10 female mistakes in relationships


In modern society, a woman, and a man, too, is becoming more difficult to build normal, strong and warm relationships. It is not by chance that the number of divorces is more than half of the concluded marriages, and families fall apart literally in the first year - two after the wedding. And how many unregistered relationship breaks? Such statistics are not even conducted and cannot be kept!

There are many errors and obstacles that do not allow to build a normal relationship to a woman. A frivolous attitude towards her and someone else's life, not the ability to accept and understand another person, its own psychological complexes become for many insurmountable barriers to building a happy family. So what is this mistake?

1. To put your loved one above yourself and your life

We often hear the phrase "I love you more than life." But in fact, the key to happiness is in love for yourself, first of all. We can love another person, but we should not put it and the relationship with him above our own personality, otherwise there is a very tangible risk to turn into a "slave" with all the ensuing consequences: no one wants to live with a "slave", such a "slave" in relations Quickly bored and get rid of it, or begin to mock it.

2. To love for what he loves you

This is also an erroneous position. A person should not love someone who loves him. This, of course, is commendable, but it is not worth raping yourself and your feelings because some erroneous idea of ​​the debt before in love with you arose in my head. You should not have anything to anyone, even if this someone loves you so much.

3. blindly believing someone else's criticism

Very many women, unfortunately, are susceptible to criticism from other people, whether parents, girlfriends or even completely extraneous citizens. But in most cases, criticism is a veiled manipulation, an attempt to "program" your behavior so that it brings benefits, not to you, but the criticism. It is necessary to distinguish between really constructive criticism and psychological pressure, manipulation, which only prevents you in life and in relations in the first place.

4. Open at first meetings

This also applies to psychological, and intimate aspects. No matter how freely there are no more morals, but our psychology and physiology are arranged so that in most cases a man will not particularly appreciate the woman who surrendered on the first date. This is not the "victory", it was not worth the effort, therefore it would be worth it for such relationships. There are exceptions, but they, alas, only confirm the rule.

5. Excessively trust the partner

Trust must be deserved. But many women and girls burn out, believing in the stories of the workers, which they cover either their own inconsistency, or, more worse, mercenary and even criminal plans. All these fairy tales from 30-40-year-old men about the recently burned business, the evil former wives who climbed everything to a penny, are not standing and left eggs. Trust, but check - the iron rule. Do not immediately deny what a man tells you, but also to turn into a submissive listener fairy tales is also impossible.

6. Believe in love at first sight

Appearance and even some kind of actions of a man in the first days of dating have nothing to do with how he will be a husband. If you are going to build a joint life, wake up every morning next to this person, then you should first find out what he represents yourself and at the same time remove the "pink glasses" and forget about "love at first sight". Most of the marriages are decayed precisely because of the erroneous ideas of his wife about her husband and her husband about his wife. Only time will show who in front of you. A person is revealed in different situations, and not in the presentation.

7. Search salvation from loneliness

Many women, unfortunately, are tired of loneliness, ready to marry or at least build love relationships with any man who will pay attention to them. But you need to appreciate yourself. No matter how painfully loneliness, but even worse - life with an unloved person. It can turn into a real nightmare for you, so refuse the thoughts to marry exclusively so that in the house there are someone's pants and someone's ears. Loneliness is an encumbrance when life is empty or filled with only stereotypical thinking and actions. If women had applied so much effort to their lives, loneliness would be an excellent opportunity, not Bremen

Respect yourself and look for your true love!

8. Control over husband or partner

Nothing does not give up adult self-sufficient men, as attempts by comprehensive control from his wife or girlfriend. Such control you deprive a man of its subjectivity as an adult, throw it back "at 12 years old". And he either leaves you, either begins to lie. Relationships in any case are destroyed - quickly or slowly.

9. Excessive jealousy to any women

How many marriage and relationships broke out due to jealousy. But not in all cases, men started actually intrigue on the side. Most often, jealousy and men, and women are contrived. And she begins to gradually point the relationship like the water sharpens a stone. As a result, you no longer believe your man, and he decides that if so, he still nothing to lose, and it is stuck in all serious. In the desire to establish themselves, the partners believe that the perception did not really happen is distorted. And you need to do your self-esteem, your surroundings, goals.

10. Violation of personal space

And the man and a woman in marriage and in relationships still should remain their own personal space. We are not talking about a room or desk, and not even about the content of the phone, but about the right to have your own interests, hobbies, your friends and girlfriends, your lifestyle. Your right to agree with these hobbies or not, but you cannot prohibit them with an independent adult person. Therefore, before entering into relationships, analyze and think: is it suitable for this particular person with his lifestyle, a circle of communication, interests, habits, or not. Or join my marathons in instagram.

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