Liposuction: look without illusions


Myth 1: "After liposuction licking."

Comment: "Despite the fact that liposuction is aimed at partial removal of the subcutaneous fat layer, this is not a way of weight loss. "Aesthetic surgery is an excellent auxiliary way of combating overweight, explains Anvar Salijanov. - The task of a plastic surgeon is to improve your body contours, that is, remove local fat deposits. The main contingent of our patients is pretty slim people, often sports physique, which spoils only one detail, for example, the same "halifer" or a small tummy. Such accumulations are called fat traps or local fat hypertrophy. The rest of your body can be perfect, but what to do with these insidious rounds that do not leave even after a strict diet and are not amenable to simulators? We remove everything too much, and the figure becomes almost perfect. If the body broke up as Kisel, the operation will not help. It is impossible to pump out fat from all areas without prejudice to health. The removal of a large amount of fat is a huge stress for the body, which can be accompanied by blood loss, infection and other serious complications. If your weight exceeds a specific rate, refer to the nutritionist. In more serious cases - to the endocrinologist, since such problems often occur against the background of hormonal disorders. So first make your health, and when the weight comes to normal, you can resort to liposuction. "

Myth 2. "Liposuction is" once and forever. "

Comment: "One of the main myths about liposuction. Alas, even the most perfect device for liposuction is not a magic wand, but a surgeon, even if highly qualified, is not a magic. "Most fat cells really become non-visual, but no guarantee that fat will not start to accumulate in other parts of the body, of course, does not exist," says Anvar Salidzhanov. - The body is arranged in such a way that it constantly tries to compensate for any loss, which directly applies to adipose tissue. So a balanced nutrition plus regular fitness sessions in this case are not a luxury, but an urgent need. In my opinion, liposuction is well "disciplined." After all, lose the resulting result is very offensive. The main thing is not to relax, because it is much easier to destroy than to create. "

Myth 3. "Liposuction procedure is absolutely safe."

Comment: "This myth is strongly promoted by many advertising publications. Of course, liposuction cannot be compared with the operation on the heart or the amputation of the limb, but also to call the "harmless cosmetic procedure" is completely wrong. "Even the cases of fatal outcomes are known," says Anvar Salijanov. - Hidden health problems, reaction to anesthesia or a strong allergic reaction to the introduced solution are very dangerous. This is a small percentage that is present in any surgical intervention, even in the treatment of teeth. Another potential threat to health and even life is fat embolism, when the fat cell clogs a damaged vessel. Fortunately, such though it happens, but quite rare. As for possible complications, they are divided into early (general and local), as well as remote, which may arise much later. Local complications include hematomas that do not pass long, gray, as well as partial loss of skin sensitivity. Usually they pass independently, but in any case amenable to correction. Remote complications are more aesthetic. These are hypers, skin irregularities, hyperpigmentation, flabby or coarse scars. It is more complicated with them, but it is also possible. In order to maximize the risk of such trouble as much as much as possible, take off to the upcoming operation with full responsibility. Remember that there are a number of certain contraindications to liposuction. It is not conducted with severe systemic diseases, including diabetes mellitus, as well as in violation of the functions of vital organs. "

Myth 4. "Modeling massage is a decent alternative to liposuction."

Comment: "To some extent it is true. After all, both techniques are aimed at the "breaking" of fat deposits, but differ in their feelings. "Modeling massage is a real execution intended for the most persistent. - says Anwar Salijanov. - After such manipulations, the body is covered with bruises, not to mention the fact that during the session you will scream from pain. If we consider that to achieve visible results it is necessary to undergo a course consisting of at least five procedures, the prospects are not the most joyful. In my opinion, only those who literally shakes with the words "plastic surgeon" and "Operation" are solved on it. Of course, this is the personal matter of everyone. But it is much easier to go to the operating table, close your eyes, and after a while wake up updated. Many surgeons make local anesthesia, but I believe that overall anesthesia is not only a guarantee of your calm, but also a key to success. You will sleep peacefully, while your body will be relaxed, it is much easier to work with it, which means that the result will be optimal. "

Myth 5: "Liposuction solves cellulite problem."

Comment: "This is not so considering that two problems exist at different levels. "With liposuction, we work at the depth where cellulite is not formed," explains Anvar Salijanov. - True, there is one subtlety. Since liposuction is a local trauma, the body mobilizes all its reserves for its healing, in particular, enhances blood circulation and lymphotok. If cellulite is not too pronounced, it is about the first and second stage, there is an explicit improvement. In some cases, the "orange crust" is smoothed completely. Alas, it happens not as often, therefore it is not necessary to associate such concepts as "liposuction" and "cellulite", together. To combat this urgent problem, there are many other ways, such as wrapping, massage, as well as mesotherapy. They are not allowed, suitable almost everyone and very effective. "

Myth 6: "After liposuction, the resistant lifting effect is observed."

Comment: "Liposuction is aimed at removing fat cells, so it will not help get rid of stretched skin. Moreover, when removing large volumes of fat, the skin can simply sue what will require surgical excision. "The skin is not tightened, it is a bit" subsidence, "says Anvar Salijanov. - An example is liposuction in the chin area. An experienced surgeon will always prompt the expected result, and if you want to return the elasticity of the skin, it can offer one or another method of surgical suspender, which is directed to solving this problem. An important value in achieving the desired result is the postoperative period and the correctness of the recommendations of your doctor. The first time we will have to wear special compression linen, which prevents the occurrence of pronounced edema, bleeding, which significantly reduces the periods of rehabilitation. After the rehabilitation is over, it is useful to undergo a massage course "

Myth 7. "Rough scars and scars are a fee for the new silhouette."

Comment: "The liposuction procedure is carried out through miniature punctures that are healing for counting hours. "To allow the formation of scars, you need to" try "very much, that is, to injure the inner layers of the skin," says Anwar Salijanov. - Perhaps there are such craftsmen, but I, fortunately, I do not know them. A more real thing is the effect of the "washing board" when, after removing fat, the skin relief becomes uneven. But unlike scars, you can get rid of corrective procedures from this. "

Myth 8. "The result of liposuction can be seen the next day."

Comment: "This is never happening. "To see yourself in a new look immediately after surgery, it is possible in two cases: it is mammoplasty, as well as the correction of burrows," says Anvar Salijanov. - In all other cases, including liposuction, there is an edema that comes out gradually. He greatly lubricates the picture, so many patients are elementary frightened and think that the operation failed. Significant improvements will be noticeable no earlier than two or three weeks. "

Myth 9. "Mechanical liposuction is the same as ultrasound, only more affordable."

Comment: "Mechanical liposuction -" Classic genre ". It all began with it, but since then a lot has changed. "Mechanical liposuction, acting on the thickness of the fatty tissue in different planes and directions, turns it into a certain sembling sponge, explains Anvar Salijanov. - At the same time, no more than three liters of fat can be removed. More modern methods, such as ultrasound, laser liposuction, as well as electrolyproofing, allow you to get rid of much more volumes. The principle of operation here is a bit different, as fat does not become more loose, but completely destroyed. This is a thinner job, and it requires skill. True, I can not say that one method is 100% more efficient than the other. It all depends on the skill and experience of a specialist. Someone successfully makes the usual "mechanics", and it is written to it for the month, and some are mistaken, working with the exact apparatus. "

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