5 ways to prepare for spring


For the winter, the body weakens, he lacks the sun, vitamins. It saves resources and is like in a hibernation. It's time to start it and prepare for a new spring life.

Method number 1.

Take a sport - it will help you cheer. When we exercise, a large number of endorphins are allocated in our body, which contribute to the removal of the stress hormone, that is, cortisol, from our body. Of course, during the melting of snow is not very pleasant to run through dirty puddles, but no one forces. Starting just charging at home or sign up in the gym. So you will raise metabolism and easier to survive the spring exacerbations and the depressive state that causes rare weather.

Cheese yourself charging

Cheese yourself charging


Method No. 2.

Do not forget about drinking mode. We recommend adding a lemon in simple water. This combination contributes to the purification and moisturizing of the internal systems of the body. Lemon water is considered an effective tool for massive cleansing after winter colds and avitaminosis. It will help to get rid of the subcutaneous fat accumulated for the cold cold, stimulating the work of the digestive system and the liver. In addition, the drink is well removed by excess water from the fabrics.

Peah lemon water

Peah lemon water


Method number 3.

At this time, the skin requires special care, because the cold is gradually replaced by heat. Therefore, the replacement of the fat cream, protecting his face from frost, on daylight. It's time to start using means with a light texture. But do not forget about moisturizing, even if you have oily skin, without it it will be more susceptible to dry and dehydration. Pay more attention to cleansing, because in winter the skin has accumulated a good portion of destroyed cells and toxins.

Buy Easy Day Cream

Buy Easy Day Cream


Method number 4.

Food must match the season. Do not miss the appearance of the first greens, you can even break a small garden in your windowsill, putting salad, parsley, dill, basil. You can plant Redish - this is the best product for spring detox. To fill the need of the body in useful fats, eat avocado. On the garnish to the bird, low-fat meat and fish choose vegetables.

It's time to go to greens

It's time to go to greens


Method number 5.

Nature is updated, it's time to clean your home. Code of general cleaning in the apartment. It's time to remove the Christmas tree, throw the packaging from New Year's gifts, and other trash from the house. Thus, you will protect your body from spring allergies, which dust and bacteria that accumulated in winter can cause. In addition, the sun shines in clear windows brighter, and therefore you will feel cheerfully, and the mood will be better.

Using at home

Using at home


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