Why financial compensation will help Efremov soften his fate


Drunk accident involving the famous actor Mikhail Efremova is not the first day in the center of attention of the Russian press. Now Mikhail Efremov has been sent under house arrest. In his respect, a criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with a punishment from 5 to 12 years of imprisonment. But the main thing is not even that. Due to the fact that Efremov will sit in the colony, the family of the deceased person will already be, unfortunately, neither is cold, nor hot. The deceased will not return. But Mikhail Efremov, of course, must suffer punishment. And not only in the form of imprisonment, but also in the form of compensation of expenses and losses to relatives of the deceased person.

If we talk about the amount that would cost to offer the relatives of the deceased, at first Efremov could allocate them from 50 million rubles for natural expenses, and before the court - another 50 million rubles at the expense of damage. Of course, all this assistance must be properly legally executed so that no one has issues emerged later.

Pavel Levshun

Pavel Levshun

By the way, Efremov himself offered to compensate the costs and damage to relatives of the deceased person. One hundred million rubles is a completely appropriate amount in order to somehow cover all the horror that relatives of the deceased person are experiencing. At the trial, by the way, the fact of helping the family of the deceased will be taken into account. And then, Mikhail Efremova will have another chance to mitigate punishment.

Of course, a lot will depend on the position of the victim. So far, as far as I know from media messages, the relatives of the deceased Sergey Zakharov refuse to go to reconciliation with Mikhail Efremov. They can be understood: when a native man dies as a result of actions of this drunk driver, I want to punish the last as soon as possible, at the same time and demonstrating other people who are prone to sit behind the wheel in a state of intoxication, all the rigor and the inevitability of punishment.

However, in the process of trial, everything can change: a shock of what happened, and the relative of the deceased will understand that it is possible to punish their relative, not only through his detention, but also with the help of financial instruments. I believe that Mikhail Efremova should have enough human decency not only to recognize his guilt, but also compensate for the damage to the delicious deceased.

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