Vladimir Etush: "None of his wives I did not make sentences"


It seems about it all the famous: brilliant actor, front-line hero, Professor Schuki, man, surrounded by chic women all life. Vladimir Abramovich's authority in the people is so high that even those who kicked him the apartment thieves return "everything that is hug away by unbearable labor" ... Nevertheless, do not everyone know that he was born "twice": officially, according to the passport - in 1923, and In fact - in the 1922th. The boy according to the tradition of those times the parents recorded a year later, in order to strengthen to the army appeal. True, it did not help - Etosh went to war volunteer. But now all his anniversaries are widely, vividly celebrated with the beloved Wakhtangov Theater, and the huge army of admirers of his talent for two years in a row. And not only anniversaries. For example, last year on May 6, Vladimir Abramovich knocked ninety-two. And in this ... ninety-two. The fact is undoubtedly curious. However, if the passport was "mistaken" for a couple of dozen years, today no one would notice. He still regularly goes to the scene, goes on tour, traveling, sometimes starring into the movies.

Vladimir Etush: "Forever crashed into memory, of course, the arrest of the Father. In the evening two came to civilian clothes, alone said: "Well, now I'm getting better than you." I sat on the chair and took out an arrest warrant. Dad asked: "For what?" - "You will explain." Made a search and took it with them. Then we already learned that he was taken as "socially harmful element." Father in the past was NEPMAN, in the current - entrepreneur. I was twelve or thirteen years, when the teacher asked me to describe the image of Oblomov at the lesson of literature. After hearing my answer, he calmly said: "You have now expressed a view of Bukharin." I apologized and sat down. I was immediately called to the director, and he began to intimidate what he would give me me in the NKVD. I still remember how I instantly flashed in my head: "I just arrested my father, and then I am also planted. This mom will not lead! "Fortunately, everything cost. Father served a year and a half, then he was released and even paid the salary, which he did not receive because of the misfortune. Recognized a mistake! But because of this arrest, I lost myself for a long time. "

When did the desire become an actor?

Vladimir: "Quite early. Back at school, doing in a drama, I decided to go to the actors. At school evenings, I read Chekhov's "mask." Then he began to engage in self-conceiving. Pavel Tikhonovich Svischev led her and in our school, and in the promotionalization. It was he who first entrusted me in the spy sketch "on the old country", and we toured with him. And then I entered the famous Schukinskaya school. It was terrible to think - it was more than seventy (!!!) years ago. "

You're on great domestic left the volunteer, although you like the student had a reservation. What pushed? Youth maximalism?

Vladimir: "I'll try to explain. You see when you see the aerostal fences, the missed cross windows, the freebies and gloomy, concerned persons, somehow changes psychology, and this is not a hurray-patriotism - everything is much more difficult ... Immediately after the beginning of the war, we were on duty in the school, caught bombs-lighters who scattered German airplanes. Then two weeks later we, students of Schukinsky theater, sent for three months to Vyazma - dig anti-tank Rips, and on return we continued to study. But I returned from there a completely different person. And in the end could not stand. I saw that during an extremely popular at the time of the play "Feldmarshal Kutuzov" (in which we also took part) in the lounge are only thirteen spectators, and was shocked. I understood the country is not to the theater. In the morning I went to the draft board and asked for a volunteer to the front. The youthful rush, which I never regretted ... I remember even the date - October 16, 1941. "

May 9, Vladimir Abramovich notes as his second birthday. Photo: Personal archive of Vladimir Even.

May 9, Vladimir Abramovich notes as his second birthday. Photo: Personal archive of Vladimir Even.

How did it happen that you were completely a boys, sent to intelligence?

Vladimir: "At the insistence of mothers in school years I studied German, so I first sent me to four-month courses of military translators to Stavropol. They prepared for intelligence - they were even going to throw the enemy in the rear. But something broke, and I got into the rifle regiment. Fucked in the mountains of the Caucasus and in Ossetia, participated in the liberation of Rostov-on-Don and Ukraine. "

Today, after seven decades, what is most often remembered?

Vladimir: "Yes, everything! Especially fighting for Rostov, Azov, Stavropol, Grozny. Probably because there I experienced the most terrible days. No performance is capable of transferring the whole horror of the war. We are hungry, dragged the wounded on themselves, the enemy launched at night without sleep. How many times have I had to die on the front - is not transmitted by calculus. Two cases were not particularly remembered. Once we went with a chain in the attack, and suddenly the senior sergeant stuck along the older sergeant - the fragment struck the lung. The air in might did not hold, the blood was foaming, and it was necessary to shut down the hole so that he could breathe. I did it. He immediately breathed, deeply, greedily, I pulled it to myself, raised higher ... And at that moment he suddenly jerked and the winter. Everything happened under the squall fire, and the bullet, which was intended to me, got into his head. He comes out, deployed me ...

Another time on some military council, the assistant commander of the regiment on the political part suddenly declared: "Ethew would have to be shifted for it." I do not remember why. The regiment - the farm is large, a lot has happened. And added, turning to me: "True, Etush?" I got up and answered: "No, comrade lieutenant colonel. Lie. " - "Sit down". I sat down. And no one shot me. And easily could. These were the usual front weekdays. Well, then was the life of the fighter? By the way, I was a random witness to how the comda punished a soldier, because he allowed himself to take a guitar in some kind of home and truncate a couple of times, although all his strength should have given offensive. And for this commander shot it! Yes, it was under Taganrog. But you do not need to be surprised - this is the war. Or the division of the division personally shot a good guy, the foreman, for the fact that he did not run there. And the assistant depicting the regiment killed the head of the food warehouse for refused to pour him a glass of vodka. Shot for a glass! And nothing. He was demoted, but left to serve at the headquarters. "

War imposed a print on your destiny, character?

Vladimir: "Of course! I was at the front of the intelligence, and therefore I had to visit the terrible alterations. I often ask me: was it scary? And I invariably answer: you are constantly difficult for you and scary, but this fear becomes a way of life. And there were such moments that seem to be in war can not. In 1943, in the Stavropol at dawn, we took the village, just a fascist dismissed. I had to turn off the prisoner to the boat hut. The twentieth is a boy, "Language", I even remember how he was called, - Ludwig. While we walked, he asked everything: "Don't shoot me!" So, I brought this German to the commander hut. What is the commander's hut, do you know? I explain: one large room with a stove, on which the cook prepares pancakes for the regiment commander. And in the next little room - the iron bed, which is trying to fit to take a break, all officers headquarters. I left my German there and left with the instruction. Returning at night, I saw the following picture: my Ludwig was kept on this iron bed, next to him another German, who was already caught without me, in their legs across the beds lay the head of the chemical service of the regiment, on the floor, slept a prone head of intelligence, and on his The head of the Third Captive German was resting. Over all this touched the clock, who also slept, sitting on a chair. Agree, an unusual picture?! There was a complete silence, there was a feeling that there was no war, and these sleeping people are not enemies to each other. For me it was probably the most significant episode of war. Because I suddenly pierced that there is no Russian, Germans, Jews on Earth, the Germans, the Dutch ... And there are the same people as I, only dressed in the will of fate in different uniforms speaking different languages, but equally feeling and equally dreaming live. After all, in front of the face of death, we are all equal - and we have nothing to share. When I remember it now, I can't tell without excitement ... For me, the military battles ended in 1944, when I was demobilized in connection with the difficult injury. "

And immediately back - in Pike?

Vladimir: "Well, no, not immediately, I was treated for quite a long time ... but I remember very well, as in the spring of the 44th, the front-line order of the order, appeared in the school in the broken fragments of the sheel, with a stick. Of course, not for considerations of exotic, but because I just had nothing to wear. I went to that seminals in which I was wounded, even slept in it. "

Elena was a fan of Vladimir Ethew, and then became his wife.

Elena was a fan of Vladimir Ethew, and then became his wife.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Ferontovik Actor Evgeny Seener said that on the day of Victory caught himself thinking: "Here he is, paradise on earth!" What did you feel?

Vladimir: "And I felt something similar. By the way, I did not notice my birthday in May 1945. But for the rest of my life I remembered, as the Victory Day celebrated in the square in the Big Theater, where many front-line gathered. We all felt like real winning heroes. I have a surprisingly bright day in my memory, and, probably, it was the only time in my life when I saw real happiness. Happiness is an intangible category, you can't grab it. And that day it was both tears, the sun, and the brilliance of orders, and the shining faces of people. For me since May 9 - my second birthday. Then I graduated from the school and almost immediately enrolled in the troupe of the Vakhtang theater. "

You began to teach in my native Schukinsky, while still a student ... What was the reason? Not over the years a lot of life experience?

Vladimir: "No. In fact, the reason was that I did not like how artists play. (Laughs.) Honestly! I saw everything differently. I sincerely seemed to me that if I would tell them how to do it, it would be better. Nevertheless, as a teacher, I released only one course. And then, how much I was offered to take students, flatly refused. Just practiced with students, but did not take the course. The fact is that in these four years I have not played a single role! "

But on this your "one-sole" course, Alexander Zbruyev, Zinovy ​​Vysokovsky, Veniamin Stukhov, Alexander Bainenboum, Ivan Botnik, Irina Bunin ... Many of your students became famous, almost all folk.

Vladimir: "That's it pleases! I will add to these the above-mentioned artist Yuri Avsharov, he became a professor of our school. So if Stanislavsky said that for the sake of one talented student it makes sense to raise the course, then I was lucky to exceed this norm. "

You were sixteen years old by the rector of the pike and for decades took entrance exams in it. Are you often mistaken in the diagnosis of talents and freight?

Vladimir: "Like all - very often and a lot. The teacher must have intuition, the following, but no one will give you one hundred percent warranty. Still talent - the concept of subjective. Nevertheless, as I say sometimes in a joke: "I am always ready to raise a glass of" White "for that" Red ", which was drinking from me by students for so many years of my teaching in Pike."

Mikhail Kozakov and Vladimir Etush at the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Actor House.

Mikhail Kozakov and Vladimir Etush at the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Actor House.

Gennady Cherkasov

In the cinema you shot not as often as us, the audience, I would like, but all your roles are bright, colorful, memorable. Are there any favorite among them?

Vladimir: "Every role is part of me. But this does not mean that I love everything. It's like women: there may be a lot of them, but not all of them are loved. There were successful and not very. For example, the role of Karabas-Barabas in the "Adventures of Buratino" I did not really like. There was no passion on the street on the street, Momi me instead of Baba-Yaga hooligans scared - Well, what's good? And I do not consider the role of engineer of Bruns in the "12 chairs" of this work. But the dentist Shpak from Ivan Vasilyevich is yes! The film "Caucasian Captive" In addition to the recognition, I and the friendship of the "sad clown" Yuri Nikulina, which I very much treated and rushing. By the way, in the "Caucasian Captive" I didn't want to remove at all. "


Vladimir: "Before that, I have already played Seida-Ali in the historic picture of Admiral Ushakov, the Italian Martini in the" Header ", Kaloeva in the" chairman "and other heroes of southern blood. Therefore, I did not want to sharpen in this way. I'm the characteristic artist and wanted just good roles, because they were not spoiled. Not Hamlet, not Kleskov - just good. Therefore, when Gaidai suggested that I will play Sachov, I asked him: "Don't you have for such a disgusting role of any other candidacy?" In response, however, he heard that I had the best for her. I thought, thought and ... well, that I did not refuse. "

True, that after the deafening success of the Caucasian Captive, did you decide to remove the continuation?

Vladimir: "Yes. Leonid Gaidai, unfortunately, was busy, and we are the authors of the script Maurice Slobodsky and Yakovy Kostyukovsky tanned this idea ... As you remember, the film ends with the court. So, we wanted to show the experienced, Balbes and a coward along with a comrade Saakhov and his personal chauffeur in an exemplary prison, where Saakhov works as director of the club, leading camp artificial amateur. (And since only men were sitting in the colonies, the women's roles were forced to play himself!) Then - after serving the term - he returns home and finds out that his post occupied "athlete, Komsomolka and just beautiful" Nina. The script was already written, and we were all confident that it would be very funny. But we were banned back! "WHERE HAVE," said, "take off, just not for barbed wire." And how much we went to "instances" and have promised to show our prison exemplary, such that people themselves will ask her ... not allowed. "

Your cinema and theater life is full of adventure. And in life, something extraordinary happened?

Vladimir: "You will not believe it! Once I made a terrorist. Moreover, I was the first one who was forcibly planted a large plane in Moscow. "

You are joking?

Vladimir: "What are jokes?! The beginning of the seventies. Part of the film "Mission in Kabul", where director Leonid Queenihidze was invited, filmed in Afghanistan and in India. In the Vakhtangov Theater, at that time, the play was quite active, "the motion in the nobility", where I played a major role. He played without a flock, so it was impossible to appear on him - I was released from the play to the play. And now ... India, there were the main scenes with my participation. It's time to return, but there are no tickets to our Aeroflot Flight to the desired number. And in order to fly a foreign flight, you need to resolve our ambassador in India. I get permission, come to the Delhi Airport. But it turns out that all places bought bombanese industrialists. What to do? It remains to fly the next, our airport flight. And this, it means, another day later. And as a result, I, by holding a sleepless night in the plane, in Moscow to arrive at eight in the morning, and at ten it should already be in makeup, otherwise the performance breaks away. One option: Take the luggage to do not lose a second one by arrival. In short, I sit in this plane, I clarify the situation of the ship commander. He listened to me and suddenly says: "We will take a suitcase, but only in Moscow the plane will not sit down. We fly to Kiev! "-" How in Kiev? !! "I, all the instituted, I explain the situation. "I understand everything, but the plane in Moscow does not sit down." The annoyed, I sat down in my place and fell asleep. I wake up - we are already over Voronezh. I open the suitcase, and there I lay the Palash, decorative, bought in India as a souvenir. And so, the fool of Valyaa, I go to the pilots in the cockpit. And then only these hijacked aircraft began - and they were on the onset. I raised the Palash above my head, like a cavalryman in front of the attack, I enter the cockpit and says loudly: "I force to sit in Moscow!" They first twisted, and then, appreciating my humor, began to think. The pilot speaks by the radio set: "Listen, Vasya, requests, Moscow, maybe she will accept us." And almost incredible happened: Moscow adopted. "

Vladimir Abramovich, and modern films are interested in?

Vladimir: "Military films look with great interest, if this is a good job. For example, a few years ago I received sincere pleasure from the film "Standbat". A real and very honest picture. She absolutely corresponds to what I have seen in the war myself. True, unfortunately, most often - alas ... Now you watch the series - all lies. The actor says, and I do not believe him. Solid running, bustle, which want to replace the thought, action. Everything is so hurried, but incredibly pathetic, both with a meaningful raised eyebrows ... "

Vladimir Etush with his wife Elena and Vladimir Zelidin at the theater awards ceremony

Vladimir Etush with his wife Elena and Vladimir Zelidin at the Crystal Turandot Theater Award Ceremony in the Kuskovo Museum.

Alexander Cornestikhenko

You were married three times. We can say that in your life there was a lot of real love?

Vladimir: "Someone, probably, would say - very, very much. Like any man, I met on my way of women who loved and who loved me. And I am grateful to them for it. No matter how inventing our relations in the future, each of them gave me the opportunity to experience feelings, without which life seems fresh, defective. After so many years, I can say one thing about one thing: there was love in my life. Always".

Elena, your current spouse younger than you for forty-two years. On your part it was a bold act - make her an offer ...

Vladimir: "It happened naturally. I did not offer any of my wives: "Do you want to marry me?" - In general, there were no such words! We converged, and then it became clear whether to continue the relationship, somehow fixing them ... Elena was my fan, for a very long time came to me on performances. And when the tragedy happened, my wife Nina died, with which we actually lived all my life - forty-eight years old, Lena supported me in a difficult hour. She is a wonderful man, clever. My happiness. Without her, I could not exist now. I am absolutely not adapted to idle life. I myself can not fry even the cutlets! " (Laughs.)

Vladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin Recently, at his anniversary, he stated that he was still as an actor "Hungry", did not play and waiting for roles ...

Vladimir: "And I am this" hunger "experienced all my life. True, it relates to a cinema, despite the popularity of my characters. All the fault of my appearance: the hero with her will not be happy, the hero-lover is the more. Only in fairy tales and comedies remained a sweat. Therefore, when they ask me "And now who you want to play?", I answer: "Yes, who will be given." I already have no age to dream about something. "

Seven years ago to the question, do you see yourself on stage after the ninety, you strongly answered: "No!" Meanwhile, today you play in the three performances of the Wakhtangov Theater, and in general, are in great shape, give odds to many, younger. How do you manage it?

Vladimir: "I do not have any secret. Just living yourself, I work - and that's it! Apparently, I'm so arranged. Gymnastics or jogs did not work, always lazy. True, smoking had to abandon, although I smoked from childhood. Now I walk a lot, watching the right nutrition. Rather, I'm not watching, and my wife Lena. And then, the artist should work. When he does not work, he feels "without pants." For me, the best medicine is the support and love of viewers. "

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