Their acquainted the war


These days, the country reopers the events of 70 years ago. Then, in December 41, Soviet troops began to close the fascists near Moscow, the enemy suffered the first major defeat. But before the victory it was for a long time, and the War's whirlpool hung the people's fates as cards in the deck. The "Parental House" publishes one of the good romantic stories of the pore - love does not choose time and place.

Olga long wade through the Moscow streets. For four months of war, the appearance of the beloved city has changed beyond recognition. All windows of the houses were sealed crosswise with paper stripes. Perceived, melted Muscovites face. Plants and factories got up, the institutions did not work. The detachments of volunteers with rifles in their hands were constantly marched through the streets.

Some went to the militia, others - for defensive work. The trenches were digging, embroidered on the banks of the rivers, built anti-tank barriers, organized in the suburbs of trees in the suburban forests. And on the Moscow streets there were barricades and anti-tank hedgehogs. In many places there were artillery guns. Reproductors on street pillars, as in the houses, did not turn off around the clock. Posters hung everywhere: "Everything for the front, everything is for victory!", "Motherland is called!" In the extended rumors about the preparing passage of the capital, Olga enemy, like most Muscovites, did not believe.

... When the sounds of the furious sirens were heard, Olga rose to the roof of her house, as she was now done at each hit. There were already standing on duty to extinguish or drop incendiary bombs falling on the house. All the sky was in the bright rays of powerful spotlights, catching German bombers, illuminating aerostats, hung on steel cables over Moscow. This time, one of the heavy bombs fell into the courtyard of the house, but fortunately, not born.

In the morning, informburo passed on the radio anxious message: German tanks already in Khimki, just a few kilometers from the capital. Olga, excited, went to the institute. The bonfires were hung everywhere in the streets - archives and documents were urgently burned. The streets were clogged with trucks, wagons, hiking with children with children and strollers, with kittomics and suitcases, as directed to the only remaining unnecessary road leading to the East, the Enthusiasts Highway. Panic began in the city. Someone rushed to rob the stores, someone - to withdraw from the city of cattle - cows, pigs, goats, so that they do not get the enemy.

In the institute courtyard, the huge fire was also hammer, from which Olga managed to grab his personal matter. The students who gathered around the campfire on the orders of the rector immediately built in the columns and sent from the city. But Olga did not go to Moscow. Her mother, the school teacher, was still the Moscow schoolchildren in Evacuation in July. Father, also a school teacher, took in 37th. About his fate did not know anything. Olga decided to go through the Corridors of the Institute in the hope of finding out who else remained in Moscow, to meet someone from his fellow students. In the assembly hall, she saw a lonely sitting on the piano lid a young thin lieutenant in a dark overalls with two "toporists" on the buttercam. Stopped and laughed.

"He looked ridiculously," he told Olga Innokentievna his grandchildren, "among the confusion that came around. On the piano. With a huge cobwo on side. He smiled at me in response. That's how we met. I liked each other right away.

In Moscow, Paul was passing. Directly from the front on the two-year-old, he drove to the Urals, where the Moscow Military Engineering School was evacuated, which he graduated a year ago. Now, having time to play in the Finnish war and meet the domestic on the border itself, he should have ensured the beginning of the school in a new place.

To the Institute of Communication Paul, Paul was driving to see a friend who appeared in the hall with Olgian friends. Paul immediately offered everyone to go with him. Olga replied: "I have to think." Then Paul, fearing to lose it forever, unexpectedly stood in front of Olga to his knee, blurted out: "Get married me!" - And kissed her hand.

There was no time for meditation. A minute later Olga, what was, without things, scolding himself for the frivolity, sat in the bodies of the two-year-old, going into full unknown, not even introducing Moscow to gain her with Paul forever.

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On December 5, in Zlatoust, they officially registered their marriage. On the same day, the counteroffensiveness of our troops near Moscow began. This day was for them for all life joyful doubly. Soon Paul achieved appointment to the front. Conducting a husband, Olga laid his gymnasther in the left pocket, the only jewel - the old silver ruble that got to her from her grandmother. Olga never parted with him, believing that he was protected from all the troubles. Saved the mascot and her Pavlush, defended from the enemy bullet, who flew him right in the heart ...

In the Lut Frost of the 43rd, Olga began premature childbirth. On a soldier's blanket, she was brought to a country hospital. She had twins. Wrap and put them Olga was not what.

The harsh soldier's blanket was cut in half. Army sheets and pillowcases broke out on the pelleys. In this Olga, the hungry, exhausted, barely keen on the legs, carried out his tinies on a forty-portous frost ...

Pavel about the birth of daughters-twins found out in the battle of the battle under Kursk from the cherished front-line triangle. Joyful news stunned him. Paul was worn by thoughts to the Urals. He must survive in this meat grinder, should see his daughters, hug his beloved Olyus ...

For Paul, the war ended in Germany, where he, by then Major, the commander of the Sapinger battalion of the 65th Army of the 2nd Belarusian Front, reached the battles. Here he was left to serve for many more years.

Olga, who on the call of his institute since the fall of 1943 again studied and worked in Moscow, celebrated victory with all Muscovites. As soon as the radio was sent early in the morning about the complete surrender of fascist Germany, she screaming "Hurray! Victory! ", ran into the courtyard, full of junk people. In the same year she graduated with honors from the institute. Two years later, Paul met his family on the perrone of the Berlin Station. Olga came out of the car with two bars in the same gray coats and the same identical gray hatches. He kissed his wife, picked up his hands and Natasha, firmly pressed his daughters to himself. The calendar was December 5, 1947. In Germany, they also had Tanyusha.

Returning to Moscow, Paul continued to serve in the army, and Olga worked at the Moscow Glavporate, and then the leading specialist of the Central Research Institute of Communication.

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Though she paid her daughters raising. Family holidays satisfied with their cakes and buns, always amazingly tasty and appetizing. Love for the parental house she grasped her children.

She treated her home pastry and admired guests and all her big family and on the day of silver, and on the day of gold, and on the day of her diamond wedding. Paul necessarily invited his beloved Olysh to the Waltz Tour, and every time she read the poems written by her to every significant family date every time.

Behind their shoulders are long, difficult, but happy life. This year, both were fulfilled by 92 years. Until December 5, his fertile wedding, Olga Innokentievna did not live just a few weeks. She hazardously fought with the disease. The whole family was next to her, before the last believing that this time she would come out by the winner.

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