Batalov, an actress of the Circus Gitana Leontenko. Gitan taught the girl acrobatics and juggling. At first, Lina has little worn. And often she could hear the director's emotional speech in his address, who did not take the concerns for himself and demanded complete dedication from others. But the actress was gradually mastered and so felt confident in herself, which agreed to act in scenes with a real tigr. Once again, the episode was rehearsed, as a bitch, saving prisoners from the cells in Zvezenz, faces a tiger. Everything went well. But at some point the girl turned back to the predator, what to do is categorically impossible. In a second, she felt heavy paws of the beast on their shoulders. Later, the actress recalled that he would not remember how the fear literally flew to the very top of the grille. Clearly recovered from horror long, but then I found strength in myself and again approached the tiger.

In the meantime, such passions, Sergey Kulagin, Evgeny Morgunov, and Boris Christorow had to be sitting on a strict diet to recover. The actors ate a lot of flour, sweet, potatoes and pasta, but did not reach the desired condition. And they sewed special costumes with thickens in proper places.

The heir to Tutti played Peter Artemyev. For the boy, this role has become the only one in the movies. He graduated from the Leningrad State University, Philology Faculty. And for a long time he worked at the school teacher of Russian and literature. Now gives private

The heir to Tutti played Peter Artemyev. For the boy, this role has become the only one in the movies. He graduated from the Leningrad State University, Philology Faculty. And for a long time he worked at the school teacher of Russian and literature. Now gives private

When in the fall of 1966, the "three fathers" went to the screens, then not only children were built behind the tickets, but also adults who had the fairy tale also liked.

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