Why young moms annoy you


It will be about the most women who are popular to yazhmat and who are responsible for any misdemeanor: "This is a child."

And no, it is not necessary to be childfrey to be resentment due to the behavior of some women.

We all active social network users, and surely you have heard the discussions of these women. They are devoted to whole communities where they are discussing meetings with representatives of this category. At first they treated them condescendingly, with a light irony, they say, so think, said stupidity. However, now yazhimat - an offensive term.

Even those who originally defended the "unfortunate women" began to be outraged because of the failed, which they periodically learn. We decided to figure out what the problem is, and why the membranes are annoyed.

If they are not allowed somewhere, they will pass themselves

If they are not allowed somewhere, they will pass themselves

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Children in such a mother are unlikely to grow responsive people

Probably, everyone in life happened such a story: we are going in transport tired, after a hard working day. You hold on to the handrail, and under you sits a mother with a schoolboy, quite adults. And no, the mother will not ask to give way to anyone else or anyone else. Or grandmothers with grandchildren who cannot stop in place, but grandmothers pluck them simply so that you are not satisfied.

And then we are surprised where there are so many men who do not respect women. You raise them yourself.

They do not pay attention to their baby

They do not pay attention to their baby

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Everyone must them

Did you know that in some paid parks you can go for free if you are driving a child in a wheelchair? This fact does not satisfy moms who also do not want to drag on themselves also the stroller, Zano defending their right to pass for free in the park, proving the right to the guard of this fleece.

Let's go back to social networks. In the thematic groups you will find the incredible collections of screenshots of uzhemteracy correspondence with sellers of used things. It's hard to believe that it writes a living person. If you still do not have online page, tell me: Women under the pretext of largests are aggressively trying to bring down the price on one or another product, and most of them want to get a thing for free. But the sellers are not from a timid ten, so reading is very entertaining - you are not enough for several days to master everything.

Their child has no prohibitions

It's just a classic. In the aircraft, trains, buses, their children are not considered with the rest of the passengers: it is rammed on the head of the chair - please squeeze and run around the salon - for God's sake. Mother will not say a word.

We are not talking about cases when the child is really bad, we are talking about situations when the mother is not doing anything to a bored child. You can advise only one thing: do the child yourself, until they have been doing the surrounding.

They beat off the desire to give gifts

Another case of life: the child runs on the site, and his mother is sitting in the phone at this time, without paying any attention to the baby. Here he disrupts the flower and runs to give her mother, however, instead of going and hug a son, she begins to scold him to the entire park, stating that flowers to tear badly.

It may seem that this is a trifle, however, from such little things in the future and there is a character of a future man, and indeed any person, regardless of gender.

Yazhem will always find a lesson to communicate with a child

Yazhem will always find a lesson to communicate with a child

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

And such parents are becoming more and more, no one is decree, but such a total ignoring of the rules is unlikely to have a positive effect on the formation of the child's personality.

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