Hard teenager: how to act and where to run


At the reception to a psychologist, parents who faced a misunderstanding of their child come with complaints that their children are not easy, incomprehensible and difficult. No wonder the old saying says that the older child, the greater the problems with him. Psychology and pedagogy determines the teenage age quite wide. This is an age framework from 10 to 15 years. At this time, the child's body is rapidly changing, entry during the period of cultivation is associated with serious physiological and psychological shocks. A typical sign of transitional age is inconsistency. That your child's shower child, gladly makes new acquaintances, communicating with the mass of people, then it closes, reacting to the question. On Monday, he is absolutely confident in his genius, going to conquer Harvard, and by Thursday suffering from the consciousness of his own ordinary and the inability to do something bright. Pay attention to a number of features that will allow you to understand that your child entered into the period of growing up:

- Egocentricity, is related to the fact that their own problems for a teenager are in priority. He is not interested in what is happening around. And here is a new pimple on the chin or oblique look of a classmate swell to the scale of the universal tragedy.

- A teenager makes plans truly Napoleon scale. This means that he already knows how he will earn his first million, while the hike for bread is not significant for him.

- teenagers nice to feel cool, it does, stubborn and protesting. So, the teenager trains himself in such qualities as independence and independence.

- Romanticism that the mist is not worse than the raging hormones.



In this difficult period, parents are extremely important not to go into the moralization, or do not fall into another extremes - minimizing communication with the child. It is clear that constant quarrels and reproaches exhaust not only the child, but also parents. But you do not need to "facilitate" my life, bringing communication to household items, at the "Soup on the table", "I will bring garbage", "as in school" and so on. Do not give in to the provocations, remember that the child at this age, despite the seeming dislike for adults, desperately needs love and approval. The instability of the psyche, the inconsistency of behavior is just a mask. Support and approval of the elders are necessary for another small person. Remember that the arrogance and audacity is rather apparent, inside the teenager most often feels insecurity and fear.

We will analyze a number of characteristic cases and try to offer several universal methods that will allow you to better understand your teenage child.

A teenager begins to conflict with his parents, questioning their authority. This is due to the fact that the adolescent the prestige becomes peers, it is their approval in this period that becomes head of the corner. An understanding parent, should know that in order for their child to appreciate not dubious recommendations of friends from the street, and their own, you need to become an example for him. Try to share with it with your doubts, plans for the future and in time he will be more trusting you. The problem of lies, often occurring in the adolescence, can and need to be solved. But it should be understood that this is a long process. Parents should consider their behavior strategy. Perhaps a stormy response to small mistakes of a teenager occurs. It is defended by a squall of emotions and morals. It is easier for him to give answers that are pleasant to his mother or father. Be tolerant, even if you see a lie. Remember that adolescents love to dream. The rudeness in adolescence should not be identified with the unpretentiousness. The cause of gross behavior should be sought in a shortage of attention and desire to show their adoption. A teenager needs to feel what they treat him as equal to themselves. It is important to convey to an adheating man that the rudeness is not a manifestation of adulthood. Adhere is responsible for their actions. To survive the transitional age of your child will be easier if you remember that in spite of all the problems, our children are the best in the world. Just love and appreciate the identity of your child.

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