Not your man: 8 reasons to pass by


He himself tells you about it

Sometimes the men are immediately recognized that they are not ready for serious relationships, and the girls in turn ignore these words. As a result, everyone ends with a scandal and offend on a partner.

It is not worth spending too much effort to conquer its location: Most likely, you will not achieve anything. Do not build illusions, just listen to the words of your new acquaintance and be grateful to him for honesty.

Complaints yes also on former

First, to complain about your past relations - this is already a little miserable, such conversations should be the first "calling". Secondly, there is a possibility that he is simply not ready to take responsibility, but to build relations with an irresponsible person is a hopeless thing.

Resolute does not mean responsible

Resolute does not mean responsible


Hints for sex

Do not be surprised if your new friend will begin to decline you to intimate intimate proximity: people who are not ready for serious relationships are extremely simply referring to the change of sexual partners. The main thing is, do not expect that after that a person will confess to you in eternal love - in most cases everything happens with an accuracy of the opposite.

Can't forget the latest relationship

Do not think that after meeting you your chosen one will, with ease, will forget my previous love. Men required time to emotionally move away from the failed novel.

What if he is generally married?

As a rule, the story of married men was prepared in advance, which they tell the gullible girls, trying to convince them of seriousness of their intentions: "I hurried with the wedding," "We live like neighbors," "not leaving for children" and t . D. This noodle he will hang you on the ears for years, and you will stay in the role of mistress.

If a man immediately makes an offer - do not share

If a man immediately makes an offer - do not share


Resolute does not mean responsible

We did not have time to get acquainted, and your new partner is already confessed in love and makes an offer? Well, such a man clearly can be called romantic, but not responsible: a person who is aware that such a family is and how difficult it is to build relationships, it will not be frivolous to ask for hands and hearts from an almost unfamiliar girl. He will surely give a lot of promises and will take on a lot of obligations, trying to impress a reliable person, but with the slightest difficulties he will refuse his intentions with the same ease, since such people are often not ready to cope with difficulties. Do not be deceived: truly reliable men are in no hurry with promises and think in advance whether they will be able to keep the word.

All around to blame

If your interlocutor is constantly complaining about something, whether parents, friends, government, bosses and so on, thereby exposing themselves to the victim of circumstances, then a loser fell in life. He will remain so, no matter how much you nounted with him: this is his life position. And she is beneficial for him, as she frees it from the need to take any actions and allows a lot to forgive themselves. Do not hope that after you are morally supported, it will come in spirit - he will always find what they complain, be sure!

In addition, you should not expect mutual support and understanding from such a person: its sensitivity applies only to himself.

Why should a woman?

Why should a woman?


"Woman should"

Your chosen one says: "I need such something and such that, and you just fit"? Obviously, such a man is not capable of equitable relationship: he needs a servant he can command, and he is completely indifferent to your feelings and interests.

Sometimes such a tyrant is extremely difficult to recognize: at the beginning, he refers to your choice with demonstrative respect, while avoiding the expressions of his preferences. You, such behavior should alert: if a person really respects his potential partner, he will not only ask about his desires, but he will voicate his own to come to mutual agreement.

If he often says: "As you say," then, most likely, he does not believe in the possibility of a compromise. Sooner or later, the poles will change: he will try to "win" at your expense.

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