What you can not speak in love teenage


Teens - people are very sensitive, they need a special approach, especially when it comes to a period of love. Remember yourself at his age, you have also reacted rapidly on any interference from the elders. We collected seven phrases, which in no case cannot speak in love with a teenager.

Do not be sad

This phrase you only devalue the feelings of a young man. Typically, parents are trying to protect their child from negative emotions, but in fact it turns out quite the opposite: the child closes, experiencing the entire negative from love experiences inside. Over time, he will cease to pay attention to the conversation with you to his feelings that is not good.

Found because of whom to kill. Won, how many girls around (guys)

Again, similar phrases you depreciate the feelings of a teenager. Believe me, he knows the variety of girls and guys on this, but at the moment it is interested in one / one only, so your argument does not work. You are just once again upset the child.

Do not devalue his feelings

Do not devalue his feelings

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

So grow and find even better

Agree, after you survived a love drama, I don't really want to think about the future. If parents react in a similar way, a child can decide not to contact them for advice. Try to penetrate the problem deeper and not get out of common phrases, because for a child this experience, like any other, is incredibly important for the concept of yourself.

In your age, early think about love

Oh, how many disputes begging between parents and children on the topic of the severity of relations and love in general. You may seem that at such a young age can not talk about something serious. Yes it is. But for the child, these relationships mean the whole world, so do not devalue and do not detract on his feelings, but better tell us about your unsuccessful experience in youth and how you coped with spiritual experiences.

Even at a young age, you can experience serious feelings.

Even at a young age, you can experience serious feelings.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

You are not in love, you just seem

The worst phrase, which only you can hear from the parent. Do not think that the love of a teenager is different from the "adult" love. Perhaps there are certain nuances, but in general, adolescent feelings are the same deep and sincere. Give your child to figure out and decide how much he is in love. Just offer help if he asks you, and do not condemn.

Look around, you can find someone else

At a certain point, adolescent experiences on unfortunate love can delay longer than we would like. In this case, it is not worth mentioning the latitude of its choice relative to the opposite sex - let him figure out and move away from previous relationships. You can gently remind about the hobbies of the child and ask, I would not want to do that it attracts most of all that the experiences gradually shook.

Support a child in a difficult moment for him

Support a child in a difficult moment for him

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

He / she is not worth your experiences

At a difficult moment, when the previous relationship is destroyed, the teenager is most worried that no one can like him like the previous object of adoration. Again, your words about the insignificance of events will not make better, but only catch a teenager and his feelings. No need to say that his feelings are not worth nothing, as any experiences, be it loved or others, is not nonsense at all.

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