Alena Shishkova left Timati?


This week, a grand scandal broke out when the press appeared information that Timati's girlfriend and the mother of their one-year-old daughter Alice Alena Shishkova secretly meets with the famous football player Anton Shunin. Today Anton decided to speak. He published in his microblog Selfie with Alaina, who signed very briefly, but Emko: "Everything is transparent, clean and understand!" At the end of the signature he put a heart. Apparently, the young man decided on this act after Shishkova in his Instagram published their joint photo, and Shunina's name was accompanied by a heart. Timati fans are shocked by what happened and hope that the artist will still say his weightless male word. In the meantime, fans only remains to guess and assume the reasons for the break of one of the most beautiful couples of our show business. "Eh beautiful couple was, Alena and Timati! - They write fans of the singer (here and then the spelling and punctuation of authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit). - No more people know anything! No need to swear and charges! Timati has been working a lot in recently, the video clip, tours, touring. I personally do not like football players, girls do not give in to the temporary lack of feelings. "

So Selfi Alena Shishkova and Anton Shunina looks like a football player page. Photo:

So Selfi Alena Shishkova and Anton Shunina looks like a football player page. Photo:

And some readers of the microblogging of the love triangle believe that it was originally in the Timati family and everything was not so unequivocal. "Do not you understand, now the trend is such among the girls to find the rich (like Timati), to give birth from him by anything, so that later it is not to live on the alimony, it turns out one of the subscribers of the football player page. - Will not be together. There and Mom Timati, what good, so loves the daughter-in-law, the photos exhibits, and loves everyone, but if only a son did not marry)))! In turn, it is impossible to disagree if the man (Timati) does not marry officially, then, too, everything is clear what kind of "importance and meaning" takes this lady in his life. Therefore, plally! Alena went further to arrange his life, perhaps, maybe else to give birth to, so you see, for the whole "kindergarten" as a result of so many alimony from everyone, you can never work anymore! "

Alena Shishkova page in Instagram. Young people took pictures after passing the thematic quest. Photo:

Alena Shishkova page in Instagram. Young people took pictures after passing the thematic quest. Photo:

It is worth adding that in 2013 Anton Shunin divorced his wife Veronica, and in the past, he began with her a lawsuit because of his son.

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