45 - I know, berry again


- Eteri, your most peculiar to depression about the outgoing youth?

"While we worked on the film, I myself turned 40, and it was very important for me to convey the hard idea that it was not in the figure. I am convinced that for a woman it is absolutely normal to care and follow yourself, but no botox and plastic will hide the extinct look and inner displeasure and their lives. In those women who are interesting to me and cause my respect, I have never observed panic sentiment related to age: they do not track the emergence of new wrinkles, but live with life filled. And it does not matter, in which region they took place - in professional or family. Many, by the way, virtuoso combine one with another. The main thing is that they are not boring to live, they are full of interest in the world, to people, to themselves. They proceed from them, which attracts others, and, by the way, their wrinkles are from a smile and laughter.

- Many of your heroines felt after the mark of 45 as if unclaimed and at work, and in personal life. How do you think this problem is characterized more for Moscow or, rather, for the whole region?

- She, unfortunately, is everywhere, just in the capital, as in any metropolis, more opportunities to take place and dilute their loneliness. Here, even somehow strange to be not deed, do not find hobby, friends, like-minded people. But I know women and from the depths that are firmly for 50 and 60, which do not drink and do not swear fate, and the grandchildren grow and find themselves in dancing, romance, gardening, have fans and so on. Looking at them, I am convinced that no matter how unfavorable is the situation, the main thing is the absence of mental laziness and internal optimism.

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- as noted in the film American Eddie OPP, his compatriot song with the words "Women's happiness - would be cute nearby, well, and nothing more do not understand anything ... And in Russia, this is almost a law, and It doesn't matter how much nor was. To be lonely ... indecent.

- You know, this is a very big problem. Fortunately, gradually the world changes, a woman changes. The fact that our woman always took a lot to himself and all kept on her, now plays in her favor. Many people felt that they were able to take their lives in their hands. That some doors are open in front of them, and others are able to open themselves. What not only choose them, but they can choose. I think that in the ice "catch" men for ten-centimeter studs, it is better to take an example from such non-merging and self-sufficient women.

- Do you think your next project should be dedicated to men?

- While we did not plan anything like that, but I can say that the problems of age, naturally concern not only women. And our man may be much more painful going through his crises today. In any case, it seems to me that the mass boom on the show will gradually comes to no. Men will cease to choose women as a prize to the winner, and women are chasing for eternal youth contrary to common sense. Wait and see.

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