Why don't you like people


It is not necessary to be an ideal person to like people. It is worth selling some of your drawbacks, and you will see that those around you will reach out.

It is difficult to say that it is not like people in a particular person that, after all, each of us has a certain set of qualities, both positive and negative. By the way, even positive qualities may irritate people, it happens quite rarely. Today we will tell about five habits (read - character traits) that annoy almost everyone.

In your speech too much "I"

Recall the saying from childhood: "I am the last letter in the alphabet." But who does it stop? We are sure you know many people who are trying to remind themselves, even if the conversation is not about them. People make up the impression that a man is an egoist and, in general, it is better to stay away from him. To position the interlocutor to himself, it is much more important to listen to and interested in a person with whom we are talking, then you do not threaten the glory of an arrogant person.

People are waiting for you to listen

People are waiting for you to listen

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

You interrupt the interlocutor

Do you know that the ability to listen not to everyone? Anyone will be pleased if you carefully listen to what he wants to say. If you start to interrupt, it will show you from a disadvantageous side: thereby make it clear that you are not interested in the subject of the conversation and you would like to finish the conversation. Turn the situation on the contrary - would you have a pleasure for communication? We do not think so. You will have time to express your opinion on the question under discussion, but to begin with the patience and wait for your interlocutor to finish the phrase. No need to take your commentarily ahead of time.

You do not answer calls and messages

People are very unpleasant if they try, the message is gaining, perhaps, breaking away from their affairs, and you ignore them. A person may seem that you are in principle not interested in communicating with him. No one is interested in excuses like "I was once," answered the message - the case of a few minutes, you will not lose absolutely nothing. If the letter is long, write that at the moment you cannot give a detailed answer and answer a little later. The main thing is not to be silent.

More interest in others

More interest in others

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

You feed yourself the price

Let you have at least three higher education, knowledge of a dozen languages ​​and a personal record in the local pool on a short distance - this is not a reason to throw their merits before others. Your achievements will be able to evaluate and without a constant reminder - no one loves boasts. Even more annoying when a person exhibits fetaned records for real. Sooner or later, the deception will still be recognized, and you will be in bad light. Are you sure you want to lie in a liar?

Let others value your achievements

Let others value your achievements

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

You say too quiet

It is difficult for a person at the same time to strain, trying to hear your words, and delve into their meaning. For this reason, not all the information you wanted to convey will reach your interlocutor. If the conversation is delayed, your quiet speech will begin to annoy. In such cases, an excellent solution will be courses on oratory skill, where in a short time you can put a voice and work out diction.

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