Scientists found out which blood type is less susceptible to coronavirus disease


Scientists of the American service to decipher the genome 23andme determined that representatives of the first group of blood in the smallen degree are subject to COVID-19 disease, it became aware of the report published on the company's website.

For research, scientists studied the data of almost 750 thousand patients, 10 thousand of which were coronavirus. As it turned out, the owners of the first group of blood are 9-18% less susceptible to coronavirus disease.

Scientists have also studied medical workers who often contact with sick. In this group, the carriers of the first blood group also infected less often by 13-26%. Specialists clarified that such a protective effect works for people with positive and negative rezes.

Now scientists are gaining a new group of subjects for re-experiment.

"Study and search for volunteers continue. We hope that we can use our research platform for a better understanding of the differences in how the body of people reacts to the virus - specialists share. - Ultimately, we hope to publish our research results to provide a scientific community to a deeper understanding of COVID-19, "said experts.

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