Elephant move


- Andrei, now for more than a month you are in the new program of the circus Nikulina. How to work?

- Well. I really like in the walls of this circus. Here everyone lives traditions laid by Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin. So every exit to the playpen turns into a real holiday.

- Do you imagine the tricks worked out for years or some new items have appeared in the program?

- Most were delivered and worked before. But a few new new newly new.

- It is even difficult to imagine how you can make a huge elephant to submit to your will?! I was very surprised by the trick when the elephant falls on the belly and crawls under another. How did you manage to convince the elephant crawling on Maneja?

- In fact, nothing unnatural about it. In nature, elephants are able to crawl. For example, in India there is a reserve in which the elephants are dragging the cut trees, because there is no other transport there. And in its path, they overcome mountain reliefs, including places where you have to crawl ... three years ago, when our elephant was small, I drew attention like she, playing with a car wheel, crawled under a big elephant. I immediately thought that it could become a new trick, and in two months we put it.

- Which of the stunts presented in the program is the most difficult?

- When an elephant stands on a bowl and, turning around the legs, it moves on it. And the second is the complexity of the trick, when the elephant stands on two legs in the rack, turns the hoop on the trunk and on the back leg at the same time. This is a trick in which the elephant holds a triple balance. He was invented and put my parents. At first they just taught the elephants to stand on two legs, then they tried to teach the hoop on the trot, and then the hoop was added to the same. And so it turned out the trick, which, by the way, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. He is for more than 6 years.

- Probably your attraction should develop and improve. Do you have ideas?

- I want to repeat the trick, which my grandmother Nina Andreevna Kornilova is still in his youth. This is a flip of Morthala with a podkin board on the back of an elephant. Only not acrobats jumping on the board, as usual, and another elephant. I am currently thinking about this number, consulting specialists about the requisite.

- What constraints is facing an elephant trainer in their work?

- Restrictions are associated with the physical possibilities of the animal. For example, it is unlikely possible to force the elephant to do squirrel, we even be afraid to try, what if he breaks his spine? On the Internet, I saw a funny cartoon roller with an elephant jumping on a trampoline. By the way, in one of the foreign circles there was a trick with a horse jumping on a trampoline. But as it would be possible to make an elephant jump, I can't even imagine. Although it would be wonderful.

- What are the relationship between your elephants?

- Very warm, friendly. But with the advent of the elephant margue of the elephant, the Peta, which took on maternity concerns, began to communicate less with other elephants, since most of the time he cares and cares about the "daughter". And so they are clearly arranged priorities. The oldest elephant rank is the leader of the flock. During the feeding, the first is coming to food, the rest of it unquestioned and retreat backwards.

- With a little elephant margue, I know the touching story ...

"Yes, for Margot I flew to Guangdong - the province of South China, where a huge park of safaris with all sorts of grains is located. Three years ago, the Chinese presented the Elephant Rosgoster. For us, it became a great joy, because 20 years ago elephants were listed in the Red Book, and for the sale of these animals (including in the circus) banned. As soon as we led Margo to the elephant, it went around all the elephants. For some reason, for some reason, it was detained before the older, the rank, probably, I realized that this is a leader of the flock and gave her a tribute to her, and then ran up to Petach, lay down her legs and immediately fell asleep. The flight was long, more than ten o'clock, and Margot is very tired. And what is the most amazing, all the elephants immediately shook-covered it with a hay and guarded sleep. After that, the elephant Petach became Mom Margo.

- She constantly and touching the adopted daughter cares ...

- Very dramatic. For example, during feeding, after the rank, the Petach moves all the elephants from the feeding bags and waits until Margo finds, and only then they begin to eat Pretas and everyone else. When Margot leaves on a playpen, Petach stands near and looks at her. She is very worried about his receptional daughter ...

- Tell us about your famous dynasty.

- There is a regularity in our family, which is that someone in the circus comes from the side and dilutes blood. The first "came from the side" my great-grandfather Alexander Nikolaevich Kornilov, Sailor. Being in the dismissal, he looked at the Samara Circus-Zernets and there I got acquainted with the saleswoman of tickets, Maria Filatova, the owner of the Wizard. Fell in love, sacrificed the career of the sailor, went to the circus, worked as an assistant, then won a large group of animals and stopped on elephants. Thanks to his choice, we work with elephants now.

My grandmother, Nina Andreevna, also "came from the side." She graduated from a ballet school, at the age of 16 came to Moscow, entered the theater of operetta. One day a circus director was glanced to them, who needed three girls for the performance. Selected my grandmother and two more girls. In the circus, Grandmother met my grandfather - Kornilov's trainer.

My mother met with his father in the tenth grade in Riga, where her parents moved. The father was then the athlete, the hope of the Olympic reserve of the city, but ... He also threw and found himself in the circus!

- Yury Nikulin brought you at a young age. Tell me how it was?

"Once, when mom was on maternity decree, pregnant with my sister, Yuri Vladimirovich looked into the dressing room to my parents and seeing me, said:" I'll have enough boy to stay, it's time to release him on the playpen! " And he came up with my first room. From the auditorium in the arena, a clown pulled me out, I rested, inadvertently fell across the barrier. Just at that moment, when I climbed, I picked up an elephant and twisted on the trunk. So this trick I have been doing almost 20 years!

- Now there are a large number of entertainment. Does the circus do not lose its place on this background?

- Of course, much depends on the performers and directors. But, in my opinion, the future is still behind the circus: now humanity is increasingly goes into the virtual world, and in the circus the viewer sees what success people can achieve, working on themselves. Live art! No phonogram replace!

"I had to hear such conversations:" Why go to our circus when I arrived du Soleil. " Does it not scare it?

- This is a living competition, and maybe it's good that it is. Finally, domestic leaders will think about the formation that should be in circus performances will begin to put the circus building in order to enjoy the circus.

- This fall in Moscow passed the next shares of green, directed against the trainers. How do you feel about such performances?

- God forbid that this is done with good, and not commercial intentions ... Dresser has now changed radically. If earlier the trainer came into a cage with a lion, I got the revolver, shot, the predator was horrified into an angle, and it was considered courage, now it is unacceptable. We try to train through the game, through the observation of animals.

- What do you think, and your elephants are bad in the pine?

- I do everything possible so that my animals are and free. My dream make a reserve in which the elephants could live on the will.

- For elephants? In Russia?

- Somewhere in the Krasnodar Territory it is quite possible. By the way, this is not only my desire, but also my parents.

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