Vladimir Tolokonnikov died aged 74 years


Honored Artist of Kazakhstan Vladimir Toloopnikov died on the 75th year of life. In Russia, he remembered him, knew and loved mainly as Sharicikov from the "Dog Heart" of Vladimir Bortko, although he played a lot in the theater and in the movies. But the very star role of the polygraph of Polygraphphovich did not like, believed that she became a stigma on his career.

As the nearby Vladimir Alekseevich say, the cause of the death began to stop the heart. The actor very much smoked, suffered from bronchitis, but did not appeal to doctors.

Vladimir Tolokonnikov died aged 74 years 38369_1

"I am superstitious"

Julia Goncharov

A few years ago, Alma-Ata State Academic Russian Theater of the Drama named after Lermontov arrived on tour to Moscow. They brought the performances: "Cherry Garden" Chekhov, "Hotel of the Two Worlds" Schmitt, "House" of Grishkovets and "Visit of the Ladies" Durrenmatta, in all of them was busy tolokonnikov. Then I managed to talk to this wonderful artist. Small excerpts from the interview will be better talking about him than the memories of colleagues.

- Vladimir Alekseevich, in the cinema you are mostly filmed from Russian directors, play in Kazakhstan in the theater. Are you a man of the world?

- Sure. We are all from the USSR, where no one looked at wherever you come from. Fraternal peoples are cut down each other. I remember in the 90s, I starred in Belarus, and we had nothing to eat. So I'm from there condensed milk and stew boxes home drove. Delicious was.

The actor was proud of the role of Firs

The actor was proud of the role of Firsa in the "Vishnevian Garden"

Julia Goncharov

- Many Russians are leaving from Kazakhstan - your potential spectators. Sami did not never think to move?

- This is a question for snowing ... The outflow of the Russian-speaking population from Kazakhstan, of course, affects the theatrical public, and the viewer comes from the village of Alma-Atu, who, let's say so little familiar with the Russian language. But it is impossible to turn everyone in theatrical aesthetes, many come to simply laugh, relax. You never know what I think and want. My son graduated from Vgik, the course of Mikhailov, played by Myshkin. I watched and cried. The son stayed in Moscow, trying to break through here. We simply do not have work for artists, it is very difficult with suggestions, and in Russia the wheel is spinning, the filmonveyor works, there are great opportunities. And I and in Kazakhstan is good. Although, oddly enough, with age, the climatic conditions are already suitable for Russian.

- You have a ring "save and save" on your finger, are you a believer?

"I can't say that I'm choking, but everything comes to God sooner or later." We are all born in the USSR, were atheists, but the actors are so closely dealing with the soul that without helping more than anything. It was previously buried by the artists behind the cemetery fence, and now look, everyone goes to church. I have little sins. I can't quit smoking. But on the set, while waiting for what to do? I drank at one time. And they drove me for abuse of alcohol drinks, was even a working scene, and then they took again. Character, they say, complicated - I am for the truth! Sometimes I can be sharp, offend a person. Like all artists, I am a superstitious man.

The actor smoked a lot, and did not appeal to doctors

The actor smoked a lot, and did not appeal to doctors

Julia Goncharov

- Despite the abundance of your roles, every second knows you as Sharicikov from the "dog heart" and "Hottabach" from the same picture. Both are irreal characters. Mystical roles brought good luck?

- Yes, she knows her. Removing the "dog heart", we did not have to think about themselves. There is such a material that take, do not think without thinking. But after entering the picture, it was so dolbala the press, what about what good luck to talk here. For one good article, ten bad. Of course, then the picture became a bomb. Our task was alone, without thinking about mysticism, transfer the plot as it left us Bulgakov. By the way, Borkko took PSA on the role of the ball, and in the theater I and the dog played, so there is a complete reincarnation in the character. The balls became a stigma for me. In general, I believe in fate. Everyone has its own chance in life, the main thing is not to watch it, do not pass by.

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